I'm done

I stopped playing BG's after the deathmatch only mode kicked in because it was a horrible gaming experience. I went back today to try a few and see if there were any changes.
I am not sure what ZOS had in mind other than to completely kill BG's except for the 30 or so players who live there.
So, if ZOS somehow wanted to increase BG participation, well...I am done with them. Kind of unfortunate, because it was a fun distraction for a while--until now. Now it's just totally unpleasant.
I'll stick to my PvE gaming.
  • gariondavey
    What server do you play on?
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • jtm1018
    When I think of pvp, deathmatch always come 1st.

    When I play flag and relic, all the other players just goes for the killing.

    Most players in bg just wants to deathmatch other players.

  • Amottica
    jtm1018 wrote: »
    When I think of pvp, deathmatch always come 1st.

    When I play flag and relic, all the other players just goes for the killing.

    Most players in bg just wants to deathmatch other players.

    If most players in BGs just wanted to do DM then the recent DM-only test should have seen a sustained increase in activity. At the very least it should have maintained the same level of interest as before. Zenimax has stated that the DM-only queue test lead to BG interest dropping to an unhealthy level. As such it seems most players in BGs do not want to do DM all the time.
  • Aldoss
    Amottica wrote: »
    If most players in BGs just wanted to do DM then the recent DM-only test should have seen a sustained increase in activity. At the very least it should have maintained the same level of interest as before.

    Dark Convergence. Hrothgar. New World Release.

    Do we really need to have this debate again?
  • jtm1018
    Amottica wrote: »
    jtm1018 wrote: »
    When I think of pvp, deathmatch always come 1st.

    When I play flag and relic, all the other players just goes for the killing.

    Most players in bg just wants to deathmatch other players.

    If most players in BGs just wanted to do DM then the recent DM-only test should have seen a sustained increase in activity. At the very least it should have maintained the same level of interest as before. Zenimax has stated that the DM-only queue test lead to BG interest dropping to an unhealthy level. As such it seems most players in BGs do not want to do DM all the time.

    Then how come I only wait for 2-3minutes to get in a bg match.
    Everyday, consistently.
    If I get in bg match every 30-45 minutes then I will accept there is a decline.
    Dm players still play, non dm players stopped.
    I dont see the significance in non dm players decline.
  • KhajiitLivesMatter
    honestly i play at a kinda high mmr compared to normaly and BEFORE the dm change i sometimes had to wait 45min (solo and grouped)

    after the change i only had to wait for max 10min

    for me it seams there are more player s now (or i got *** and my mmr is trash^^)
  • Contos
    Aren't these I'm done, goodbye, im leaving kind of threads are against the community guidelines by the way? Even if you aren't leaving ESO allthogether but only PvP it doesn't feel that different in it's core and negative intent to be honest.

    Just asking :#
    Edited by Contos on November 26, 2021 2:42AM
  • trackdemon5512
    Contos wrote: »
    Isn't these I'm done, goodbye, im leaving kind of threads are against the community guidelines by the way? Even if you aren't leaving ESO allthogether but only PvP it doesn't feel that different in it's core and negative intent to be honest.

    Just asking :#

    They aren’t quitting the game, just the specific activity. Like people who regularly identify something broken and give up on engaging until it’s fixed or rectified.
  • SkaraMinoc
    I was going to post "bye felicia" but I actually feel bad for OP losing a part of the game they enjoy.
    PC NA
  • _adhyffbjjjf12
    Contos wrote: »
    Isn't these I'm done, goodbye, im leaving kind of threads are against the community guidelines by the way? Even if you aren't leaving ESO allthogether but only PvP it doesn't feel that different in it's core and negative intent to be honest.

    Just asking :#

    They aren’t quitting the game, just the specific activity. Like people who regularly identify something broken and give up on engaging until it’s fixed or rectified.

    I actually decided to quit today and am downloading an old game now that I used to play despite fact i've got 9 months left on my yearly sub which i'm really annoyed about. I recently completed all quests in the game, got my home the way i wanted it and have just spent months enjoying setting up builds for BG which i was just starting to get into. They have literally taken away the content and personal goals I was targeting, and i've barely played in the last month as a result. Not too impressed the devs don't even have the courtesy to tell us what's going on.
  • nightstrike
    jtm1018 wrote: »
    Most players in bg just wants to deathmatch other players.

    With every match I joined, the group I was in complained in group chat about "yet another DM" and how they didn't want it but played it anyway because there was no alternative. Just because people are queueing doesn't mean the game is giving them what they want.
    Warning: This signature is tiny!
  • mandricus
    jtm1018 wrote: »
    Most players in bg just wants to deathmatch other players.

    They can keep doing it and enjoying it as much as they want, now that there is a specific DM queue. They will keep queueing for Deathmatch and won't even notice the difference.
    All the other people are asking is to have a chance to play other battlegrounds modes when queued for a random bg.
    At the moment everyone is getting deathmatch all the time, including the people that queue for a random battleground. There is no way to get into any other BG mode, the chance of having a non-DM battleground is something like 7%.
    I've personally queued every single day for random bgd since patch hit live, in 4 week (and after about a hundred battlegrounds) i've been able to get *only one* non-deathmatch battleground. The other 99 or so were deathmatch anyway, even if I queued for a non-dm battleground, avoiding the specific DM queue.

