Update 5 API Patch Notes & Change Log (PTS)

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ESO UI API Patch Notes (Version 100010)
These patch notes highlight the larger changes to the ESO API. For the full, updated API take a look at the newest version of the ESO UI documentation.

Gamepad Support
As gamepad support continues to accelerate, existing lua objects and control structures are being refactored at a faster rate. The overall functionality of existing systems should remain the same, but the exact names of functions, objects, and controls may change.

Group Events
Replaced the GROUP_DISBANDED event with the GROUP_UPDATE event. GROUP_DISBANDED was being fired every time group data was being cleared out, even when it was just to rebuild the same group information in the client (not as a result of a disband, but just a routine full info update). We renamed the GROUP_ DISBANDED event GROUP_UPDATE to more accurately reflect this behavior. It will now fire in all cases where the group was fully rebuilt as well. We have also added a new field to the GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT event that indicates if the local player was the leader of the group when the leave happened.

New Systems
APIs have been added for several new systems including Justice, Trial, Champion, Enlightened, and Imperial City. These APIs will become functional when their systems are released.

Some unused fonts were removed from the ESO font directory. If you were referencing font aliases such as ZoFontGame you will be unaffected. If you were referencing fonts by path in EsoUI/Common/Fonts/, please look at your labels to make sure their fonts are still around.

Capture Areas
The event for updating capture areas (flag captures in AvA) has been modified to provide slightly different information. The last two fields used to be confusingly named alliance1 and alliance2. They have been replaced with one field indicating the owning alliance. The field named currentCapturePlayers has been replaced with two fields indicating the number of players of the capturing alliance and the number of players of the contesting alliance(s) standing in the capture area.

Looking For Group
Changes were made to the LFG API to support the LFG improvements this patch.

  • DoesCurrentZoneAllowScalingByLevel – Returns true if the zone the player is in allows content to be scaled based on the player/group level.
  • GetLFGOptionGroupType
  • DoesLFGActivityHasAllOption – Returns true if an LFG activity lets you queue for all available options.
  • GetNumLFGRequests
  • GetLFGRequestInfo – Returns information on pending LFG requests (when you are in queue).

New map functions were added to support Imperial City.

  • GetCyrodiilMapIndex
  • GetImperialCityMapIndex
  • GetZoneNameByIndex

The heraldry API has been replaced with a more generalized “guild specific item” API.

  • GetNumGuildSpecificItems
  • GetGuildSpecificItemInfo
  • BuyGuildSpecificItem
  • GetGuildSpecificItemLink
  • TooltipControl:SetGuildSpecificItem

  • GetNumHeraldryItems
  • GetHeraldryItemInfo
  • BuyHeraldryItem
  • GetHeraldryItemLink
  • TooltipControl:SetHeraldryItem

Mundus Stones
The mundus stone API has been generalized to support more mundus stone like interactions.


The functions GetNumMounts and HasAnyMounts have been replaced with ZO_Stables_GetNumMounts and ZO_Stables_HasAnyMounts.

Control Changes
Several control types have received new functionality.

  • Control:GetControlAlpha – Returns the alpha the control is set to instead of the effective alpha based on the alphas of the control’s parents.
  • SliderControl:SetColor
  • CooldownControl:StartFixedCooldown
  • These functions allow you to control a cooldown control manually.
  • CooldownControl:GetPercentCompleteFixed
  • CooldownControl:SetPercentCompleteFixed


  • GetUnitBuffInfo now returns the buff ability id for use with the ability APIs.
  • CopyAllTextToClipboard is private to prevent data from leaving the application through clipboard polling.

  • GetMaxLevel
  • GetNumAttributes
  • PlayLootSound
  • GetLatency
  • GetStoreMountInfo
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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Staff Post
  • katkat42
    • GetZoneNameByIndex

    This is nifty. It should help with localization, too.
    The heraldry API has been replaced with a more generalized “guild specific item” API.

    This is intriguing. I wonder what other guild-specific items might be forthcoming.
    • CopyAllTextToClipboard is private to prevent data from leaving the application through clipboard polling.

    This is quite unfortunate. I mainly used that function to copy file paths out of Wykkyd's Image Viewer, or data out of Zgoo, to aid in my add-on development.
    • GetLatency

    Now that looks interesting! That's a very reassuring piece of data for a player to have.

    ETA: Thank you for posting this!
    Edited by katkat42 on October 14, 2014 6:06PM
    Stonehenge ROCKS!
  • James-Wayne
    Really really really looking forward to that gamepad support... after 5 months, RSI has just kicked in yo! :)

    Keep up the awesome work team!
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

    TENTH ANNIVERSARY - Thanks for sticking with us for 10 years.
    James-Wayne you earned this badge 9:56AM on 4th of February 2024.
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  • Auldjohn
    Thanks, @ZOS_GinaBruno‌! With API 100010 available, Add-On devs will be able to test Update 5 changes on PTS, well before it moves to the live megaservers.
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage & Co-Founderfacebook.com/groups/theeldersagesguild
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
  • Wykkyd
    Thank you for the much improved handling of API changes & communication with us.
  • r.jan_emailb16_ESO
    Just a few questions to the people here that are into addon developing:
    Capture Areas
    The event for updating capture areas (flag captures in AvA) has been modified to provide slightly different information. The last two fields used to be confusingly named alliance1 and alliance2. They have been replaced with one field indicating the owning alliance. The field named currentCapturePlayers has been replaced with two fields indicating the number of players of the capturing alliance and the number of players of the contesting alliance(s) standing in the capture area.

