Auction house is a must!

Please please please give us an auction house. the constant spamming of green and blue text items in zone chat is really annoying. If not an auction house the. At least make a trade channel that can be switched on or off.
Not sure where to post this but there is no general discussion threads.

  • Laura
    I think no auction house is fine it has REALLY improved relations with other top guild with mine. We have a pretty cool trade consortium going that I haven't seen since EQ. the community is fantastic.

    That said I have NO IDEA why there isn't a zone trade channel. that should most definitely be added.

    I turn zone chat off anyway because all I see are people arguing about silly things but a trade channel would be a big help
    Edited by Laura on April 6, 2014 2:00PM
  • nerevarine1138
    I agree with Laura. This forces guilds to be useful and create trade consortiums. It also cuts down on gold-sellers/exploiters using the auction house.
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    The whole guild store system feels clunky to me as does the whole 5 guilds things. You should be able to be in one guild per character, and there should be a faction wide ah. This system is creative but too clunky and malformed in practice.
  • MKLS
    Personally I think its great that they have got rid of the auction house and added the guild trading store.

    After saying that I do agree that a trading channel would be a great idea - but the mechanic of joining guilds and having to visit guild stores in the pvp area is great imo as it adds a whole new aspect to the game
  • Kendaric
    I don't see the need for an auctionhouse, the guild stores work well enough.

    A trade channel would be good though.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
      I don't think we need an auction house. I like the way this system fosters player/guild interactions through commerce. It reminds me of how trade worked in older MMOs.

      As someone stated above, a trade channel would be nice.
    • Caduryn
      No AH pls, 4 Tradeguilds = 2000 Players to trade, well enough.
    • alewis478b14_ESO
      But people are just joining mega guilds for the sole purpose of having a place to buy/sell. I don't see how that is any better than having a traditional auction house.
    • miakellyb16_ESO
      No to the Auction house as i feel it will lead to many goldsellers/AH exploiters.

      i like my guilds guild store i find it to be very useful, and it add's something that been missing in recent mmo's.

      A trade channel (as well as player made channels) would have my support
      The things i say are my thoughts and don't reflect any group i'm part of.
      That said, do you have cookies?
      player of
      • Ahaná
      • Tears of Night
      • Ekahi
    • Eris
      To much gouging and market manipulation in auction houses anyways.

      Trade channel would be nice.
      Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
    • KerinKor
      A trade channel (as well as player made channels) would have my support
      LOL, you argue against an AH on specious grounds then use the same argument in favour of a chat channel.


    • Maestro_Sartori
      Dumbledalf wrote: »
      Please please please give us an auction house. the constant spamming of green and blue text items in zone chat is really annoying. If not an auction house the. At least make a trade channel that can be switched on or off.
      Not sure where to post this but there is no general discussion threads.


      Yeah no kidding the spam is just horrible, along with these guilds that are spamming too. I don't even have zone chat on anymore...

    • morgueanna
      I can only play an hour or two every other day due to school commitments. None of the trading guilds will let me join because I play so irregularly. My guild is too small to have a store.

      People like me are left out of trading/selling altogether unless we want to spend the tiny amount of time we do have spamming chat and hoping someone won't just leave our COD in their mail for 30 days.

      This game is not casual friendly in the least when it comes to crafting and making money.
    • Deejah
      I'm not in favor of auction houses, mostly cause of many reasons already said. They can be manipulated, used by gold sellers to help them gain cash quickly, and many either exploits to crank up prices on things that maybe shouldn't be that expensive in the first place.

      I personally like the fact that players themselves can choose how much they want to sell an item and given you have to work with players, you can even work out a deal or bargain. Which tends to be an element that is lost on newer MMORPGs and something I loved back in the old days.

      However I do agree that we need a trade channel (or player made channels), as using zone for everything can get things cluttered and those trying to sell items get lost in either conversations or conversations get lost in WTS ads.
      "Dream the Impossible and conqueror the unknowns"
    • Greydog
      Caduryn wrote: »
      No AH pls, 4 Tradeguilds = 2000 Players to trade, well enough.

