That would be nice, but I think it should be kept to a barbershop. It wouldn't make much sense to be able to become younger or develop lighter skin.
This should already be implemented.
Aoife32001 wrote: »To be honest, even as a role-player and one who enjoys a reasonable amount of realism, I would like a full character editor being added to the game, though it would need to be added at the log-in screen rather than in-game. I would really hate to see Zenimax try to come up with a story explanation of why I am changing my height, age, and facial structure... Put a hair barber in-game, but leave the rest of it at log-in.
It doesn't have to make sense, it's more about quality of life choices in an MMO. Sadly ZOS is taking their sweet arse time making this happen.
Aoife32001 wrote: »To be honest, even as a role-player and one who enjoys a reasonable amount of realism, I would like a full character editor being added to the game, though it would need to be added at the log-in screen rather than in-game. I would really hate to see Zenimax try to come up with a story explanation of why I am changing my height, age, and facial structure... Put a hair barber in-game, but leave the rest of it at log-in.
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »
heh quality of like choices. Really?
It's a term used for these changes that don't directly affect gameplay. It allows people to enjoy playing their character more which leads to them enjoying the game more.
It's a term used for these changes that don't directly affect gameplay. It allows people to enjoy playing their character more which leads to them enjoying the game more.
smeeprocketnub19_ESO wrote: »
I think quality of life is more appropriately used for "is baxter still enjoying life or should we put him down?" than something so trivial.
I seriously doubt your quality of life is affected by whether or not your character looks good.
Uhm, yeah you completely didn't understand what I wrote. You should re-read it again until you understand then reply. Which hey! will also assist your actual quality of life!
The character creation system in TESO is one of the best I've ever seen. Invariably though I make some decisions that I wish I could go back and change. I've heard rumors of a Barbershop coming (which would hopefully allow more than just the hair to be altered), but it can't come quick enough for me. Thanks!
FoxyKitten wrote: »I'm confused about Faction selection. I have an online ESO friend who can create any race character and add them to any faction she chooses at creation. I don't have that option. I'm stuck with the default factions for each race. We both have the Imperial edition and have Vet 14 mains. She thinks I have a glitch because I am unable to do this.
starkerealm wrote: »So, true story; back on the first day of early access there was a bug that prevented you from scrolling in and getting a good look at the face of the first character you rolled.
I... still haven't had the chance to fix my main's face. I'm just glad I didn't do what a lot of people did back then, when they realized they'd derped up the character creation and deleted the character with their imperial and preorder bonus items on that character, and rerolled, only to find their Pledge of Mara, Treasure Maps, and Pets were gone forever.