Stormheaven Lorebooks Bugged

To be more precisely:
To dream beyond dreams.
This picture shows the location...but it is not there...atleast thats what it seems to be.
After jumping around i could see the purple glow underneath the table...
As you can see here: there is the pruple mist inside of the table...
<img src="; />

Then i found another version of this book with yellow pages isntead of black...but it did not count for the tracker...
Edited by LazerusKI on 9 April 2014 00:21
  • Sihnfahl
    Yes, a number of lorebooks are underneath an object.

    I just submit /bugs, include the screenshot, and add a little commentary. You know.

    "You know, I'm just this harmless little book, just trying to mind my own business, and let folks read me. And here comes along this lout of a cabinet who decides he wants to park his butt on top of me!

    Would it be too difficult to GET HIS FAT BUTT OFF ME!?"
  • LazerusKI
    its hard enough to level up the mages guild...but with bugged books its even harder.
    I hate items who glitch into objects, sadly thats a problem that appears in way too many other games too >.<
  • Sihnfahl
    Well, it seems to be a regular Bethesda problem. Someone puts in the X and Y, but forgets the proper Z to account for the table / bed / cabinet / what have you.
  • Nightpulse
    Yeah, kinda annoying, but most of the lore books can be 'fixed' by re-logging if they happen to be stuck inside or under an object.
  • Sihnfahl
    Tried that. Logging out, logging in, teleporting, died several times.
  • LazerusKI
    Nightpulse wrote: »
    Yeah, kinda annoying, but most of the lore books can be 'fixed' by re-logging if they happen to be stuck inside or under an object.
    thanks a lot for that! it worked!
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