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Performance issues on Xbox One S

Are you guys ever going to fix these issues?? I have never had a single problem on Playstation 4 version. Now i come to the Xbox One S edition and notice there are major problems with this version. For one there are major crash issues on the Morrowind DLC specifically in Vivec City. It will work just fine but as soon as you click on a crafting station the game freezes then forces you out of the game to the Xbox Home Screen. Ontop of that the frame rate drops drastically in highly populated areas. Then theres the "UI error: out of memory" that pops up for me force closing the game. The crashes happed to me about 14 times in 8 days. Then theres the texture problems. The textures end up being low resolution or missing most times so most things around look like paper cutouts and the other half of the time the NPC characters are leaning on an invisible pole or sitting on an invisible chair, and the tables are all floating in mid air. Other times Vivec's palace does not load at all so its just waterfalls pouring out of nothing and a door floating at the top. Then on top of all that my non combat pets walk through a wall and get stuck in there only teleporting when i am a long way away from them. Not once have i ever experienced any of these problems on PS4. On Xbox One S which is supposedly such a high powered console i experience more problems on eso than i would like and these problems are experienced every day if not every second day. It would be nice if you guys fixed this in the upcoming dragon bones DLC or whatever is coming up next. At the very least acknowledge that you guys are looking into this. From what people have said this is a problem that has been asked about since the release of eso on all platforms but yet this problem still is not fixed. Can you guys clarify on this please.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on August 17, 2022 5:33PM
  • Apache_Kid
    The crashes that you are experiencing, especially in Vivec City, are something that I am way too familiar with. I get them all the time as well and I am also on the Xbox One X with ESO on a SSD.

    Unfortunately I do not think that these crashes will be fixed anytime soon. It seems every update there is something in the notes about improving crashes but it doesn't get any better for me. The way the xbox stutters and kicks you to the dashboard means that there are coding errors with the Xbox port and most of that code I am sure is spaghetti at this point so i don't think ti will ever be resolved.

    As far as your textures not loading and buildings and people looking terrible, I used to have this as well and its a loading issue. When i switched to a SSD instead of the internal hard drive on the console these texture issues almost all went away and all of my load-times are drastically reduced, even in extremely crowded areas and cities. The Xbox One X is a very powerful console, however, the hard drive is really not any different than the one in the normal Xbox One so your loading of textures is not improved at all. I would recommend getting a 256gb external SSD and throwing ESO on there if you are really considering getting serious with the game. I was able to get one on Amazon for around $100.

    Yes it's absolutely ridiculous, absurd, and totally insulting that they would put a product on the market that requires you to go buy an after-market hard drive to get to work correctly but that is where we are if you want to play this game on Xbox.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Been an issue since the first DLC released and it’s getting worse per major update

    As the comment suggests above, it does seem to be related to an ESO issue rather than one of the Xbox one consoles.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • TwinStripeUK
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    The crashes that you are experiencing, especially in Vivec City, are something that I am way too familiar with. I get them all the time as well and I am also on the Xbox One X with ESO on a SSD.

    Unfortunately I do not think that these crashes will be fixed anytime soon. It seems every update there is something in the notes about improving crashes but it doesn't get any better for me. The way the xbox stutters and kicks you to the dashboard means that there are coding errors with the Xbox port and most of that code I am sure is spaghetti at this point so i don't think ti will ever be resolved.

    As far as your textures not loading and buildings and people looking terrible, I used to have this as well and its a loading issue. When i switched to a SSD instead of the internal hard drive on the console these texture issues almost all went away and all of my load-times are drastically reduced, even in extremely crowded areas and cities. The Xbox One X is a very powerful console, however, the hard drive is really not any different than the one in the normal Xbox One so your loading of textures is not improved at all. I would recommend getting a 256gb external SSD and throwing ESO on there if you are really considering getting serious with the game. I was able to get one on Amazon for around $100.

    Yes it's absolutely ridiculous, absurd, and totally insulting that they would put a product on the market that requires you to go buy an after-market hard drive to get to work correctly but that is where we are if you want to play this game on Xbox.

    To be fair it IS a slightly better situation on the One X - when playing on the S I can get issues such as EXTREMELY low-res/blurred textures in areas such as Orsinium and Vivec City (even down to completely missing textures on the Palace of Vivec staircase), whereas that simply hasn't happened for me on the X.

