A suggestion on Dieties

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The Skooma Salesman here, I was doing the vamp line on my alt today and something hit me I would like to share with everyone and hopefully get some input from a developer as well as fellow players.

Anyways, I was starting at the Molag Bal altar and I had a flash back of my EQ2 days. there were quest lines for the gods/Daedric princes themselves. all of which netted really cool spells, some cool illusions, etc.
I thought what a great way for this game to someday introduce a similar prospect.
So without further ado, I present a mash up of some factual information about the system in that game and the parts I thought could be done here without blatantly ripping off another franchise. This would include in my opinion both the nine divines and some of the Daedric princes.


"Should you choose to worship a god, seek out a Deity Historians for directions to the various prophets of the gods. These prophets can help you make the final choice of alignment and start you on your long path of devotion.

Once you have chosen a deity, their prophet will begin you on a series of quests to prove your devotion. Along this path, you will receive many tangible rewards: equipment accessories, non-combat buff pets, and a cloak (wink wink).

In addition to the large amounts of favor granted by completing the progressive devotion quests, you may also tithe items at your altar to gain small amounts of favor with your god.

Altars are places of worship for the Gods. Altars allow you pray to a deity and give them offerings in return for a specialized type of faction called favor.

Favor can be spent on Blessings and Miracles, which provide temporary special abilities granted by your deity.

Blessings and Miracles are the abilities that characters will pray for at the altar dedicated to their deity. Each ability has a favor amount associated with it, and praying for an ability will lower the character's favor with the deity. An adventurer may only have one blessing and one miracle active in his or her spell book at a time, and each may be used twice before they must be prayed for again. Once the blessing or miracle is prayed for, characters may save it for the future or use it right away.
You can only have one Blessing and one Miracle at any one time. You can change your choices at an Altar of your Deity.

Buffs, mostly, with varying duration's and enormous benefit

Most Miracles are Direct Damage or Healing, but with significant benefits over their normal spell counterparts.

Typically speaking, blessings are longer duration (about 10 minute) buffs that imbue a character with their deity's power, while miracles are short duration (usually a minute or less) focused displays of a deity's power harnessed by the character."

Some examples of these skills might be things like:


Hircine -
Duration: 10 min
Increases Ranged Crit Chance of caster by 10.0%
Increases Ranged skill of caster by 20

Stendarr -
Duration: 1 minute
Summons a limited pet to aid the caster. (A hammer that attacks your foes)

Tiber Septim -
Duration: 5 minutes
Caster will Parry 9.0% of incoming attacks
On a successful melee attack this spell will cast Septim's Strength on target of attack.
Inflicts 7 - 10 divine damage on target
If facing target

Mehrunes Dagon -
Duration: 10 minutes
Increases caster attack speed by XX% (haste)
Decreases caster's mitigation vs. physical damage by XX%


Kynareth -
Duration: 10 min
When target is damaged with an elemental spell this buff has XX% chance to cast Elemental Healing on caster
Heals caster for x-x
Increases Mitigation of caster vs elemental damage by x

Akatosh -
Duration: 20 minutes
Divine spells heal for XX% more, but require XX% longer to cast.

Shalidor -
Duration: 5 minutes
Crowd Control spell damage and duration is increased by XX%
Break free cost increased by XX%
Turns players into random farm animals when Crowd controlled

Julianos -
Duration: 30 minutes
AoE Radius buff when slotted
All spells cast by members within XX meters have a XX% lower cost.
Reduces all magic damage done to members in XX meters by XX%

Just the tip of the iceberg here,with the resources available there's a ton of directions this could go but I think it would provide more flavor for people trying to play a true Support role, or just want another skill to max out/morph for their dps rotation. The important thing to me was that you could get temporary spells that made some of the more difficult content more manageable while at the same time providing more options for play style. Also some of the setups we had back in the day in our pvp skirmishes with god spells were absolutely hilarious. With the right tweaking I feel like this could add so much more to the game in terms of lore/skill availability/ build diversity/ and over all variety in the way we as players interact with each other. And considering there are tons of gods and daedric princes, there's plenty of options for people who want group buffs/single target damage/ survivability/ random hilarious buffs (Shalidor??!)