      For you maybe ;)
      No to the Auction house as i feel it will lead to many goldsellers/AH exploiters.

      i like my guilds guild store i find it to be very useful, and it add's something that been missing in recent mmo's.

      A trade channel (as well as player made channels) would have my support

      No AH has not slowed the gold sellers down even one iota. I think we can safely debunk that argument.

      I'm in four guilds. One is full (500) two have stores. So far I've managed to make approximately 200g in 5 days. While I'm willing to give the system a try I still strongly feel that it is too fragmented and restrictive. It just will not grant the kind of market access that will be needed for a game of the caliber they are trying to create.

      A trade channel would have my support also although I abhor the thought of sitting for hours spamming just to unload some loot.

      Yeah no kidding the spam is just horrible, along with these guilds that are spamming too. I don't even have zone chat on anymore...

      Blame the games design ..needing to be in 5 guilds forces leaders to advertise and a fragmented trade system forces traders to do the same.

      Edited by Greydog on April 6, 2014 4:10PM
      "I Plan on living forever far so good"
      Sanguine's Disciple

      Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
      Message me here or in game for an invite
    • miakellyb16_ESO
      KerinKor wrote: »
      LOL, you argue against an AH on specious grounds then use the same argument in favour of a chat channel.


      i'm also in favour of custom channels. With a trade channel that would be use as such would cut down on the zone chat a bit so i only have to ignore one channel.
      At the end of the day, i like the current model of trading and feel adding an general auction house will ruining it by bring in those that would exploit it.

      So what are your thoughts on the whole auction house debate KerinKor?
      The things i say are my thoughts and don't reflect any group i'm part of.
      That said, do you have cookies?
      player of
      • Ahaná
      • Tears of Night
      • Ekahi
    • tylerdavidsonb14_ESO
      I AH, but a TRADE CHANNEL FOR THE LOVE OF THE TRIBUNAL OF MORROWIND.....we must have a trade channel. Or a Guild Trade channel or something. Hell yall are the devs yall figure it out, but NO AUCTION HOUSE. RESIST DEVS.....RESIST AGAINST THE AH. With an AH ESO is no longer unique and is the beginning of turning into WoW, and none of us want that. If ANYTHING, I think we want a more EVE like social game. let everything be player driven....just give us the tools needed such as a trade channel or something along those lines.
    • Greydog
      I AH, but a TRADE CHANNEL FOR THE LOVE OF THE TRIBUNAL OF MORROWIND.....we must have a trade channel. Or a Guild Trade channel or something. Hell yall are the devs yall figure it out, but NO AUCTION HOUSE. RESIST DEVS.....RESIST AGAINST THE AH. With an AH ESO is no longer unique and is the beginning of turning into WoW, and none of us want that. If ANYTHING, I think we want a more EVE like social game. let everything be player driven....just give us the tools needed such as a trade channel or something along those lines.

      In Eve you can access a single listing of every item sold in the galaxy and make the purchase right from your ship anywhere in the galaxy ..I could live with that.

      Oh, for those who argue it will bring gougers. The best way to combat them is to not pay their price ;)

      "I Plan on living forever far so good"
      Sanguine's Disciple

      Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
      Message me here or in game for an invite
    • Rosveen
      morgueanna wrote: »
      I can only play an hour or two every other day due to school commitments. None of the trading guilds will let me join because I play so irregularly. My guild is too small to have a store.

      People like me are left out of trading/selling altogether unless we want to spend the tiny amount of time we do have spamming chat and hoping someone won't just leave our COD in their mail for 30 days.

      This game is not casual friendly in the least when it comes to crafting and making money.
      Come to us. We have sweetrolls and skooma. (but we're EU)

      I support the trade channel, I'm surprised it isn't already in the game. It's something I'd actually use, as opposed to the zone chat which I usually keep turned off. I have no opinion about AH due to my lack of experience with MMOs, but the guild has been working pretty well for me so far. I'm curious how it will develop, I kinda like this idea of a more personal approach.
    • Nox_Aeterna
      Well , what this system forced me into is 1 guild i care about and 4 guilds i keep on MUTE.

