Suggestion: Revert patch 1.1.2

  • Mud_Puppy
  • melcene
    People can talk all they want about "l2p" and how the game is supposed to be challenging, but the game is also supposed to be accessible. Many people can't even get INTO the game without problems of some sort during the login process.
  • killedbyping
    When your patch fail, you do a roll back.
    This is true to any application, not just for a game when every hour is money for customer.

    Also please cancel access of your current PTS testers since only thing they do is find out new exploits and then abuse them after patch go live instead of report it at testing phase.

    There are tons of exploiters in Craglorn right now just like it was in Cyrodiil at the release.

    P.S. Seriously. I have no idia how so many PTS testers could not see that redicilous VR mobs buff and crashes.
    Edited by killedbyping on May 23, 2014 7:34AM
  • Silverblade
    Also please cancel access of your current PTS testers since only thing they do is find out new exploits and then abuse them after patch go live instead of report it at testing phase.

    P.S. Seriously. I have no idia how so many PTS testers could not see that redicilous VR mobs buff and crashes.

    To be fair, many of the issues and bugs allowed in to the release were reported in beta. I emphasize, many. Yes, even that dupe bug. One might speculate the same happened here.
    Edited by Silverblade on May 23, 2014 7:36AM
    You have 4 days of game time remaining.
  • brandon
    Chrysolis wrote: »
    In all sincerity, I think this would be the best thing for the game and Zenimax Online Studios right now. I don't know who is particularly happy with the implemented changes, but the enormity of things broken in this patch far exceed the benefits. Many people cannot play at all (loading screen bug). Others have to wade through huge FPS drops and invisible monsters. Supposing you conquer these two issues, the mobs in veteran zones now hit so hard that every encounter deserves an orchestrated crescendo to accompany the epic struggle of fighting a single wasp or crocodile.

    Let's not make an ego thing out of it, clearly you needed more time to test these changes. Everyone makes mistakes; I think that the best course of action to minimize the damage to your reputation and, indeed, your product would be to pull these changes - before customers without a serious conviction to ESO simply move on to more adequately managed waters (and likely much cheaper). I want to be clear that I've been enjoying the game up until this point, but the issues introduced with this patch have inspired me to find something more relaxing to occupy my time with.

    If they rolled it back when the problems were first announced it would have been great. However it has been hours and a lot of people have made progress and if they rollback now its just gonna make a lot of people made.
  • Syzmicke
    I would even go as far and say they should do a FFXIV take the game down and do full rewrite especialy the client side of things and get better security in game, by that i mean Bot detection.

    At the moment the only people enjoying this game are the bots that run wild and hunt in packs.

    All the nurfs to the game has only hurt the genuine player base so you can try and curb the bot infestation has NOT WORKED.
  • Phantax

    +1 for OP
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Eorea
    Syzmicke wrote: »
    At the moment the only people enjoying this game are the bots that run wild and hunt in packs.

    Speak for yourself. You're among the vocal minority that makes up 90% of these forums. I am enjoying the game very, very much. Even when I die. Bots are... annoying, but ultimately they don't affect my gameplay other than how much I enjoy reporting them after fighting to see their names around the HUGE TARGETABLE sorcerer pets.
    Edited by Eorea on May 23, 2014 8:26AM
  • elorei
    Sure it is. Plenty of us are doing craglorn easily.

    Pro tip: Get volcanic rune

    Craglorn is considerably easier than vet7-10 content currently.
  • killedbyping
    elorei wrote: »

    Craglorn is considerably easier than vet7-10 content currently.

    So yet another bunch of exploiters gonna farm some nice items real quick before they fix it and other will suffer to get anything usefull :disagree:
  • elorei

    So yet another bunch of exploiters gonna farm some nice items real quick before they fix it and other will suffer to get anything usefull :disagree:

    I would not call ppl playing the game normally exploiters. What do you expect them to do, NOT play the game? It is not like they are abusing some bug, they are just playing the game as was given them.
    My guess is all monsters in VR zones have been upped to VR11-VR12 stats... I hope accidently cause this not a L2P issues... things getting incredibly harder between two patches in older zones has nothing to do with learning how to play.

    Ok, maybe VR10's that moved to the new zone don't see it, but heck... not all of us are VR10 yet... just saying
    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • Teevesnacks

    oh and thank you for deleting NA Scourge, even if unintentional you still plan to delete it
  • woodlandwoodsb14_ESO

    The game is just unplayable now.
  • Wolfi
    Chrysolis wrote: »
    ..., the mobs in veteran zones now hit so hard that every encounter deserves an orchestrated crescendo to accompany the epic struggle of fighting a single wasp or crocodile.
    Such a good quote. :)
    I love it, when angry people keep calm.
  • Arwyn
    Well EU patch has completed now so any chance of a roll back seems unlikely.
  • trashbox52eb17_ESO
  • Bigpapa1278
    Did the new EU update fix anything they screwed up yesterday other than rollbacks.?
    EP NA

    Reign Supreme I VR16 Dragon Knight
    You So Salty I VR16 Night blade

    Member of Haxus
  • Chrysolis
    brandon wrote: »
    If they rolled it back when the problems were first announced it would have been great. However it has been hours and a lot of people have made progress and if they rollback now its just gonna make a lot of people made.

    I don't mean that they should roll back the characters per se. I think they should roll back the changes. It wouldn't be extremely easy, but I doubt it is any more work than trying to fix everything one at a time.

