Healing with only restoration staff?

So, is it possible to heal only with a resto staff? My girlfriend is picking up the resto staff on her mage, and we went to test it out. I took damage, she aimed the staff at me, pulled the trigger and nothing happened.

Seems more like another kind of destruction staff, how does this work?
Edited by ZOS_Lunar on October 27, 2022 2:10PM
  • hilelorangutan
    It's a destruction staff, usually with weaker damage, but the weapon skill line has healing abilities tied into it. It's basically another tree that contains healing skills.
  • crimsonBZD
    That's... strange lol.
  • Sarenia
    Actually, the restoration staff does heal others, unless I'm mis-remembering.
  • AlienPrimate
    The restoration staff's attacks heal others for 15% of the damage dealt with one of the passive perks, otherwise the only healing they can do is the abilities.
  • blackwolf7
    It is possible but you have to tell your members to play wisely and avoid or block heavy dmgs. Or else you wont be able to keep up with their hps as resto staff only gives heal over time and minimum burst heals.

    I always tell my tank not to facetank adds in dungeons and mitigate some attacks and usually we end up running fine.

    Though some are complete morons who ignore mechanics thinking healers can carry their stupidity
  • ThatHappyCat
    Even a healer needs a basic attack. Plus the Resto staff's heavy attack has a very valuable function: it restores your magicka. Invaluable for any spellcasting character, including healers of course.
  • Brank
    so what is the ability that, forgive me for being vague, heals allies in area with multiple beams coming from staff?
    Edited by Brank on April 19, 2014 10:27PM
  • Coggage
    Regeneration. It affects two other players within range but seems fairly random.
  • Howl
    If you're not actively casting heal spells then you should be spamming heavy attacks into the mobs. It gives you 10% magicka every attack and keeps the healer very busy.
  • pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO
    Howl wrote: »
    If you're not actively casting heal spells then you should be spamming heavy attacks into the mobs. It gives you 10% magicka every attack and keeps the healer very busy.

    The question was whether it's possible to heal ONLY with resto staff. And yes, it's possible - in one dungeon I've been healed by a resto-staff-armed DK. And no, you won't be effective. While resto staff skill tree has some healing abilities they are not enough to be a main healer in a group, it's possible to be an off-healer though.

    Yet, as a mage (I assume you mean sorcerer) it's useful to have resto staff as the second weapon to pull it out to replenish your magicka.
    Edited by pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO on April 20, 2014 12:01AM
    "Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • Tetujin
    Howl wrote: »
    If you're not actively casting heal spells then you should be spamming heavy attacks into the mobs. It gives you 10% magicka every attack and keeps the healer very busy.

    The question was whether it's possible to heal ONLY with resto staff. And yes, it's possible - in one dungeon I've been healed by a resto-staff-armed DK. And no, you won't be effective. While resto staff skill tree has some healing abilities they are not enough to be a main healer in a group, it's possible to be an off-healer though.

    Yet, as a mage (I assume you mean sorcerer) it's useful to have resto staff as the second weapon to pull it out to replenish your magicka.

    What needs to be added from outside the resto skill tree to be a main healer? Do you mean like the light armor perks or something?
  • Shaun98ca2
    You can be main healer with a restro staff. Its just a little more challenging that's all. Most of the staffs heals are "over time" based. Steadfast ward on the staff is where the life saving really comes in. Regeneration is a smart heal so heals targets with the fewest HP. Paying attention to the "beams" will tell you who was healed.

    There is theory crafting on how a Sorcerer can be a better healer, but you will have to look that up.
  • Lalai
    Healing with only a resto staff can be possible, but I think is probably less effective in practice than a mix of Templar and Resto staff abilities. The resto staff abilities are mostly heal over time spells, with one damage shield, but no real bursty heals. It does fine when the group is behaving as it should, not getting hit by heavy hitting abilities, blocking and interrupting as they should and all that.. but I don't find the skills enough, personally, for when heavy damage is being dished out.

    Basically, I've seen people solo heal with resto staff skills only, but they do seem to rely on other people behaving properly. Which, people should do anyways in theory.. however that doesn't always work out in practice.

    Edited to add: The question about whether the auto-attack heals has already been answered so I left that out. The rest is opinion so I thought I'd throw mine in.
    Edited by Lalai on April 20, 2014 1:32AM
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Comaetilico
    healed all first VR tier dungeon (mob are vr 2 boss are vr 5) at VR2 with a resto staff sorc... and I'm going to do VR second tier dungeon (boss should be VR 10) within a few days as a VR7...

    I've also done the First tier as a dps (always on my sorc) and with the same tank (with a couple more VR on his back) but a templar healer... the greatest difference was the presence of purifing cirlce that made a few things easier (the "add wave spawning boss" of spindleclutch that in last phase put a magika and stamina draining dot... not being able to cleanse it as a sorc made our life quite hard but we still cleared it with no death at our second try... but I have to admit that my healing capabilites had really little to do in that circumstance)... I'm planning to get my cleasnse out of the AvA support line (with cost reduction morph)... I'm almost there and will have it for the second tier dungeon that should clear the gap...

    the main thing that lots of people miss when talking about the resto staff... is that grand heal (and relative morphs) can be stacked!!!

