Enchanting need some pickup balancing

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I have noticed there is a LARGE imbalance in the picking up of runestones. Besides the fact that there doesn't seem to be a lot of them the numbers by type is really out of whack. There are 7-8 essence runestone for every potency and the aspect runes stones are even more difficult to find.
I can see having a common type but in a crafting profession that requires all three, there MUST be a more even distribution.
I hope the devs get on this soon. I have put enchanting on the back burner until things get fixed
  • Jirki88
    The most likely problem is that there is a chance for each individual rune. That would explain the uneven distribution, since there's a boatload of different Essence runes, quite a few different Potency runes, and only five different Aspect runes. So if there's individual chances on each spawnpoint, the difference makes sense.
    Veritas et aequitas, et usque ad mortem.
  • anton1nh
    Jirki88 wrote: »
    The most likely problem is that there is a chance for each individual rune. That would explain the uneven distribution, since there's a boatload of different Essence runes, quite a few different Potency runes, and only five different Aspect runes. So if there's individual chances on each spawnpoint, the difference makes sense.

    makes a lot of sense but that still makes the system unbalanced
  • WhiteQueen
    @Jirki88 wrote: »
    The most likely problem is that there is a chance for each individual rune. That would explain the uneven distribution, since there's a boatload of different Essence runes, quite a few different Potency runes, and only five different Aspect runes. So if there's individual chances on each spawnpoint, the difference makes sense.

    This may not apply to all areas but I've noticed that in the first two starter areas after Coldharbour the nodes that give aspect runes were always aspect runes and so on.

    Since I had a handy little add-on that noted the rune node spawn points for me I'd just have to remember where the aspect runes were.
  • ripchicken_b
    Soul Shriven
    I'm sitting at well over 100 essence runes and less than 12 of both potency and aspect. I also get just about all essence runes when deconstructing glyphs. I've even got the buff to help get more aspects on decons but that hasn't helped once lol.

    This wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have a need for all three types to make something. Having a few dozen different types of essence runes taking up bank space is a tough one. If you could at least vendor the essence runes for gold that would make this a bit less frustrating.
    Edited by ripchicken_b on April 7, 2014 10:44PM
  • Jirki88
    WhiteQueen wrote: »

    This may not apply to all areas but I've noticed that in the first two starter areas after Coldharbour the nodes that give aspect runes were always aspect runes and so on.

    Since I had a handy little add-on that noted the rune node spawn points for me I'd just have to remember where the aspect runes were.

    I cant identify with this. I've been in Deshaan looking for runes, and I've extracted Aspect runes just to see the node respawn being Essence instead. It's not a fixed type, as far as I've noticed. I guess you've just been lucky. :P
    Veritas et aequitas, et usque ad mortem.
  • Myxaplix
    Jirki88 wrote: »
    The most likely problem is that there is a chance for each individual rune. That would explain the uneven distribution, since there's a boatload of different Essence runes, quite a few different Potency runes, and only five different Aspect runes. So if there's individual chances on each spawnpoint, the difference makes sense.

    Makes since. However weighting all individual runes evenly makes it so a potential runecrafter has a poor chance of advancing their skill in a reasonable time.

    Probably would make since to have each rune type sorted and then randomize the runes within the type. Like everyone else, I have a boat-load of essence runes and only a very few of the other two types. Not a workable crafting system right now.
  • Avidus
    Take a loot at how the profession works, you do not need skill points to use Essence runes, they are all usable by anybody.
    Aspect runes change the quality of the glyph, so you only need as many as there are qualities. These require you to skill up to use them.
    Potency runes are the main kicker in enchanting. they require the most skill points and have the greatest effect on your enchanting.

    I believe that it does balance out.
  • banespwnb14_ESO
    Avidus wrote: »
    Take a loot at how the profession works, you do not need skill points to use Essence runes, they are all usable by anybody.
    Aspect runes change the quality of the glyph, so you only need as many as there are qualities. These require you to skill up to use them.
    Potency runes are the main kicker in enchanting. they require the most skill points and have the greatest effect on your enchanting.

    I believe that it does balance out.

    The problem is that it is painfully slow to advance in enchanting. It took me a long time to get from level 9 to 10 so I could use blue aspect runes. I'm level 11 now, but I need to get to 15 or 16 to get the next level of aspect runes.

    The "highest" glyph I can craft is with tier 3 potency and tier 3 aspect (Dekata), but even that doesn't give that much XP when you consider how rare these runes are. How bad will it be when I reach tier 4? I've got 4 Rakuta in the bank that I've found over the course of 32 character levels. How am I supposed to advance enchanting with that?

