Same here purchased mar 27. Never even got past the launcher all downloading. Got yo the play button pressed it. Error12. Repaired. Still nothing. Uninstalled reinstalling now. 2000MB to go. Hopefully it works this time. Never even played it yet. Used up all my early access and now it's digging into my first 30 days. This is bull stuff. If it don't work I'm cancelling everything. No refund necessary. Just going let it go.
Same here purchased mar 27. Never even got past the launcher all downloading. Got yo the play button pressed it. Error12. Repaired. Still nothing. Uninstalled reinstalling now. 2000MB to go. Hopefully it works this time. Never even played it yet. Used up all my early access and now it's digging into my first 30 days. This is bull stuff. If it don't work I'm cancelling everything. No refund necessary. Just going let it go.