    with instant cast within the time a templar pop up an 2sec aoe heal you can pop up 2 or even 3 grand heal... at the end of the 2 second you will have accumulated the same if not even more healing (my illustrous heal tick for 120+ per second plus an instant tick as you deploy it... by casting one instantly and one after a second you will have 2 instant tick and 3 normal tick for a total of 600)... and 2 second later (after the templar had cast his second aoe heal) you will have accumulated an amount on par withi his 2 heal... (2 instant tick + 4 tick from the first and 3 for the second... for a total of 1080... and the second will still linger for one more second... and all this with lower magika consumption...) or even greater (if you put a 3d heal in the stack you will add an additional instant tick + 2more tick... that will sum up to 1440... with a few tick to spare...)

    this actualy make the aoe heal of resto staff totally on par with the templar heal... the only thing rest staff user are missing is the crit chance... yes... because resto staff skill can't crit... aside from regeneration... and I've actualy reported this as a bug... because I can't see the reason the HoT from the same line can crit while a direct heal such as blessing can't -_-' ... I'm also informed that Rushed cerimony from templar can't crit too... and seing as the templar even got a passive to increase the crit chance of his healing skills I can't but think that cirt on healing skill is quite buggy at the moment...

    with all this said... the greatest advantage of templar lies in their emergency heal... that even if it can't crit... it still is quite the bursty heal... and is much more reliable than the healing shield of the resto staff... (I actualy took it out of my bar and relied on a double blessing spam for burst heal...)... sorc healer on the other hand have a much better magika management... with dark exchange used in the right moment (don't wait to be magika starved... just use it for one second every now and than and for longer when you have the time to spare...) you will never find yourself in need of an heal and out of magika...

    also in VR content tank MUST block... and must know WHAT to block... it is not a problem of healing... when bosses are hitting for 1k damage WHILE BLOCIKNG or doing multiple hit for 600 WHILE BLOCKING... there is no healer... be he templar, sorc, dk or nb... that can hold you up if you take more than one fo those hit unblocked (or even just one if you'r not at full health) and you can't waste your stamina on avoidable hit because the fight will last for quite a bit (90k to 130k hp bosses will not go down in 30 seconds -_-')
  • starstruck
    Even a healer needs a basic attack. Plus the Resto staff's heavy attack has a very valuable function: it restores your magicka. Invaluable for any spellcasting character, including healers of course.

    Is it a passive that restore magicka?
    Edited by starstruck on April 20, 2014 3:32AM
  • Laura
    the heavy attack restores magicka with an ability it restores health (a LITTLE) but its mostly about the skill line. I'm a sorc healer and we make great main healers.
  • DeLindsay
    1) All 4 classes can heal just fine, in all content currently available.
    2) Yes, Templars are the preferred healer at this time. Some heal without a Resto staff, others heal with it using both Templar and Resto staff abilities.
    3) Currently it's: #1 - Templar, #2 - Sorcerer, #3 - NB (Siphon build), #4 - DK for healing proficiency.
    4) There are several videos of Veteran dungeons comparing Templar healers vs others on YouTube, as well as lower level content.
    5) Craglorn may bring out a whole new element to "Raiding" in that the traditional makeup may not be viable here. It's likely we'll see 3 tanks, 3 healers, 3 "support" and 3 DPS. The support will likely come from the Undaunted tree and class Ultimates. It's also likely that everyone will be required to have some self and/or splash healing in order to survive Craglorn encounters. Most of this assumption is due to the management of Magicka and how quickly ANY healer can OOM in this game... Time will tell.
    6) ESO is not a traditional MMO, so don't discount someone just because they're not playing a standard build of a cookie cutter class. You might be pleasantly surprised when you zone into a dungeon and realize the tank is a Sorcerer and is more competent than many of the DK's you've ran with.
  • ShiBu
    As level 40 healer i can say..
    Restro-staff healing alone won´t work ( always )
    There are situations where you need the templar healing tree... and the other way arround.
    For normal noob arround grp-play .. you dont need both.. but if you want a fullclass healer you need templar/restro... it´s the mix... and it is a very good mix.

    The biggest problem is to stay alive for the grp bc the most "tanks" dont know what tank means.. since they dont use their agro skills at all.
    Tho healing is fun.. but far away from what iam used to be as healer ( i didnt play wow ). Here you have to be in the middle of the grp.... and the "non-target" skills in TESO will give ya headaches ( since ppl on low hp tend to panic and run away lol ).... but it is fun.. once you have all the "nice stuff" and the a nice mix.. steamrolling with all those buffs and heals.
  • Daedric_Horror
    Soul Shriven
    Brank wrote: »
    so what is the ability that, forgive me for being vague, heals allies in area with multiple beams coming from staff?

    i also need this answer. Im trying to figure what what ability or staff this is because id love to add it to my warden/healer.
    ~Ingame name is the same as my forum name~
    List of ingame characters: (Of Mer and Beast)
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    If you ever need a bite feel free to PM me in game~ I hand bites out for free and can make both blood maras on Glamroy if you supply the materials for it~Werewolves- Reginald, Amaryllis, Moogbun, ArionVampires- Cryptid, Glamroy, Bathory
    ================Shameless plugs================
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    • *Currently working on starting up my own guild but it'll be a while before its open to public, setting up the discord proper takes time
    • *The main guild ive been with longest and have absolutely enjoyed is called the Narwhal Nation, we're a small group of helpful friendly players so if that interests you feel free to shoot me a pm ingame to invite you ^^
  • fizl101
    Brank wrote: »
    so what is the ability that, forgive me for being vague, heals allies in area with multiple beams coming from staff?

    i also need this answer. Im trying to figure what what ability or staff this is because id love to add it to my warden/healer.

    Its mentioned above - Regeneration.


    You found a very old thread for this one - 2014!
    Soupy twist
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