At least 50% of the time when I start the game, it does not recognize my controller even though the gamepad setting is set to ON. I have to either disconnect and reconnect my controller, or I have to back into the settings and turn gamepad mode OFF and then ON again to get it to work.
Secondly at times the game simply refuses to acknowledge left and right movement on the left-hand stick. Forward and backward work fine, but the character simply stops dead when you attempt to move left or right. If I switch to keyboard mode, I can use A/D to move side to side fine, so it is a bug specific to gamepad mode. The only way to correct this is to quit the game and restart. There are other small issues as well that crop up from time to time. Are any of these known? Are they being looked at? This is a bit frustrating when all you want to do is play the game and it actively sabotages you.
As of 2-10-25 I will no longer be posting on these forums.