      I dont care even one bit about ANYTHING they have to say , but i still stay inside the guild just because i want their AH.

      It is like i have 2000 people in a new smaller zone chat i can ignore like his big brother hehe.
      "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
      -Hanlon's razor
    • Censorious
      Well , what this system forced me into is 1 guild i care about and 4 guilds i keep on MUTE.

      I dont care even one bit about ANYTHING they have to say , but i still stay inside the guild just because i want their AH.

      It is like i have 2000 people in a new smaller zone chat i can ignore like his big brother hehe.

      Well, that is kinda the idea.

      I can't be bothered with guilds normally (except a PvP guild) but in this game it doesn't matter. You just join one and then ignore it except for the shop.
      And nobody minds - that's the beauty.

      The tie-in to the PvP keep is a masterly idea. I hope it works out. It gives us a real reason to fight.
      'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
    • k9mouse
      I agree with Laura. This forces guilds to be useful and create trade consortiums. It also cuts down on gold-sellers/exploiters using the auction house.

      I am so glad there is NOT an AH in the game! Keep the AH away from ESO! It is so nice to TALK to a real person to do trading with instead of IMPERSONAL UI!

      ZOS do NOT listen to the OP!
    • Greydog
      Censorious wrote: »
      The tie-in to the PvP keep is a masterly idea. I hope it works out. It gives us a real reason to fight.

      Knowing they will never have the option to sell to a greater market also gives PvEers another reason to leave ;)

      "I Plan on living forever far so good"
      Sanguine's Disciple

      Asylum Amoebaeus ..A refuge for those who normally fly solo.
      Message me here or in game for an invite
    • LarZen
      NO to auction house!
    • Dumbledalf
      So majority think auction house is a bad idea? this surprises me as gold sellers will get money spamming in zone chat and selling in guild stores, so it makes no difference in that respect. Don't get me wrong I like the guild stores but think a global market would be nice too.

      Anyway that aside at least people agree with the trade channel and while we are at it, how about a LFG and guild roster channel too? I'm sure adding a few chat channels is a really minor fix that would help a lot of people to focus there discussions in the right place.
      Edited by Dumbledalf on April 6, 2014 4:59PM
    • Dumbledalf
      Also maybe we could have a trade section in the forums? I know this is how most of the big selling got done when I used to play Star Wars Galaxies (a long long time ago...) which may of had a broken combat system but the amount of focus on trading and crafting they had was very impressive. I think this also keeps with the idea of players being more involved in the trading process. You could hold actual bidding auctions in forum posts.
    • mutharex
      Dumbledalf wrote: »
      Also maybe we could have a trade section in the forums? I know this is how most of the big selling got done when I used to play Star Wars Galaxies (a long long time ago...) which may of had a broken combat system but the amount of focus on trading and crafting they had was very impressive. I think this also keeps with the idea of players being more involved in the trading process. You could hold actual bidding auctions in forum posts.

      I am sure third party websites/forum will pop up just for that purpose (if they haven't been already). I also read of some ebay style website someone was building
      Edited by mutharex on April 6, 2014 5:09PM
    • Jonnymorrow
      No we dont need an auction house. It would ruin the market and makes items/gold worthless. Way too many people on the servers. Epic items for 10 gold and all that shite with the undercutting.

      People would literally be running around in full purple gear which costs like 1k to buy a whole set, making this game even easier than it already is.

    • nlnj_a
    • Dumbledalf
      No we dont need an auction house. It would ruin the market and makes items/gold worthless. Way too many people on the servers. Epic items for 10 gold and all that shite with the undercutting.

      People would literally be running around in full purple gear which costs like 1k to buy a whole set, making this game even easier than it already is.

      From what I can see, the way loot is dropping people will all be running around in purple if not yellow gear anyway.
      nlnj_a wrote: »

      Thank you for a very well put together concise argument.

    This discussion has been closed.