Congratulations AD on stealing Kaal EU/PC :star:

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Congratulations AD for ur hard work and weaking up early 5 days/week just to steal scroll and with hammer or not, taking 95% of map!

:star: Your hard effort fighting DOORS made BIGGEST "players" base of all alliances! :warning:
:star: Your winning score made "bravest" join winnig side for years!
:star: Your stolen 5% crit chances and +10%(depending on map - sometimes 15%) crit damage buff along with EMP buff,made possible to kill players even for ur potatoes and meta followers!
:star: Your (T)bag zergs made highest progress ! now even 20 AD is able to kill 3 EP or DC smallscale players (if mentioned buffs re active for AD).

once more ! HURRAY for AD sandbox ! :naughty:
once more HURRAY ! for AD victory! :wink:

have fun i am out of 30 day ! let them have fun alone in their sandbox for little AD :wink:
Edited by Curious_Death on November 11, 2019 8:27PM
  • Ramber
  • DocFrost72
    Too much salt is bad for the heart.
  • Curious_Death
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Too much salt is bad for the heart.

    Thats right thats why I am out of salty AD sandbox ! :wink:
    hope more players leave them there and they will pvdoor forever without interruption :smiley: and potatoes will be killing npc that does not req same effort :blush: coz sometimes even buffs re not enough with good meta =)
  • EdoKeledus
    One of the numerous reasons why I leaved ESO and PvP(EU/PC/KAL/DC) more specifically.

    The fact that AD enjoy playing like that still three years is out of my understanding.

    The campaign is so ruined that winning or losing doesn’t matter anymore and a campaign then by extension a game without competition(at least for the PvP) It's not worth playing for.
    DC PC EU Vivec
    Daggerfall Convenant Loyalist

  • Curious_Death
    EdoKeledus wrote: »
    One of the numerous reasons why I leaved ESO and PvP(EU/PC/KAL/DC) more specifically.

    The fact that AD enjoy playing like that still three years is out of my understanding.

    The campaign is so ruined that winning or losing doesn’t matter anymore and a campaign then by extension a game without competition(at least for the PvP) It's not worth playing for.

    THANK YOU! /kowtow

    You put in words what i felt for soo much time!
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
  • Mr_Walker
    Could you cry more? Everyone knows campaigns are won in off peak. Plus, do you really get such amazing prizes at the end it's worth having a sook about it?

    That last is a rhetorical question, the answer is of course no.

    OK, outside, get some fresh air into you son.
    Edited by Mr_Walker on November 12, 2019 1:19AM
  • Gzorbditw
    And since all the AD from sotha hopped on the vivec band wagon DC became the new AD :#
    Edited by Gzorbditw on November 12, 2019 1:55AM
    Bahlokdaan EU memes:
  • Curious_Death
    Gzorbditw wrote: »
    And since all the AD from sotha hopped on the vivec band wagon DC became the new AD :#

    Do they steal scrolls at night ?
  • idk
    LOL. Since OP woke up late every day they are a little upset.

    Also, IBC

    Edit: serous grats to AD. Hopefully you will handle this with the dignity and set an example for those a little salty because they lost.
    Edited by idk on November 12, 2019 8:44AM
  • Curious_Death
    idk wrote: »
    LOL. Since OP woke up late every day they are a little upset.

    Also, IBC

    Sad is that no1 see AD 3 years day by day buffs! they log in with emp crit and crit dmg buffs in pvp ... that's breaking fun! also ruins competition coz 30 guys wont steal scrolls without resistance ! normally! coz AD doesnt needs to ... they log in and for more than 12h they got emp scrolls and +50% of map... this is unfair !
    ZOS DELETE crit+crit dmg buffs and this will easier our recapture scrolls... coz when normal players log in ... the AD one's have buffs scrolls and forts...
  • mague
    have fun i am out of 30 day !

    No reason to leave. I am AD and the situation is bad both sides.

    There is no Mister AD. The PvDoor'ing starts like 3:30 at night. I assume its the only thing certain timezones can do in Cyrodiil. Do the quests including the scrolls. I woke up a few times at night when on holidays and played that time. There is not only AD online. But all is very small scale. With only a few sieges it takes hours to win the map. This is nothing you can do between shower and coffee.

    The downside for AD is that the other two factions press towards EMP and their scrolls. And AD is not able to defend it. This is not a fail of AD, it is an imbalance of 24 hour gameplay. No faction is able to defend all scrolls and EMP.