    Imagine if you had to use Honing Stone, Dwarven Oil and Grain Solvent to advance in blacksmithing. That's pretty much equivalent to what enchanters have to do. Deconstructing glyphs doesn't give near as much XP as deconstructing weapons/armor, and they are far less abundant as drops. With blacksmithing, woodworking and clothing, you can entirely level based only on deconstruction. With enchanting, the only way to level is to use your most valuable materials, which are in very short supply.
  • Bluntski
    This is like the 10th thread I have seen complaining about enchanting.


    You should be getting most of your runes from breaking down glyphs you find off mobs and in chests. The ones in the world are more of a bonus. I have had absolutely no problem leveling enchanting. Character is level 45 and my enchanting is 22. Do not use your enchanting level to gauge the success of the crafting mechanic. At level 22 enchanting I can make plenty of blue and purple runes for lv 35-45 gear.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 9, 2014 2:56PM
  • NordJitsu
    There is a passive in the enchanting line that you can buy to give yourself a better chance to pick up Aspect rune stones.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • andrantos
    Keep in mind how tiers work in terms of traits. For example, a rank 10 woodcrafter can potentially make level 26 - 34 shields. So rank doesn't correlate linearly to your level.

    When I keep in mind my player level and my progress towards the next tier, I'm about on track. As long as I continue to put effort into collecting runes, deconstructing enchants (looter, bought, traded), I should be fine.

    I think players are getting hung up on how slow it feels (it is), but I think its about on point when you look at enchanting tiers and associated level ranges. Remember, the crafting system doesn't encourage you to create massive amounts of product to level up... Its actually the reverse. It encourages us to remove massive amounts of items from the game.

    Just by deconstructing loot, my gear crafts are all "on track" and in sync with my level.
  • Bluntski
    Oops! Duplicate post.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 9, 2014 5:06PM
  • Brennan
    andrantos wrote: »
    Keep in mind how tiers work in terms of traits. For example, a rank 10 woodcrafter can potentially make level 26 - 34 shields. So rank doesn't correlate linearly to your level.

    When I keep in mind my player level and my progress towards the next tier, I'm about on track. As long as I continue to put effort into collecting runes, deconstructing enchants (looter, bought, traded), I should be fine.

    I think players are getting hung up on how slow it feels (it is), but I think its about on point when you look at enchanting tiers and associated level ranges. Remember, the crafting system doesn't encourage you to create massive amounts of product to level up... Its actually the reverse. It encourages us to remove massive amounts of items from the game.

    Just by deconstructing loot, my gear crafts are all "on track" and in sync with my level.

    I had not considered this. I think it's a perception thing, When you make 20 daggers at level 11 BS and get a level and a half and then create 20 Glyphs and get less than half a level at Level 11 Enchanting, it makes you look like a dog that hears a funny noise with that WTF? look on his face.

  • andrantos
    Agreed, there is definitely inconsistencies between the crafts. Provisioning and alchemy rank up super quickly providing you take the time to gather and horde mats.

    However, with those two crafts, you can't deconstruct. Recipes are slightly more complicated and the end products are intended to be consumed. The tiers also cover less level range.
  • MrSourGit
    No problems with enchanting , im 26 with a lot of stock in runes and glyphs .... where is this problem I keep hearing about ?
  • Bluntski
    Enchanting levels work differently than other crafting levels. DO NOT use your enchanting level to gauge the effectiveness of the system. At level 45 I am onlt lv22 enchanting but can easily make a plethora of blue and purple 35-45 glyphs.
  • andrantos
    Very well put Bluntski!
  • Halrloprillalar
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    There is a passive in the enchanting line that you can buy to give yourself a better chance to pick up Aspect rune stones.

    No, you can have a higher chance of getting them from DECON, but not 'pick up'. You pick up what the rune color is on the ground.

    Enchanting is by far the slowest, most tedious profession to level.

  • ianmnt15ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I cant level my skill up because I NEVER find ANY aspect.
  • andrantos
    I think you're missing the point... You're better off trading/buying/looting glyphs and deconstructing to level up.

    At some point, you will get barely any exp from crafting glyphs.
  • Bluntski

    Enchanting is by far the slowest, most tedious profession to level.

    In relation to what?

    It's just as fast at producing items of a certain level as any other profession. Stop using the level of your enchanting to gauge the success of the system. In fact, right now I can make more purple and yellow glyphs than I can heavy armor or weapons.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 9, 2014 8:58PM
  • Imryll
    For me it's the essence ones that seem scarce.
  • reagen_lionel
    part of the problem with this is that we get sooo many jewelry enchants, and so few armor enchants. Where some of those jewelry enchants should also be able to be placed on armor. Such as increasing armor value, or fire resistance and such.
    think introducing a new potency rune that would make what would otherwise be a jewelry enchant, be an armor enchant.
  • Stienbjorn
    I do agree that we could do with a few more armor enchants. Being able to craft 90 (exaggeration) jewelry enchants and only what, 3 armor enchants, is a bit disappointing. Why jewelry, which has at most, 3 items gets more enchant types then armor which has seven slots is beyond me.
  • Sakiri
    Bluntski wrote: »

    In relation to what?

