The Skooma Salesman here, I was doing the vamp line on my alt today and something hit me I would like to share with everyone and hopefully get some input from a developer as well as fellow players.
Anyways, I was starting at the Molag Bal altar and I had a flash back of my EQ2 days. there were quest lines for the gods/Daedric princes themselves. all of which netted really cool spells, some cool illusions, etc.
I thought what a great way for this game to someday introduce a similar prospect.
So without further ado, I present a mash up of some factual information about the system in that game and the parts I thought could be done here without blatantly ripping off another franchise. This would include in my opinion both the nine divines and some of the Daedric princes.
"Should you choose to worship a god, seek out a Deity Historians for directions to the various prophets of the gods. These prophets can help you make the final choice of alignment and start you on your long path of devotion.
Once you have chosen a deity, their prophet will begin you on a series of quests to prove your devotion. Along this path, you will receive many tangible rewards: equipment accessories, non-combat buff pets, and a cloak (wink wink).
In addition to the large amounts of favor granted by completing the progressive devotion quests, you may also tithe items at your altar to gain small amounts of favor with your god.
Altars are places of worship for the Gods. Altars allow you pray to a deity and give them offerings in return for a specialized type of faction called favor.
Favor can be spent on Blessings and Miracles, which provide temporary special abilities granted by your deity.
Blessings and Miracles are the abilities that characters will pray for at the altar dedicated to their deity. Each ability has a favor amount associated with it, and praying for an ability will lower the character's favor with the deity. An adventurer may only have one blessing and one miracle active in his or her spell book at a time, and each may be used twice before they must be prayed for again. Once the blessing or miracle is prayed for, characters may save it for the future or use it right away.
You can only have one Blessing and one Miracle at any one time. You can change your choices at an Altar of your Deity.
Buffs, mostly, with varying duration's and enormous benefit
Most Miracles are Direct Damage or Healing, but with significant benefits over their normal spell counterparts.
Typically speaking, blessings are longer duration (about 10 minute) buffs that imbue a character with their deity's power, while miracles are short duration (usually a minute or less) focused displays of a deity's power harnessed by the character."
Some examples of these skills might be things like:
Hircine -
Duration: 10 min
Increases Ranged Crit Chance of caster by 10.0%
Increases Ranged skill of caster by 20
Stendarr -
Duration: 1 minute
Summons a limited pet to aid the caster. (A hammer that attacks your foes)
Tiber Septim -
Duration: 5 minutes
Caster will Parry 9.0% of incoming attacks
On a successful melee attack this spell will cast Septim's Strength on target of attack.
Inflicts 7 - 10 divine damage on target
If facing target
Mehrunes Dagon -
Duration: 10 minutes
Increases caster attack speed by XX% (haste)
Decreases caster's mitigation vs. physical damage by XX%
Kynareth -
Duration: 10 min
When target is damaged with an elemental spell this buff has XX% chance to cast Elemental Healing on caster
Heals caster for x-x
Increases Mitigation of caster vs elemental damage by x
Akatosh -
Duration: 20 minutes
Divine spells heal for XX% more, but require XX% longer to cast.
Shalidor -
Duration: 5 minutes
Crowd Control spell damage and duration is increased by XX%
Break free cost increased by XX%
Turns players into random farm animals when Crowd controlled
Julianos -
Duration: 30 minutes
AoE Radius buff when slotted
All spells cast by members within XX meters have a XX% lower cost.
Reduces all magic damage done to members in XX meters by XX%
Just the tip of the iceberg here,with the resources available there's a ton of directions this could go but I think it would provide more flavor for people trying to play a true Support role, or just want another skill to max out/morph for their dps rotation. The important thing to me was that you could get temporary spells that made some of the more difficult content more manageable while at the same time providing more options for play style. Also some of the setups we had back in the day in our pvp skirmishes with god spells were absolutely hilarious. With the right tweaking I feel like this could add so much more to the game in terms of lore/skill availability/ build diversity/ and over all variety in the way we as players interact with each other. And considering there are tons of gods and daedric princes, there's plenty of options for people who want group buffs/single target damage/ survivability/ random hilarious buffs (Shalidor??!)
I hope you enjoyed my suggestion and I look forward to your thoughts, thanks for reading.
The Skooma Salesman