Can't progress Gold Road main questline

I'm at the point where a watcher is supposed to appear after speaking with Beragon in Beragon's townhouse.
There is no watcher. I have no main story quest in my journal. I can't continue the main story questline for Gold Road.

I have tried exiting the townhouse, porting to a different wayshrine, logging out and logging back in. Shut off the game overnight. Searched Beragon's townhouse again. No watcher.

My only idea is that I skipped playing the Necrom storyline. But I doubt that would impact the storyline of a different expansion.
  • Ruj
    I'm unable to submit a ticket to get help on the quest.

    The directions say to right click on the quest IN GAME to submit a ticket for it.

    However, I have no quest to right click on.

    There is no category for ticket submission for my problem. How do I get help with this bug?
  • Sync01
    I think you have to do the Necrom main story.
    It wasn't made clear when Gold Road released but the main stories are connected, so in order to do the second part (Gold Road) you have to do the first (Necrom).
  • Ruj
    Sync01 wrote: »
    I think you have to do the Necrom main story.
    It wasn't made clear when Gold Road released but the main stories are connected, so in order to do the second part (Gold Road) you have to do the first (Necrom).

    If I could have a dev confirm this, that would help.

    My mental health cannot deal with Necrom aesthetics so I would need to ask my boyfriend to play through it for me. I rather not have him go through all that unless it is absolutely necessary.

    Please devs... if Gold Road is not part of your One Tamriel experience where players can simply choose which zones they want to play, at least inform us.

    Don't leave us speculating. All I ask is for communication.

    Edited by Ruj on June 11, 2024 4:11PM
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    You should need Necrom and Gold Road completion if you are trying to do the epilogue quest. If this is part of Gold Road main quest, you do not need Necrom completion. One other thing that could be done to try and get the quest completed is abandoning the quest and try completing again. We've had a few folks who have gotten stuck and doing that has resolved quests for them. If you try that and it still does not work, please let us know. We have a few quests that are bugged and will be fix for progression issues.
    Edited by ZOS_Kevin on June 11, 2024 4:52PM
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Ruj
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    You should only need Necrom completion if you are trying to do the epilogue quest. If this is part of Gold Road main quest, you do not need Necrom completion. One other thing that could be done to try and get the quest completed is abandoning the quest and try completing again. We've had a few folks who have gotten stuck and doing that has resolved quests for them. If you try that and it still does not work, please let us know. We have a few quests that are bugged and will be fix for progression issues.

    There is no quest for me to abandon.

    I completed speaking with Beragon. A watcher is supposed to appear exclaiming about doom, but no watcher appears for me.
    There is no main story quest giver for me to pick up a quest.
  • Ruj
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    You should only need Necrom completion if you are trying to do the epilogue quest. If this is part of Gold Road main quest, you do not need Necrom completion. One other thing that could be done to try and get the quest completed is abandoning the quest and try completing again. We've had a few folks who have gotten stuck and doing that has resolved quests for them. If you try that and it still does not work, please let us know. We have a few quests that are bugged and will be fix for progression issues.

    Which is the epilogue quest vs main story quest?

    I AM able to buy the home, Merryvine Estate. with gold. I have the house.

    I am NOT able to do the achievement for the lynx mount.

    Thank you so much for your reply!

    Edited by Ruj on June 11, 2024 4:45PM
  • Ruj
  • Ruj
    This is where the watcher is supposed to appear, according to my boyfriend who just played through the questline.

    But no watcher appears for me.


    Does anyone know how to start "Relic Restorer" part of the achievement? The quest is called "Itheria's Fury" (from achievement information)

    Edited by Ruj on June 11, 2024 4:32PM
  • SilverBride
    Try opening the zone guide and choose the option to continue the zone story.

    This probably won't work if it's an epilogue quest.
    Edited by SilverBride on June 11, 2024 4:42PM
  • fizl101
    Ruj wrote: »
    This is where the watcher is supposed to appear, according to my boyfriend who just played through the questline.

    But no watcher appears for me.


    Does anyone know how to start "Relic Restorer" part of the achievement? The quest is called "Itheria's Fury" (from achievement information)

    I think thats the epilogue, you need to have completed both gold road and necrom main story
    Soupy twist
  • Ruj
    fizl101 wrote: »

    I think thats the epilogue, you need to have completed both gold road and necrom main story

    Thank you!!!