I hope you enjoyed my suggestion and I look forward to your thoughts, thanks for reading.

The Skooma Salesman


  • Innkwell_ESO
    Good talk guys... : (
    Edited by Innkwell_ESO on August 28, 2014 8:39AM
  • AlexDougherty
    Tiber Septim (better known as Talos) is in the future, he hasn't even been born yet, let alone ascend to the heavens.

    Plus where are the Redguard Deities, the Khajiit Dieties, and what about the Tribunal, or even the original three Dunmer Deities.

    If you are going to do this, it needs to reflect all the accepted deities.

    Edit~ just reread the OP, and realised they include Daedra, so would probably include the other deities too.

    Edited by AlexDougherty on August 28, 2014 11:57AM
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  • Tapio75
    Have you tried atkins diet.. Just one of many dieties there..
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • BBSooner
    I agree (and have mentioned often) that I'd like to see deity worship be added to the game. Id like them added as trait lines to each deity, perhaps starting with the 8 and the princes and expanding in to the tribunal, yokudan, and khajiti pantheon.
  • MornaBaine
    I like this idea but yeah, the pantheon for all the races in this game is pretty freakin' huge so it might be too much of an undertaking for Zen to consider. Personally, I'd love it if there were just DECORATIVE shrines of the various gods and daedra scattered throughout the game. I know there are a couple so far, Hircine's springs to mind.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Psychobunni
    As long as it included Sheogorath somehow, if even only to award some cheese producing skill :D
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Shalidor isn't a god, and as was stated Tiber Septim is not born yet.

    Also, EQ2 is the *** child of EQ (which already has a pet hammer for clerics, though it isn't very good.)

    Here's my problem, I would like to worship mehrunes dagon. But I've actively worked against him in the past because there is no way to play a bad guy in this game.

    I would like to see more quests that let us serve the daedra and the aedra, that was always very fun for me. (well, the aedra are pretty boring imo.)
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Innkwell_ESO
    Im aware that Shalidor isnt a god... thats why I said Gods AND daedric princes...

    Also, if you think EQ2 was a *** child I think you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
    Im sorry that it did things better then a ton of games back then and didn't get the credit it deserved, because this giant turd called WoW was blocking out the sun.

    Either way, the suggestions were EXAMPLES of spells... if you want more go to the wikia, or make up your own.I just took the ones that had similar flavor of that particular diety. My objective wasn't to make these spells specifically a reality, but just to get the gears turning.

    Edited by Innkwell_ESO on August 28, 2014 6:04PM
  • BBSooner
    Im aware that Shalidor isnt a god... thats why I said Gods AND daedric princes...

    I think you mean Sheogorath. Shalidor is the Labyrinthian architect/Arch-mage who is a protagonist in the Mages guild questline.
    Edited by BBSooner on August 28, 2014 6:11PM
  • PharmaChief
    Oops sorry... i thought the subject was "a suggestion on diets"...
    I am desperately trying to lose a few pounds...
    Edited by PharmaChief on August 28, 2014 6:43PM
  • gurluasb16_ESO
    As long as I can follow Meridia I'd be all for this.
  • Clunan
    I approve of in game religious skill lines +10interwebs
  • Shunravi
    In the other TES games, worshiping and receiving boons from the aedra and daedra were fun and entertaining side quests that gave stat boosts and artifacts. It would be awesome to have something similar in ESO.

    Now where did I put that lettuce, yarn, and soul gem...

    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • bluesodafizz
    Cool idea, would love to have a warship bonus in addition to my mudus bonus (or actually even in place of it depending on what it does).
  • AlexDougherty
    BBSooner wrote: »
    Shalidor is the Labyrinthian architect/Arch-mage who is a protagonist in the Mages guild questline.

