[NA PVP DC] Mostly Harmless


Mostly Harmless is a competitive guild actively recruiting players for the Daggerfall Covenant!

Our members are long time gamers with a great deal of history in MMOs. We are looking for individuals who possess the experience and initiative to dominate Cyrodiil with us. Our primary focus will be PvP, however our members are exploring all aspects of The Elder Scrolls Online.

Mostly Harmless is regularly hosting events in preparation for the ESO release. Anyone is welcome to register as a Guest on our website which will give you access to our news and announcements forums, events, and our TeamSpeak server. Check out the calendar for upcoming Game Nights. Watch them on Twitch and Youtube!

Why try Mostly Harmless?

- Game Nights!

- Competitive (see below for member profiles and achievements)
- Excited, involved players
- Multi-gaming community
- Streamers, videographers, guide writers
- Mature & team oriented
- Sponsored by Mr.Beer & 3up Golf!
- Active voice comms and forums
- fun!

Interested? CLICK to register as our Guest. See the comments below to meet our members.

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Edited by Rangcom on May 7, 2014 6:13PM
  • Beldorr
    Here is 5 minutes and 40 seconds of one of my favorite pvp skirmishes in Mostly Harmless's raid nights. Character Beldorr, Nightblade support. At the end my mod reported 420k healing (total engagement was about 12 minutes).

    We had joined an AD owned alliance war and nabbed a scroll from behind enemy lines. Teamwork got us through!

  • Malarky
    Mostly Harmless will be hosting a live stream with special guest Richard Garriot, aka Lord British, creator of Ultima online and visitor to the International Space Station on Saturday May 10th at 8 est!
  • Beldorr
    ESO Cyrodill Skyshard run today; Monday, May 19, 07:00:00 pm (GMT -5)

    If you're looking to have a casual hangout with Mostly Harmless guild members, come see how you fit in. Finish gathering those pvp skyshards at the same time and get some pvp action along the way.

    Edited by Beldorr on May 19, 2014 2:05PM
  • Attorneyatlawl
    We're still after some excellent people to fill out our ranks! Great community and competitive, but non-50,000-boars-in-the-woods atmosphere with events and stuff pretty much always popping :). Come check us out at mhguild.com!
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • jcfreakyob14_ESO
    Just wanted to put in my 2 cents as well. I joined MH a month prior to ESO launch, and have been pleased with the help, motivation and talent of our members. If you're looking for a group of committed players who are on often, willing to help, and strive to excel, MH will be here for months to come. Feel free to check us out, message a member or officer, or ask to join up in our events when we have them.

    Kindayar <><
  • Bwaite43
    Really Outstanding guild here did a interview with Lord British we did a few weeks ago. Good times!

  • bsheffield2008ub17_ESO
  • sp4rkz_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Mostly Harmless, mostly...
  • Alaric
    A little highlight from our 'Goblin PvP Event' last night in Cyrodiil.

  • Bwaite43
    Good Time last night in AA Runs!
  • aggie.latinob14_ESO
    Seems like a good time, who do I need to talk to in order to get additional information? Also, where do you guys tend to do most of your pvp'ing?(server wise)

  • Malarky
    You can message me @Emolarky or feel free to hop onto our teamspeak:

    voice.mhguild.com:9996 (no password) - Just poke one of us to get moved.

    As far as PvP goes lately we've been hopping from campaign to campaign just looking for fights. Bloodthorn is the home server for most of us but that map is typically all blue.

    Edited by Malarky on June 3, 2014 5:35PM
  • Bwaite43
    Good times.. Had a great Guild EP Public dungeon run!
  • akemp333_ESO
    I'm a new recruit in Mostly Harmless so I have not been in the guild long but everyone I have met here so far is really friendly and helpful. If you are looking for a great bunch of people to group with and make your ESO gaming experience more fun put in an application.
    Edited by akemp333_ESO on June 14, 2014 2:20AM
  • akemp333_ESO
    PvP footage from 6/14 of Mostly Harmless taking out AD and EP groups back to back.

  • akemp333_ESO
    That was a lot of fun last night farming all those AD on the Auriel's Bow campaign. I couldn't help lol when we would kill 20 of them and 10 sec later another wave would come in to die like the last...... I think I got around 70k AP in about an hour or so it was crazy. Great job leading us around Wahii! :D
  • Malarky
    Mostly Harmless is hosting a Community PvP Event on Saturday June, 21st at 9pm EDT. We are tentatively planning to be on Bloodthorn, but this is subject to change if there are no fights to be found there. Level VR1+ is recommended, but not required.
    Feel free to hop on our teamspeak and join the fight! voice.mhguild.com:9996
  • akemp333_ESO
    Here is another video showing how much fun we have been having in PvP. Mostly Harmless forces farm AP from AD players on the Auriel's Bow campaign. I edited out the parts where we waited around for AD forces to regroup before our next assault to make the video a lot shorter.


  • Wahee
    Here's another perspective on the video akemp linked. Mostly Harmless invited Auriel's Bow players to join us in Teamspeak and run with us for the night. Action on Auriel's Bow recorded June 16. Special thanks to the AB players who joined us. Footage is from leader POV, nightblade caster.

    Edited by Wahee on June 18, 2014 10:18PM
    Mostly Harmless: PvP leader and officer
  • Malarky
    Follow us on Twitter!

    Saturday June 21st at 9pm EDT Mostly Harmless is hosting a public raid on Bloodthorn (server subject to change). Hop on TS and join us! voice.mhguild.com:9996
    Edited by Malarky on June 19, 2014 6:43PM
  • Malarky
    Mostly Harmless "This Week in PvP" Episode 1!
  • akemp333_ESO
    Just another casual Mostly Harmless keep defense against superior numbers
  • Malarky
    Another clip of what we do in PvP

  • akemp333_ESO
    We have been PvPing on the Celarus campaign lately. If you would like to group with some of our members and get a feel for our guild join our TeamSpeak server voice.mhguild.com:9996 and type MHX in zone for an invite to group.
  • akemp333_ESO
    Video of the Holy Cyrodiil event we had last night.

    Edited by akemp333_ESO on July 9, 2014 2:39AM
  • Beldorr
    PVP Raid tonight, helping guild mate push for emperor. Hop on TS and join us! voice.mhguild.com:9996
  • Aeradon
    Which campaign would you guys join when the new ones are pushed?
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • quakedawg_ESO
    Much respect to MH. Hope to see you on the battlefield :)
    Pro Tip: Form a group of 4 and hang out with the zerg. Now you can claim you only run with 4. I'm l33t

    'I've never died in AvA. Undefeated!'
    'My group of 4 will often take on 100+ with no problem. I have videos to prove it'
    'All the abilities on my keyboard require real skill to spam'
  • Malarky
    Congrats to the Mostly Harmless Team on winning the official ESO PvP Tournament at Quakecon! Great job guys! Here’s a video of the winning moment as recorded by another MH member.

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