    For anyone else who needs help with this issue:

    You need to complete the Necrom main story quest to unlock the Gold Road lynx mount.

    Edited by Ruj on June 11, 2024 6:52PM
  • Ruj
    Try opening the zone guide and choose the option to continue the zone story.

    This probably won't work if it's an epilogue quest.


    The zone guide says all the quests are completed for the zone.
    The achievements section says all the quests are NOT completed for the zone.


    It's very confusing.

    While I am very thankful to other players here on the forums for their amazing detective work, there is nothing in game instructing players that an achievement description stating, "Complete the main quest in West Weald" has a hidden requirement: Complete the main story line in Necrom.

    The epilogue is NOT functioning as an epilogue at the moment.
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    If this is part of Gold Road main quest, you do not need Necrom completion.
    Players currently need Necrom completion for an achievement whose objective states, "Complete the main quest in West Weald."

    Edited by Ruj on June 11, 2024 6:51PM
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Yes, for the epilogue (which is not part of the main quest), you need completion of both Necrom Main Quest and Gold Road Main Quest. The stories are connected. So this is working as intended.

    Also to note, the ESO+ Free trial is going on right now, and Necrom was just added to ESO+. So you could leverage that to do the Necrom Quest if you don't have it currently.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Ruj
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Yes, for the epilogue (which is not part of the main quest), you need completion of both Necrom Main Quest and Gold Road Main Quest. The stories are connected. So this is working as intended.


    @ZOS_Kevin The achievement for "Complete the main quest in West Weald" requires Necrom completion and the secret epilogue completion.

    Edited by Ruj on June 11, 2024 7:20PM
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Okay, understand what you are saying. We'll get that flagged for the team.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Ruj
    Thank you!
  • jasonleitch1_ESO
    Just to clarify the issue for myself.

    Is the West Weald main story questline only able to be completed up to "traveler of the untraveled" UNLESS you have completed the necrom story line? This would mean that "Itheria's Fury" questline cannot be picked up until necrom is complete, is this correct?

    If the above is correct, is it noted ingame, so that the player knows this requirement is needed? Also, was this noted in the purchase of Gold Road (that the Necrom storyline must be completed in order to be able to complete the Gold Road storyline)?
    Edited by jasonleitch1_ESO on June 13, 2024 7:11PM
    PC/NA: Pentar Stonedrake (mag sorc) - Undefined (technically my main)
    PC/NA: Pentora Stonedrake (stam sorc) - Death Huntress (NB hunter / speed build)
  • Elrond87
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Yes, for the epilogue (which is not part of the main quest), you need completion of both Necrom Main Quest and Gold Road Main Quest. The stories are connected. So this is working as intended.

    Also to note, the ESO+ Free trial is going on right now, and Necrom was just added to ESO+. So you could leverage that to do the Necrom Quest if you don't have it currently.

    is that intended, having to complete necrom on the same character and then gold road, i have seen many in zone asking where is this quest even though they did necrom on a different character, then having to rush through gold road for a 2nd time on the character that did necrom
    20 characters
  • Imperial_Archmage
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Yes, for the epilogue (which is not part of the main quest), you need completion of both Necrom Main Quest and Gold Road Main Quest. The stories are connected. So this is working as intended.

    Also to note, the ESO+ Free trial is going on right now, and Necrom was just added to ESO+. So you could leverage that to do the Necrom Quest if you don't have it currently.

    So I just completed Traveler of the Untraveled and I can't progress beyond to Relic Restorer and Truth Reflector. I have done all the Necrom quests but on a different character because I decided to level my Arcanist by playing through the Necrom story. I did the West Weald story on my sorcerer. Do I have to complete both sets of stories on the same character? If so that's ludicrous and flies in the face of having achievements be account wide, not to mention extremely disrespectful of the player's time. At the very least there needed to be a warning somewhere about this. Please confirm @ZOS_Kevin.
  • joergino
    Stories always need to be done on the same character for the epilogue quests to appear.
  • Maggusemm
    The bug is still existing.

