Desyncs after Knockbacks while Population Increase Cyrodiil

Server: EU
Campaign: Grayhost

With the Population Increase in Cyrodiil the "Lag" is back.
Mainly when there are more People involved.
Such as slight delay for casting skills, delay after breaking free, etc.
As seen in the Video, Knockbacks can cause "Positional Desyncs". You can´t do anything until you get another Stun/Knockback.
You are still able to move, but not able to cast skills/barswap.
In this specific case i got a Knockbacks from Flame Clench on the corner, after that i wasn´t able to cast something.
With another Knockback (Flame Clench again) i set my Position back.
That happend for a few times yesterday for various People.

i`ll add 2 Screenshots of eso logs - there you can see that nothing happend in terms of casts - even i tried to barswap/cast skills:

Link to the Video:

Edited by ZOS_Bill on February 1, 2024 6:34PM
  • GooGa592
    The changes are definitely impacting how roots work.

    Mostly things are better in Cyro last day plus due to better fights and more people. I am getting some bouts of frequent disconnecting though. Can play for a couple hours and everything is pretty good with exception of some lag at big fights, then I'll disconnect 5 times in 30 minutes, almost always during a big fight or riding to one.

    I'm cautiously hopeful these tests will yield some positive results.
  • React
    Yep, this has occurred to me 3 times since testing began, and I personally witnessed it occurring to my friend on another faction. I'll put one of my clips below, can post more later when I get home.

    @ZOS_Kevin this should be a high priority to pass on to whatever team would work on fixing it - it's happening very frequently now and completely breaks your game.

    Edit: Just wanted to clarify, while in the past this bug seemed to only occur with knockbacks, in my clip below you'll see it happen with the arcanist rune stun, which is not a knockback. I witnessed it occur to my friend with the s&b gap closer stun as well.
    Edited by React on December 8, 2023 4:19PM
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • ZOS_Bill
    Our help article linked below offers different troubleshooting you can try for latency issues while playing ESO.

    Latency / Lag - Technical Support - The Elder Scrolls Online
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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