    Yes, but in Skyrim there was a strong suggestion he was a Daedra in disguise.
    Edited by AlexDougherty on August 28, 2014 7:55PM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Innkwell_ESO
    Edited by Innkwell_ESO on August 28, 2014 8:43PM
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO

    Yes, but in Skyrim there was a strong suggestion he was a Daedra in disguise.

    He's not a daedric prince. Even if he was a daedric prince, he is probably an existing one. Also, he is pretty easily messed with by Sheogorath, and seems to have no ability to combat the tricks the mad god plays.

    I don't remember this in Skyrim, but it's not impossible it was hinted at. However, none of the lore supports Shalidor being anything but a mortal. Maybe the shalidor (a ghost I assume) that appears in skyrim is masquerading as shalidor, but is not him.

    Since nothing I have seen implies that he is one. Plus if it is only ever implied, this would just verify it, instead of letting the lore and events be fluid and intentionally conflicting.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Rosveen
    Only if we get proper racial pantheons, not homogenized Imperial gods for everyone like in Skyrim. It wouldn't have to be such a massive undertaking as it seems, many deities perform similar functions and could give the same boons, just under different names. But still, a lot of work for ZOS.
  • BBSooner

    Yes, but in Skyrim there was a strong suggestion he was a Daedra in disguise.

    He could be a daedra and still be arch mage/protagonist, however I tend to agree with @smeeprocketnub19_ESO‌ in my doubt that he's a Daedra. Even in a bizarro world series of events where Shalidor is a daedra and Eyevea (sp?) Was supposed to be his plane he still wouldn't have a trait line within ESO because he's not worshipped nor recognized as the proper name of a prince in disguise. However, by the description of the skill I'm going to occam's razor that the OP just meant Sheogorath.
  • AlexDougherty

    He's not a daedric prince. Even if he was a daedric prince, he is probably an existing one. Also, he is pretty easily messed with by Sheogorath, and seems to have no ability to combat the tricks the mad god plays.

    I don't remember this in Skyrim, but it's not impossible it was hinted at. However, none of the lore supports Shalidor being anything but a mortal. Maybe the shalidor (a ghost I assume) that appears in skyrim is masquerading as shalidor, but is not him.

    No ghost, just mentioned in the books about Labyrinthian that people had a theory about him being a Daedra in disguise, which probably where him being mentioned came in.

    I'm not actually saying he is a Daedra, from the Mages Guild quest we see his past, he's clearly mortal.

    I was just explaining why @Innkwell_ESO had him in his list, as a possible Daedra.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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  • SFBryan18
    You guys do realize that being Deadra does not necessarily make you a prince and lord of a realm in Oblivion? The lore for TES is that there are 16 Daedric princes. Shalidor can be any race, but he's not a prince. I thought he was Nord because of his voice. It's the same voice actor they used in Skyrim for one of the Nord voice types, like for the Jarl of Whiterun.
    Edited by SFBryan18 on August 29, 2014 11:27AM
  • Zarman
    Mehrunes Dagon wont help anyone from nirn, he despises all mortals.
  • AlexDougherty
    SFBryan18 wrote: »
    You guys do realize that being Deadra does not necessarily make you a prince and lord of a realm in Oblivion? The lore for TES is that there are 16 Daedric princes.

    Actually the lore says that there are 16 known Daedric Princes, when you add Jyggalag and Sithis who are both Daedric Princes it becomes 18 (17 if you discount Jyggalag).

    It also says there are numerous minor Deadric Lords, some of whom were worshipped for short periods. There was even a book in Oblivion & Skyrim which named one, it was an Archery Skill book, and involved a rusty arrowhead in a door.

