Congratulations AD for ur hard work and weaking up early 5 days/week just to steal scroll and with hammer or not, taking 95% of map!

Your hard effort fighting DOORS made BIGGEST "players" base of all alliances!

Your winning score made "bravest" join winnig side for years!

Your stolen 5% crit chances and +10%(depending on map - sometimes 15%) crit damage buff along with EMP buff,made possible to kill players even for ur potatoes and meta followers!

Your (T)bag zergs made highest progress ! now even 20 AD is able to kill 3 EP or DC smallscale players (if mentioned buffs re active for AD).
once more ! HURRAY for AD sandbox !

once more HURRAY ! for AD victory!

have fun i am out of 30 day ! let them have fun alone in their
sandbox for little AD
Edited by Curious_Death on November 11, 2019 8:27PM