    At the end of the EU day AD is back on square 1 with 0-2 scrolls and 2-3 keeps. This is not much fun for AD either. There is quite some bitter among the newer palyers and some vets who cant see that it is impossible to defend a map someone made up in a different timezone.

    In my opinion the problem is how Cyrodiil is calculating the points. In my opinion there shouldnt be a tick each hour. There should be an algorithm using numbers of players and AP. But this wont happen, because it is a lot of work to change the gameplay.

    TL;TR Dont take Cyrodiil to serious. A bunch of tower campers can be much more anoying
  • idk

    Sad is that no1 see AD 3 years day by day buffs! they log in with emp crit and crit dmg buffs in pvp ... that's breaking fun! also ruins competition coz 30 guys wont steal scrolls without resistance ! normally! coz AD doesnt needs to ... they log in and for more than 12h they got emp scrolls and +50% of map... this is unfair !
    ZOS DELETE crit+crit dmg buffs and this will easier our recapture scrolls... coz when normal players log in ... the AD one's have buffs scrolls and forts...

    Because they outplayed the other two alliances it is unfair? Maybe you need to spend more time in Cyrodiil rallying the troops from your alliance or maybe it is time to take a break from PvP.

    BTW, Zos will not even see suggestion you made just now. They tend to look for constructive feedback vs sore losers ranting.
  • gepe87
    Go to No CP. Sometimes its a bit more balanced, and AD there is near inexistent.
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • Curious_Death

    Because they outplayed the other two alliances it is unfair? Maybe you need to spend more time in Cyrodiil rallying the troops from your alliance or maybe it is time to take a break from PvP.

    They not "outplayed" they *** steal scrolls when no1s online! this wont happend in NA coz there is always some1 logged in !
    in EU they use time difference that is huge advantage when no1 protect keeps!

    make then 2am-6am no scroll moving ... i bet 1 campaign and AD will became 0! AD loosers will see how pathetic they re without this advantage! - i see this every weekend! AD is 0! AD doesnt even fight back when they have not ppl advantage or scrolls! they cannot even take middle keep!
    AD is 0
    AD sucks
    AD is sh1tborn

  • Alienoutlaw
    lol this is funny, "morning" for you is someone else's daytime, there are many different times zones in play, and all the salt because you still cant beat us when we are not online :)
    i see no one has mentioned the players from EP and DC that park scrolls in the water just for fun or sit passing keeps to each other, i love getting the hate whispers from players because 6 AD take out a keep defended by 20 EP or DC, our raid teams are well organised we dont "ball" around rocks or run to towers at the first sign of a fight, we could say that the afternoon and peak times is the only time EP and DC can take the map as AD are not online but we appreciate you work and ALWAYS look forward marching across the map taking it back when we are on
  • Cirantille
    Get yourself something to keep yourself busy.
    You are obsessed with AD lol.
    AD has always been doing morning cap.
    DC does the same in non-cp, they do night cap.
    If you are an EP coming from Skyrim expecting to press left click harder will work, or trying to shoot heavy attack arrow when I am in your face, you will be like this of course ahahaha
    Is your nickname Dovahkiin too?
  • marius_buys
    One question to the OP:

    How many keeps does AD own in Kaalgrontiid during prime time on pc eu?

    Usually none. Why would that be?
  • ku5h
    I think ZoS should shut down servers while OP is not online.
  • Alienoutlaw
    i thought i would re-write this classic just for the OP :)

    hey, hey, hey, hey
    Ooh woh

    Dont you get Salty with me
    All alone playing with EP and DC

    Abandoning your trebuchet's and mounts
    Giving AD Everything inside and out
    Games are strange we play in the dark
    You run round your Rocks like kids at a park

    Slow days AD pulls you apart
    To beat us you'll need an early start

    Dont you get salty with me
    Dont, dont, dont, dont
    Dont you get salty with AD

    Will you stand above me?
    cover the Rams in Oil?
    OIL keeps falling, but the doors keep coming
    Down, down, down
    Edited by Alienoutlaw on November 12, 2019 10:54AM
  • zyk
  • Master_Kas
    EU | PC
  • ZOS_FalcoYamaoka

    This thread has been closed for bashing and inappropriate language. Please remember to keep the threads civil and constructive.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.