    Not that that's relevant since this game shows scenes of Shalidors youth, and mentions his parents and his wife. Shalidor is definately mortal, I haven't seen his ears, so I'm not going to guess if he's Man or Elf (definately not Khajiit or Argonian though, I will say that).
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Wizard's tenth rule
  • SFBryan18

    Actually the lore says that there are 16 known Daedric Princes, when you add Jyggalag and Sithis who are both Daedric Princes it becomes 18 (17 if you discount Jyggalag).

    It also says there are numerous minor Deadric Lords, some of whom were worshipped for short periods. There was even a book in Oblivion & Skyrim which named one, it was an Archery Skill book, and involved a rusty arrowhead in a door.

    Not that that's relevant since this game shows scenes of Shalidors youth, and mentions his parents and his wife. Shalidor is definately mortal, I haven't seen his ears, so I'm not going to guess if he's Man or Elf (definately not Khajiit or Argonian though, I will say that).

    Jyggalag and Sithis are not Daedric princes. Prince is a title just like Emperor or King. Being from Oblivion or being Daedra, or existing in some void between Nirn and Oblivion do not make you a prince.
  • AlexDougherty
    SFBryan18 wrote: »

    Jyggalag and Sithis are not Daedric princes. Prince is a title just like Emperor or King. Being from Oblivion or being Daedra, or existing in some void between Nirn and Oblivion do not make you a prince.

    Um, Jyggalag was and still is a Daedric Prince, the others ganged up on him and cursed in with insanity, but he is a Daedric Prince. (he could be discounted because he's Sheogorath and not worshipped as Jyggalag though)

    You may have a point with that arguement in regards to Sithis, but he is definately worshipped, so it becomes moot in regards to this debate.
    Edited by AlexDougherty on August 29, 2014 12:25PM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • SFBryan18

    Um, Jyggalag was and still is a Daedric Prince, the others ganged up on him and cursed in with insanity, but he is a Daedric Prince. (he could be discounted because he's Sheogorath and not worshipped as Jyggalag though)

    You may have a point with that arguement in regards to Sithis, but he is definately worshipped, so it becomes moot in regards to this debate.

    The Hero of Kovatch become the Daedric prince of the Shivering Isles. Jyggalag is a former prince, like the former Emperor, or a former President.
  • k9mouse

    "When Anu birthed its own soul to create Anui-El, Padomay, being Anu's opposite did the same and created the god Sithis. Sithis and Anui-El's interplay and the conditions they set on each other would be what actually forms the Aurbis.[3]
    It is believed that all Daedric Princes are purely Padomaic and contributed nothing to the creation of Mundus and that the Aedra are both Anuic and Padomaic. Whether this is true or not is unknown but there do seem to be deities that contradict this, most notably the Daedric Prince Meridia who was one of the Magna Ge, implying that she did contribute to the creation of Mundus and that she was partially Anuic."

    They are 16 Daedric Princes. Jyggalag and Sheogorath are one and the same at this point of time (2nd Era [The time when ESO is taking place]). Not to the end of the 3rd Era did they split -- the Oblivion (game) Shivering Isles DLC

    Isn't lore fun? :D
    Edited by k9mouse on August 29, 2014 12:32PM
  • AlexDougherty
    SFBryan18 wrote: »

    The Hero of Kovatch become the Daedric prince of the Shivering Isles. Jyggalag is a former prince, like the former Emperor, or a former President.

    Not quite, Jyggalag was released back into the fires of oblivion, to regain his strength and be reborn independant of Sheogorath. But he is still a Daedric Prince. I presume he will carve a new realm out of existance, and his minions (who look like suits of armour) will reform with him.

    And of course this is all in the future, and not relevant to this debate, his he isn't worshipped as a deity at this point in time.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • SFBryan18
    OK, in the future Jyggalag might be considered another unknown prince.
  • AlexDougherty
    SFBryan18 wrote: »
    OK, in the future Jyggalag might be considered another unknown prince.

    Yeah, sorry for going a bit insane on that one, minor point of TES lore, and not germane to the discussion. I think I need to get out more.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
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