    It could still work - the hard level cap and Craglorn update can't really be responsible for the worst of issues (load screens, freezes, FPS drops, skills bugged, and of course veteran mobs). If the same skills they refunded were refunded again then changes to that skill would be fairly negligible.
  • Chrysolis
    I wouldn't be so bold as to say bots are the only ones enjoying the game. Prior to patch 1.1.2, I also enjoyed ESO a great deal. Ideally I'd like to enjoy it again as well. The technical issues (mostly FPS drop, stuttering, crashing, rollbacks) I could even deal with - but, on top of that, the content is Diablo 3 Original Inferno Mode hard.

    And that didn't work out too well for Blizzard.
  • Kohd1999
    Soul Shriven
    How is PvE too hard? VR9-10 zones seem perfectly fine for my NB as do the VR1-2 zones on my Sorc. Haven't been to Craglorn yet but people are saying it is as easy or easier than the VR10 area. Mobs have more health and hit harder. Utilize the block, parry, and dodge mechanics of the game as was intended.

    Guessing most of these QQs are from players that are used to rushing into packs of mobs and AE face rolling them in seconds. Glad they are stopping that nonsense.
    Edited by Kohd1999 on May 23, 2014 2:09PM
  • Chrysolis
    Another one of those. Thanks for fishing, but I'm not engaging in my own thread's derailment.
  • Kohd1999
    Soul Shriven
    Derailment? OP said that PvE was too hard now and some people are saying its impossible or that their progression is impossible due to the new difficulty. How? I've been out in VR9 and 10 on my Nightblade for an hour or two this morning and was killing just fine. Packs or 2-3 usually, used my normal CC and stealth...don't see the issue other than monsters having more health. So, it would seem that people affected are those trying to AE farm...which apparently wasn't intended to be done so easily solo in veteran zones.
  • Chrysolis
    Reposting (For some reason, this thread is no longer appearing for me):
    So these are Kagouti:

    They have just short of 3,900 HP each. These are VR 3 mobs fighting fully passive decked, heavy armor, overcharged sword and board DK.

    Sure, potions could be used, or single mobs fought until ultimate came up. But I hardly think that is the point.
  • Kohd1999
    Soul Shriven
    Chrysolis wrote: »
    Reposting (For some reason, this thread is no longer appearing for me):

    Sorry, but that looks exactly like what most of us have experienced since release. You just stood there basically letting 3 mobs chew on you without using so much as your DK heal, ability buffs, or any CC aside from an opening stun on one mob. Did a couple whips and then a few heavy attacks and that's it. If I did that on my NB, I'd die too. No spell usage aside from the couple whip attacks and you expected to kill a pack of three veteran mobs? They were hitting you for ~250 damage...nothing out of the ordinary.

    Guessing you're a reformed shield basher used to having 360* block on 24/7. Welcome to the real world.
  • alexanderb16_ESO16
    I like to agree.

    This update includes to many severe bugs.

    I got already client crashes (reproducable) 5 minutes after my first login, as I tried to get the attachments out of my emails.

    Now it is not even possible for me to login, if I try it, I am getting an 301 error.

    a) Please role back to the last version.
    b) TEST the new version!
    c) then if it is good enough, bring it on!

    By the way, if you nead a new QA lead, ask me! :)
    I was head of QA of two QA teams up to 30 people in an e-commerce company. I was working there many years as QA lead and got fired some weeks ago because my company got into insolvency.
    One of the reasons for the insolvency --> the CEO and CIO gave both a piece of *** about quality and closed the QA teams, including my position.) They should burn in hell. They were able to ruine a company of 2500 people in only 3 years, Hats off!

  • Chrysolis
    Kohd1999 wrote: »

    Sorry, but that looks exactly like what most of us have experienced since release. You just stood there basically letting 3 mobs chew on you without using so much as your DK heal, ability buffs, or any CC aside from an opening stun on one mob. Did a couple whips and then a few heavy attacks and that's it. If I did that on my NB, I'd die too. No spell usage aside from the couple whip attacks and you expected to kill a pack of three veteran mobs? They were hitting you for ~250 damage...nothing out of the ordinary.

    Guessing you're a reformed shield basher used to having 360* block on 24/7. Welcome to the real world.

    260 damage per hit means that you can take 10 hits before you die. How fast do you think that will happen with 3 mobs attacking? For the record the build is balanced and does not rely on shield bashing.

    As I said, more can be done. I'm certain you are a brilliant pro with much to teach the rest of us. But that's not the point of this thread, and I'm honestly very tired of the fanboy archetype that vehemently and blindly defends their game regardless of the fact that ZOS developers have now admitted that this an unintended bug.

    Thanks for your contribution, now kindly *** off.
    Edited by Chrysolis on May 23, 2014 4:02PM
  • Kohd1999
    Soul Shriven
    Chrysolis wrote: »

    260 damage per hit means that you can take 10 hits before you die. How fast do you think that will happen with 3 mobs attacking? For the record the build is balanced and does not rely on shield bashing.

    As I said, more can be done. I'm certain you are a brilliant pro with much to teach the rest of us. But that's not the point of this thread, and I'm honestly very tired of the fanboy archetype that vehemently and blindly defends their game regardless of the fact that ZOS developers have now admitted that this an unintended bug.

    Thanks for your contribution, now kindly *** off.

    I'm a fanboy for pointing out that you attacked a group of 3 vet mobs, spammed 2 buttons, died, and are now crying about it? FFS.
  • Chrysolis
    No, you're a fanboy for defending bugs.
  • Kohd1999
    Soul Shriven
    I went out in V1-10 areas and saw little or no difference in mob difficulty. But ofc, I use more than 2 abilities. So there is that.

    If you are used to being able to run into a pack of mobs and use 2 buttons and win, then I guess there is more to 'fix' on the DK class.
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