I've been logging in for 7.5 beers lol
Overloaded -_-
And they promised this year not much content and changes just improvement and fixes, and it’s now more broken, can’t even log in.
DragonRacer wrote: »Hell, I can’t even get the damn patch downloaded. Started it at noon on my lunch break. It somehow restarted itself from scratch when I got home from work. I have watched this thing go from an estimated 30 hour download to a 21 hour download back to a 29 hour download in the span of 2 hours.
I know my Internet is not amazing, but it’s also not THIS bad. I have NEVER experienced an update crawl like this.
Let’s not even start up on the event tickets I missed today and may very well miss tomorrow if this thing continues to download at this speed.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Thanks all, we’re aware and actively investigating.
I've been logging in for 7.5 beers lol
cherryskary wrote: »Nobody in my guild experienced a long load time on initial loggin. Instead, they're now freezing out in random places, load screens are taking forever, and they get bluescreens and hard crashes after logging in and swapping characters without any issues all day. Now suddenly some are being booted before character select, others are experiencing up to 30min wait times to log into a character they've already been on today.
This is exactly opposite of what was promised.
The events are always horrible regarding lag and hard crashing. There are always connectivity and hard crashing issues after an update. The DB/TG areas are some of the worst areas in the game for connectivity issues.
Who's bright idea was it to do all of it at once when you don't even have the server space/game engine to keep the event or even just everyday casual play smooth in the first place?
Stop with the content, stop with the BS, just take time to actually fix your game and servers, and you'll find more people playing and spending money.
Since it seems like ZoS only cares about the money, let me translate: Better product = better bottom line. It's basic business.
Edit: punctuation & typos