The most likely problem is that there is a chance for each individual rune. That would explain the uneven distribution, since there's a boatload of different Essence runes, quite a few different Potency runes, and only five different Aspect runes. So if there's individual chances on each spawnpoint, the difference makes sense.
The most likely problem is that there is a chance for each individual rune. That would explain the uneven distribution, since there's a boatload of different Essence runes, quite a few different Potency runes, and only five different Aspect runes. So if there's individual chances on each spawnpoint, the difference makes sense.
WhiteQueen wrote: »
This may not apply to all areas but I've noticed that in the first two starter areas after Coldharbour the nodes that give aspect runes were always aspect runes and so on.
Since I had a handy little add-on that noted the rune node spawn points for me I'd just have to remember where the aspect runes were.
The most likely problem is that there is a chance for each individual rune. That would explain the uneven distribution, since there's a boatload of different Essence runes, quite a few different Potency runes, and only five different Aspect runes. So if there's individual chances on each spawnpoint, the difference makes sense.
Take a loot at how the profession works, you do not need skill points to use Essence runes, they are all usable by anybody.
Aspect runes change the quality of the glyph, so you only need as many as there are qualities. These require you to skill up to use them.
Potency runes are the main kicker in enchanting. they require the most skill points and have the greatest effect on your enchanting.
I believe that it does balance out.
Keep in mind how tiers work in terms of traits. For example, a rank 10 woodcrafter can potentially make level 26 - 34 shields. So rank doesn't correlate linearly to your level.
When I keep in mind my player level and my progress towards the next tier, I'm about on track. As long as I continue to put effort into collecting runes, deconstructing enchants (looter, bought, traded), I should be fine.
I think players are getting hung up on how slow it feels (it is), but I think its about on point when you look at enchanting tiers and associated level ranges. Remember, the crafting system doesn't encourage you to create massive amounts of product to level up... Its actually the reverse. It encourages us to remove massive amounts of items from the game.
Just by deconstructing loot, my gear crafts are all "on track" and in sync with my level.
There is a passive in the enchanting line that you can buy to give yourself a better chance to pick up Aspect rune stones.
Halrloprillalar wrote: »
Enchanting is by far the slowest, most tedious profession to level.
My clothing, smithing and woodworking level ridiculously fast just crushing all my loot. Enchanting? I dont get many glyphs to break. Im going to have to start trading with someone to get it up to speed. Whats it cap at, 50?
In relation to what?
It's just as fast at producing items of a certain level as any other profession. Stop using the level of your enchanting to gauge the success of the system. In fact, right now I can make more purple and yellow glyphs than I can heavy armor or weapons.
Also, deconstructing glyphs gives you about 1/4 the experience as other professions. How is this balanced???kstauthamerb16_ESO wrote: »at vet rank 2 im a level 40 blacksmith from deconstructing and crafting the ocasional gear.
Enchanting is at level 20. I am not able to craft level appropriate glyphs.
The only way to effectively level enchanting is by deconstructing other glyphs. the glyph/armor/weapon drop ratio is completely off however.
Another issue is that 3 recourse nodes are enough to create enough ingots to create an item.
They applied the same thought to enchanting, but the system is off.
Letting enchanters deconstruct jewelry for runes would fix this entire issue and would actually make it worth using 60! slots of my bank on enchanting.