    The Morrowind expansion as a whole though is a bugged and crappy mess on Xbox, and it shows no signs of getting any better. I haven't been able to enter Andrano Ancestral Tomb with any of my alts since the last patch (effectively blocking off the DLC for any of my later toons), and the 'Vvardenfell' loading screen is effectively shorthand for 'your console is about to lock up and crash to the Home screen'. I'm trying to farm War Maiden for a templar right now, and my dailies are essentially limited to two characters (out of FOURTEEN) because the others can't progress enough to trigger them. Clockwork City was better, but EXTREMELY lacking in content by comparison, so it essentially should be given there's much less for the console to handle!

    Having been on this Forum since the PC launch, and owning the game on three different platforms, I can categorically say this:

    If you're on PC and in the NA region, they 'might' pay attention if you're one of their favourites. If you're on console and in the NA region, they 'might' pay attention if you're one of their favourites and you happen to have several hundred people threatening to cancel their subs over the same issue, and that console happens to be a PS4.


    [Edited to remove profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on February 9, 2018 3:03PM
  • magictucktuck
    I think it comes with the territory with a good looking MMO on console. i was on xbox for 2 1/2 years and switched to pc for morrowind. and i play on ultra now with no issues. where i tried to go back on xbox just to try a BG and the lag was SO bad i couldn't do it. Now i think the lag was just so bad because i was now used to it being SUPER smooth so having just a .3 delay was really messing with me.

    now i do recall those same issues with orsinium on xbox when i was there also and those did get better eventually. so there's hope?

    Edited by magictucktuck on February 9, 2018 2:12PM


    Flawless Conqueror for my builds and guides!
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I think it comes with the territory with a good looking MMO on console. i was on xbox for 2 1/2 years and switched to pc for morrowind. and i play on ultra now with no issues. where i tried to go back on xbox just to try a BG and the lag was SO bad i couldn't do it. Now i think the lag was just so bad because i was now used to it being SUPER smooth so having just a .3 delay was really messing with me.

    now i do recall those same issues with orsinium on xbox when i was there also and those did get better eventually. so there's hope?

    It’s “better” in places in terms of not broken but not “better” in terms of good performance. The issue is the game tho not Xbox as you’ll even see on the PC discussions, folks having upgraded drastically only to find out the game is not designed to operate well on the newer CPU’s and that the GPU has less of a performance impact than desired.

    At some point the reality is going to be a few things:

    -Quit and enjoy entertainment elsewhere
    -Move to PC and see if you can stomach it (I left PC mind you for Xbox as I couldn’t stomach it)
    -Continue giving honest feedback regardless of platform (That’s where I am today)
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • RJEB94
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    The crashes that you are experiencing, especially in Vivec City, are something that I am way too familiar with. I get them all the time as well and I am also on the Xbox One X with ESO on a SSD.

    Unfortunately I do not think that these crashes will be fixed anytime soon. It seems every update there is something in the notes about improving crashes but it doesn't get any better for me. The way the xbox stutters and kicks you to the dashboard means that there are coding errors with the Xbox port and most of that code I am sure is spaghetti at this point so i don't think ti will ever be resolved.

    As far as your textures not loading and buildings and people looking terrible, I used to have this as well and its a loading issue. When i switched to a SSD instead of the internal hard drive on the console these texture issues almost all went away and all of my load-times are drastically reduced, even in extremely crowded areas and cities. The Xbox One X is a very powerful console, however, the hard drive is really not any different than the one in the normal Xbox One so your loading of textures is not improved at all. I would recommend getting a 256gb external SSD and throwing ESO on there if you are really considering getting serious with the game. I was able to get one on Amazon for around $100.

    Yes it's absolutely ridiculous, absurd, and totally insulting that they would put a product on the market that requires you to go buy an after-market hard drive to get to work correctly but that is where we are if you want to play this game on Xbox.

    I am a bit late to this comment as I started playing other games then forgot about making this post. When i posted the first post i did actually have this game on my 5TB external hard drive but i was still experiencing these issues so i have no clue. Maybe it just depends on my console. I am still running it on xbox One S but i hope to buy the series X soon in a few months so hopefully this game will run and work more smoothly. It has gotten better and i do not run into these issues anymore but i do occasionally get kicked from the game when reading a book in the game sometimes with a message saying "you have been booted from the server" for no reason but since the maintenence not long ago i have seen this problem less and less
  • ZOS_Bill
    As this thread is over five years old, we have decided to close the discussion. You are welcome to start a new thread if you need further help.
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