    No one mentioned that this needs to be all done on the same character which fundamentally contradicts the concept of the account wide achievements. I could understand if its the same character for the gold road content that needs to complete the epilogue, but like this its just a bug.
  • LunaFlora
    Maggusemm wrote: »
    The bug is still existing.

    No one mentioned that this needs to be all done on the same character which fundamentally contradicts the concept of the account wide achievements. I could understand if its the same character for the gold road content that needs to complete the epilogue, but like this its just a bug.

    quest progress did not ever become account wide.
    you have always needed to do connected quests on the same character.
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

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    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
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  • Maggusemm
    connected quests show up in one quest line. But its two questlines required. So for the first quest line of necrom the achievement should count. Because only the West Weald Quest and Epilogue are shown in one questline.
  • Maggusemm
    Just look at the screenshot its called Champion of Gold Road with no reference that the same char should do it all also for Necrom.
  • virtus753
    It would help if they go back to separating the epilogue quests in a different achievement from the main questline, like they did for previous Q2 + Q4 DLC pairings.

    But even then they did not say it had to be done on the same character. Quest progress has always been character specific.

    For example, with Markarth's achievements "Nowhere Beyond Your Reach"/"Peered Into the Abyss"/"A Bridge Between Kingdoms", you must have done both Greymoor's main questline and Markarth's on the same character.

    Yet nowhere in the achievements does it say that. Same for Dragonhold and Deadlands and Galen. That's just the way it's always been done with these capping quests. Quest progress for questlines has never been achievement based in general, even since AWA. You cannot get the achievement for quest #1 and then skip over that one to do quest #2 on another character when it comes to the same connected questline(s). That's not what AWA was ever stated to be for, nor how it's ever been used.

    So getting the achievement "Skyrim Diplomat" to earn "Champion of Solitude" did NOT let you do the epilogue quests in Markarth on a character who had not done those actual quests:

    And it still didn't work that way after AWA, since that's not what it was for:

    The only thing that has changed since then is that they can no longer put the second part of the storyline and the epilogue quests in the Q4 DLC, as there isn't one anymore. So the next available story DLC is the next chapter.
    Edited by virtus753 on June 16, 2024 5:39PM
  • Firstmep
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Yes, for the epilogue (which is not part of the main quest), you need completion of both Necrom Main Quest and Gold Road Main Quest. The stories are connected. So this is working as intended.

    Also to note, the ESO+ Free trial is going on right now, and Necrom was just added to ESO+. So you could leverage that to do the Necrom Quest if you don't have it currently.

    I'll be honest I think it would've been better to keep the last 2 quests as part of the main story.

    Most chapters are mostly standalone ventures and a lot of new players start with them.

  • dhoward5b14_ESO
    @ZOS_Kevin [Snip]. I am extremely angry after spending hours on Gold Road main quest, only to find out that I cannot complete the last 2 parts for the achievement (Relic Restorer and one more quest). I should have received a warning, and it really should not work this way. I did the Necrom main story on a different toon - why should I be forced to go back and do it again on this toon, or re-do Gold Road on the toon that has Necrom main story (not even considering you may have deleted the character you did main Necrom story on).

    [Edited for minor bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_Volpe on June 20, 2024 4:12PM
  • Veinblood1965
    Ruj wrote: »

    There is no quest for me to abandon.

    I completed speaking with Beragon. A watcher is supposed to appear exclaiming about doom, but no watcher appears for me.
    There is no main story quest giver for me to pick up a quest.

    Is this on all toons or just one? Do you have the necrom story line completed on one toon? If you have necrom story line completed try it on that. If not try it on a brand new toon. I've found that for some reason brand new toons get's me unstuck or at least I can complete the story line on the "new toon".
  • zsquared8080
    I get why this might have happened, since the "Champion of..." meta story achievements are new as of Necrom. I think when dealing with the second part of a multi-year arc, the "Champion of..." achievements need to explicitly exclude epilogue quests for consistency with past chapters, and to ensure that all core zone content can be unlocked in that zone.

    I'd be curious to understand if there's a plan to update the requirements for the Champion of the Gold Road achievement.
  • KinnikuBeam
    I have same problem, i hope it's not because i have done necrom main quest with my arcanist...... normaly i do all with my main, but when Necrom come, i up my arcanist by doing the main quest.
    Hope i don't have to do again Necrom with my main, really boring if it's that :(
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