Did you remove the "Faith in the Family" quest from Auridon?

In Greenwater cove there used to be a Monastic giving you the "Faith in the Family" quest where you had to save his sister... i can`t find the quest giver anymore, was it removed?
  • Devolus
    Quest is still missing. Cannot find the quest giver for this quest. VR 1 zone if that helps any.
    Edited by Devolus on June 27, 2014 10:52AM
    "The day I start considering people's feelings before speaking my mind is the day my efficacy as a politician comes to an end. When that day comes, just kill me outright, I beg of you."
    -Abnur Tharn
  • Enodoc
    I also could not find it. Didn't even know it existed until I was looking at Dulfy's quest list.

    Hey @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ @ZOS_AmeliaR‌ do you by any chance know what happened to this quest? Was it removed without notice in any Patch Notes?
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  • Akhratos
    The Dark Brotherhood paid him a visit.

    Unfortunately, he had just ran out of soul gems (damn inflation).
  • AngryNord
    Still missing, at least from the EP 'Cadwell's Gold' version of Auridon...
  • ZOS_GaryA
    Hey there folks,

    This quest is not in the game at the present moment. We do not have any information on whether or not it will return at this time.
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  • Artemiisia
    someone complained about the quest? since its gone?
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