Bucky Balls wrote: »And, instead of a single thread we now have...many:
Bucky Balls wrote: »
Seems all servers have finally given up.
Maybe we'll actually get some answers?
KaironBlackbard wrote: »Funny thing is eso-hub claims everything is operational.
I still can't get back in.
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
I see several faults with your assumption.
- you assume that they store data on ZOS servers to be retrieved by the addon. They don't. They can't. Similar addons like TTC use a separate exe to send and receive such data to and from a server that will hold the data: their own.
- you assume that they only see the stats of people using the same addon. They see my stats and that of non-addon users. Your explanation fails to explain that.
- you claim they don't make calls, but it's clear they do, especially when they turn off their BanditsUI and I get pristine connection again.
You forget this:
and only topic where wrote Kevin and Gina
Update here on the server being down: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/670288/eso-na-eu-megaservers-offline-dec-12
There is no "assuming" as you claim...there is no peer to peer communications with addons. The addons don't "store data" on the ZOS servers, it's information that the game itself transmits from client to server and server to client. .
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
Then why is it that when someone in my group has BanditsUI active, my system becomes sluggish when they don't have their map open, and at the same time they are spamming ping on the compass and on a random point on the map that they don't have open?
It's making calls, clear as day.
Never give up.
I'm sure @ZOS_JessicaFolsom and @ZOS_Kevin are working on it. I'm actually thinking maybe @ZOS_MattFiror might address this in his upcoming EOY letter.
(Matts forum account hasn't been active in over a year so no way he is seeing that tag lol)
Thanksgiving is over, We were told we could get an update or at least a small "we're still looking at it" copy pasta. still nothing! its about to be Christmas. should we just give up?
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
We have a Q&A post prepped and were going to share it today in this thread, then the datacenter power failure happened and honestly it didn't seem like the best time. It is all ready to go, though, and we'll post it tomorrow. This may be getting a little to in the weeds, but one of the reasons more meaty posts and Q&As take a little extra time is we localize them into extended languages (12 not counting English) so that as many of our players as possible can benefit from the answers.
LatentBuzzard wrote: »Yeah, that sounds very much like we're about to get a Q&A in 13 languages saying "it's you, not us" and "have you tried turning it off and on again ?".
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
Then why is it that when someone in my group has BanditsUI active, my system becomes sluggish when they don't have their map open, and at the same time they are spamming ping on the compass and on a random point on the map that they don't have open?
It's making calls, clear as day.
manukartofanu wrote: »
Once again: no, and we are absolutely certain about this. How could it happen that another player's requests cause your requests to enter a corrupted state or not be processed? There could be plenty of reasons, and they depend on the specifics of the implementation. If we need to come up with a general example of how this could happen, then sure, it's easy. For instance, a deadlock might occur.
So what you're saying is that when someone is grouped with you and they open their map, it makes YOUR system sluggish if they don't have Bandits...do you have any out of date addons?
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
THEY have BanditsUI.
I don't.
I only have: Map Pins, Lorebooks, TTC, USPF. Nothing else.
When THEY are running around doing things, my system becomes sluggish, and there is an auto ping every second in their name.
While they have their map open, the pings stop, and my system returns to normal.
When they disable BanditsUI, the pings stop, and my system returns to normal.
My most memorable situation regarding this:
I'm on my psijic sorc trying to solo nFangLair, I'm thinking no big deal right?
I took a beating from the ad groups, but no deathed to the first boss.
Boss is just ad waves.
Ad wave 1, owned me. Ok, try again.
Made it into wave 2, then got owned.
Again. Made it to wave 3, then got owned.
Again. 3 again. Ok, need help.
Published a group finder.
about 10 minutes goes by and I get a dps.
Skipping common combat.
We make it halfway through and we get a tank.
When he enters our instance, his character starts pinging (ctrl+click default keybind) somewhere off the coast of Vvardenfell every second.
My system becomes sluggish.
Ping only lasts 2 seconds btw.
We make it to the Lich boss, and boy did I struggle to keep heals on them, practically 1 frame per second.
We defeat that boss, and I ask him what addons he's using, explaining that my system became sluggish when he joined.
He goes through one by one toggling his addons.
Ok, before that I explained to him about the pings and when he'd open his map to look the pings would stop and my system would return to normal.
Back to toggling.
He toggled at least 5 before the pings stopped.
He toggled a few more as I typed "there"
He had to backtrack toggling a couple times until he redisabled the one that cleared it.
"that one."
"which one is that?"
his reply: "BanditsUI"
Now for my brother's encounter:
He did a trial with some guildies around the beginning of the golden event.
at least 5 of them had auto pings going, and his system crashed every 15 seconds.
each time he logged in he tried to explain in half messages (because he'd get booted too often for a detailed message) that he's seeing auto pings and getting booted. I don't remember much about his conversation, except this next part:
He sent "Are any of y'all running BanditsUI?"
The next time he logged in, most of their auto pings had stopped, and he was able to play with them.
They disabled their BanditsUI for him.
That's how I know it makes calls, or something similar to that anyways.
I'm thinking the ping is a visualization of it making a request/call for information about another user/ally.
It requests more information than is sent to the server, or at least more often than is sent to the server thus calling on others machines.
Since my connection is pathetic, it causes sluggish connection and even loss of connection.
Out of date addons are likely completely unrelated to this issue. I’ve never used BanditsUI. Ever. Here’s what happened: the game received an update in May, and I experienced frequent ping and connection issues from that point onwards, whether grouped or solo without ANY other players in my immediate vicinity.
The one thing almost all of us have in common is that the performance problems we’re experiencing in game all started around the same time this year in May. Pointing fingers at specific addons just unnecessarily muddies the waters, IMO, especially given that many console players are also having the same problems and literally cannot use addons.
Are you still having those issues? I'm genuinely curious, because in the NA endgame raiding scene at least, server/lag problems have died down a lot.