    It's just as fast at producing items of a certain level as any other profession. Stop using the level of your enchanting to gauge the success of the system. In fact, right now I can make more purple and yellow glyphs than I can heavy armor or weapons.
    My clothing, smithing and woodworking level ridiculously fast just crushing all my loot. Enchanting? I dont get many glyphs to break. Im going to have to start trading with someone to get it up to speed. Whats it cap at, 50?
  • RedBear_77
    I can see the potential for Enchanting to balance out but It is a lot slower to level compared to others and takes a lot more storage area. I have a few ideas that I feel would make it a better crafting skill to have.

    Add getting random runes from destructing armor, weapons and/or jewelry. (Currently jewelry is basically a junk item to sell, unless I am missing something.) It would be great to have another destruction tab that allowed us to put gear in there. It could be made that all we get is either a completed glyph or bare runes. We lose the ore/cloth/wood/hemming/pitch/etc/etc. I could see myself destructing a lot of white items at the enchanting table and saving green/blue/higher rarity items for that profession. This ability could be one we have to unlock at say level 10 enchanting. Adding a skill like this may allow for a lot faster leveling as we would get more overall xp for destructing more items at the enchanting table.
    or it could be a passive skill that adds that we get a chance to get a rune when destructing at the other profession tables. Nah, Go with choice one, I want the xp for destructing items to get runes in enchanting not the other profession. :smiley:

    Another idea is to add a passive talent that would allow us to add a second but different enchant to an item. This may make an enchanter OP, so this could be just on jewelry. As it is right now the jewelry glyphs seem useless to me. Most the rings, amulets I use are the blue ones from quest rewards. The only jewelry I have seen that I can actually enchant are white quality ones. (I haven't tried to enchant a lot of jewelry, most of the time that I am carrying a jewelry glyph I can't enchant the items I am wearing)
  • RockSolidWiff
    With the jewelry glyph you can enchant that blue item with a different enchant if you like something else.
    I too, find enchanting leveling slowly, I just do not get enough enchant drops to deconstruct. Say about 1 to 4 compared with heavy armor pieces, they also give less XP.
    I also put a skill point in increasing the aspect rate on deconstruct, it has made no difference as far as I can tell. The skill point may be better applied to the hiring.

    On a different note, cooking a blue recipe gives wicked XP, way overboard on that.
    I picked up the sword and raced into battle, died.
    I again, raced into battle wielding the sword, died.
    Once again, died.
    It was only then that I considered maybe the pointed end should face out.
    - Why mages should not wield swords
  • Stautmeister
    at vet rank 2 im a level 40 blacksmith from deconstructing and crafting the ocasional gear.
    Enchanting is at level 20. I am not able to craft level appropriate glyphs.

    The only way to effectively level enchanting is by deconstructing other glyphs. the glyph/armor/weapon drop ratio is completely off however.

    Another issue is that 3 recourse nodes are enough to create enough ingots to create an item.
    They applied the same thought to enchanting, but the system is off.
    Letting enchanters deconstruct jewelry for runes would fix this entire issue and would actually make it worth using 60! slots of my bank on enchanting.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • SexyVette07
    at vet rank 2 im a level 40 blacksmith from deconstructing and crafting the ocasional gear.
    Enchanting is at level 20. I am not able to craft level appropriate glyphs.

    The only way to effectively level enchanting is by deconstructing other glyphs. the glyph/armor/weapon drop ratio is completely off however.

    Another issue is that 3 recourse nodes are enough to create enough ingots to create an item.
    They applied the same thought to enchanting, but the system is off.
    Letting enchanters deconstruct jewelry for runes would fix this entire issue and would actually make it worth using 60! slots of my bank on enchanting.
    Also, deconstructing glyphs gives you about 1/4 the experience as other professions. How is this balanced???
  • Digiman
    I really wouldn't mind the discrepancy in the types of runestones being dropped if not for the awful amount of experience you get from leveling the craft. In comparison Alchemy basically requires to separate ingredients with matching properties to make a potion, making a potion gives out more xp then enchanting and that requires 3 different types of runestones.

    By in large with comparisons, all my other crafting matches the zone I am in but enchanting lags behind and most of my leveling came from books alone.

    Beta finally fixed this I think, but it never made it to live. Kinda pisses me off that Zenimax is dragging its feet with this because its just a crafting profession. I don't want to have to wait 4 months of PAYED GAME TIME till they finally fix this.
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