    Does this mean that an Addon will be able to show me how many enemies took over a flag? Like, for example "Sejanus outpost flag was taken by 21 AD players"?
    • GetUnitBuffInfo now returns the buff ability id for use with the ability APIs.

    Will this allow for a better buff tracking? Like, will an Addon now show me when a buff runs out (like a shield) before the default duration?

    Lairgren | DC Dragonknight - August Palatine
    playing for eXile

    I'm done, CU somewhere else.
  • ZOS_ChipHilseberg
    Does this mean that an Addon will be able to show me how many enemies took over a flag? Like, for example "Sejanus outpost flag was taken by 21 AD players"?
    By using the owning alliance and the capturingPlayers fields you could generate output like that. However, this message is only sent when you're within range of a capture area.
    Will this allow for a better buff tracking? Like, will an Addon now show me when a buff runs out (like a shield) before the default duration?
    There is no additional event information, but it will let an addon know more about the ability that represents the buff so it can pull the description for example.
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_ChipHilseberg
    Additionally, the options framework saw some significant refactoring this patch. Whereas the data describing an option used to be stored on the option control itself, the data is now stored in a table called data on that control. This work was done to share options specifications with the gamepad UI which doesn't declare all of its controls in XML like the keyboard UI does (and also to not duplicate the properties for each setting). The data table uses the same properties that the control used. Previously, it would have been control.controlType, while now it is control.data.controlType for example.
    Staff Post
  • nusphere_ESO
    There is no additional event information, but it will let an addon know more about the ability that represents the buff so it can pull the description for example.

    it is only for own buffs?! is there no possibility to read target buffs?! i.e. party member?! when mutagen is up up or not?!

    or did this mob is low on mag resist?!
    Edited by nusphere_ESO on October 17, 2014 11:25AM
  • Garkin
    • CopyAllTextToClipboard is private to prevent data from leaving the application through clipboard polling.

    I believe that "private" means that addons can't call this function. But I have just tested on PTS that CopyAllTextToClipboard still works. All my addons are able to copy text to clipboard using this function (tested with CopyItemLink, LoreBooks, modified DerpURL).
    Garkin / EU / CSF guild
    My addons: SkyShards, LoreBooks, Dustman, Map Coordinates, No, thank you, ... (full list)
    I'm taking care of: Azurah - Interface Enhanced, Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker and more
    My folder with updated/modified addons: DROPBOX
  • ZOS_ChipHilseberg
    But I have just tested on PTS that CopyAllTextToClipboard still works.
    You are absolutely correct. Thanks for pointing that out, Garkin. It will be fixed in the next update.
    Staff Post
  • Garkin
    • GetUnitBuffInfo now returns the buff ability id for use with the ability APIs.
    Function GetUnitBuffInfo has basically the same return values as EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED. Any chance that this event will have abilityId as well (or at least buffIndex)?

    And it would be nice to have function that converts abilityId to abilityIndex (for example tooltip control uses abilityIndex instead of abilityId).
    Edited by Garkin on October 23, 2014 12:01AM
    Garkin / EU / CSF guild
    My addons: SkyShards, LoreBooks, Dustman, Map Coordinates, No, thank you, ... (full list)
    I'm taking care of: Azurah - Interface Enhanced, Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker and more
    My folder with updated/modified addons: DROPBOX
  • Elfe_Aleshia
    Gibts die API änderungen auch auf Deutsch?
  • mctaylor
    Has the API for Update 5 (API version: 100010) changed any since this document was provided for the PTS server in October?
  • Auldjohn
    Is API 100010 the current version?
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage & Co-Founderfacebook.com/groups/theeldersagesguild
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
  • justinbarrett
    I assume API ver. 100010 is current...at least it does not tell me my addon is out of date :)
    now for staff....
    GetUnitVeteranPointsMax() was returning 4 million after we went to update 5.

    Now, as of 14, november, your internal xp bar is showing 4 million points required, and when I use it...I get 1 million.
    I have posted this in a few places...sorry about the snowballing...but I keep assuming every patch will fix it....today was the 3rd or 4th patch...and it is still not working as intended(assuming the intent is to return the amount of points are required to level up :wink: )
    Edited by justinbarrett on November 14, 2014 1:24PM
  • nikos
    Soul Shriven
    Is anyone know what font name is used in chat bubbles? I do not mean .otf or .ttf file name, I need font alias that I can override.
    Edited by nikos on November 24, 2014 5:39PM
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