I'm in 3 trading guilds, all with 500 members and for over a weak there is barely any Kuta, Rosin, Dreugh Wax and Tempering alloys for sale, maybe 1 or 2 and those that are for sale are going for 25k+ per peice. It's just pathetic.
At first I had high hopes for guild stores being that it would cut out the spamming in /zone but actually that is all I seem to find myself doing. Spamming for hours a day in Cyrodiil for pvp gear, /zone for other gear and quite frankly I'm bored of it.
Like I said I'm in 3 x 500 man trading guilds but this simply isn't a large enough population of players to have a good sample of items to buy. Especially since there are only 3 or 4 guilds which only accept V12 members but they're completely full.
Why not just create a server based auction house where people can list their items? Drastically improve the auction house refineability so people can actually find items without scrolling through dozens of pages.
The guild store needs a complete makeover anyway so why not just get rid of it and create a proper auction house, so we can spend less time spamming in /zone and more time enjoying the game?
Just a thought...
Edited by ImaginaryDimension on May 28, 2014 9:40AM