(No naming, remember?) sent you a message
Greetings. We are contacting you to let you know that the following thread has been edited:
'Video of Bot Abuse'
We understand that you are attempting to report characters you believe to be botting/gold spamming. While we appreciate your diligence in bringing this to our attention, we do not allow threads which publicly point out characters on the forums. The reason for this is there are concerns about innocent players (with regular names) who may be present in these screenshots as well. This could cause issues for these innocent players, and we would like to avoid that.
If you believe you've found bots or other players breaking the Terms of Service, we highly encourage you to please report them using the in-game Report Player function. This is accessible by mousing over them, holding the "F" key, and click on "Report Player," which is on the left side of the wheel. Select "Report Player" and write in the reasoning for sending in a report about them. This is the most efficient way for us to deal with bots/gold spammers.
Please understand that our goal is to create a fun, welcoming, and safe environment for The Elder Scrolls Online community, and continued violations of our
Code of Conduct can lead to temporary or permanent removal of your forum posting access. We encourage you to take a moment to review The Elder Scrolls Online Code of Conduct to prevent future warnings, infractions, or interruption of your posting access.