  • Aldoss

    With every match I joined, the group I was in complained in group chat about "yet another DM" and how they didn't want it but played it anyway because there was no alternative. Just because people are queueing doesn't mean the game is giving them what they want.

    Adding in my own anecdotal experience that none of the bgs I've joined in pcna since this queue update have any of my teammates complained that it was dm again.

    Additionally, the one time I tested group random queue (as a duo with my wife) I got a chaosball. I then tried again and got domination with a few new names from the previous match (one team was a 4 man premade).

    I then stopped queuing for random and have only had deathmatch since. I got leaderboard rewards last week for those matches.

    This experience reaffirms for me that very people care to change the drop-down menu from "Group Deathmatch" to "Group Random".

  • Amottica
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    If most players in BGs just wanted to do DM then the recent DM-only test should have seen a sustained increase in activity. At the very least it should have maintained the same level of interest as before.

    Dark Convergence. Hrothgar. New World Release.

    Do we really need to have this debate again?

    As the rest of my comment that was edited out, Zenimax sees the decline in interest due to only having DM available. That is from an official statement. Granted, it could be due to multiple reasons but none of us has real data to confirm otherwise.
  • nightstrike
    Amottica wrote: »
    As the rest of my comment that was edited out, Zenimax sees the decline in interest due to only having DM available. That is from an official statement. Granted, it could be due to multiple reasons but none of us has real data to confirm otherwise.

    ZOS's data is suspect anyway until they make the queue like the dungeon finder specific interface: no default, pick the modes you want.
    Warning: This signature is tiny!
  • Rohamad_Ali
    I like PvE too. Maybe we could RP as well?
  • thesarahandcompany
    Amottica wrote: »
    jtm1018 wrote: »
    When I think of pvp, deathmatch always come 1st.

    When I play flag and relic, all the other players just goes for the killing.

    Most players in bg just wants to deathmatch other players.

    If most players in BGs just wanted to do DM then the recent DM-only test should have seen a sustained increase in activity. At the very least it should have maintained the same level of interest as before. Zenimax has stated that the DM-only queue test lead to BG interest dropping to an unhealthy level. As such it seems most players in BGs do not want to do DM all the time.

    Uh, ZOS did NOT say that in the test data. They said during the test there was a population drop. They didn't say the drop was BECAUSE of the queue change/test.

    We all know the drop was due to most pvpers quitting the game for New World We don't need to keep rehashing this argument, ZOS staff already clarified the vast majority of players queue for deathmatch and like deathmatch.

    Also let me ask you a question, if most players didn't want to DM all the time, then why was the period of random-only queue filled with so many people who ignored objectives and treated every match as deathmatch? Why was there constant outrage of most players ignoring objectives?

    Think. Think hard.

    The recent letter posted by ZOS talking about next year sounds like they're also not going to be adding any more new content to PVP next year. So I'd say just delete objective modes at that point.
    Edited by thesarahandcompany on December 11, 2021 4:55PM
  • thesarahandcompany
    Amottica wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    If most players in BGs just wanted to do DM then the recent DM-only test should have seen a sustained increase in activity. At the very least it should have maintained the same level of interest as before.

    Dark Convergence. Hrothgar. New World Release.

    Do we really need to have this debate again?

    As the rest of my comment that was edited out, Zenimax sees the decline in interest due to only having DM available. That is from an official statement. Granted, it could be due to multiple reasons but none of us has real data to confirm otherwise.

    [snip] The PVP community is honestly thriving. There's a difference between quantity of interest from people who do their dailies and quality of players who are competitive and make pvp challenging.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on December 12, 2021 3:46PM
  • Contos
    Amottica wrote: »
    jtm1018 wrote: »
    When I think of pvp, deathmatch always come 1st.

    When I play flag and relic, all the other players just goes for the killing.

    Most players in bg just wants to deathmatch other players.

    If most players in BGs just wanted to do DM then the recent DM-only test should have seen a sustained increase in activity. At the very least it should have maintained the same level of interest as before. Zenimax has stated that the DM-only queue test lead to BG interest dropping to an unhealthy level. As such it seems most players in BGs do not want to do DM all the time.

    Uh, ZOS did NOT say that in the test data. They said during the test there was a population drop. They didn't say the drop was BECAUSE of the queue change/test.

    We all know the drop was due to most pvpers quitting the game for New World We don't need to keep rehashing this argument, ZOS staff already clarified the vast majority of players queue for deathmatch and like deathmatch.

    Also let me ask you a question, if most players didn't want to DM all the time, then why was the period of random-only queue filled with so many people who ignored objectives and treated every match as deathmatch? Why was there constant outrage of most players ignoring objectives?

    Think. Think hard.

    The recent letter posted by ZOS talking about next year sounds like they're also not going to be adding any more new content to PVP next year. So I'd say just delete objective modes at that point.

    Yeah, they didn't say that the decline is because of the queues, they didn't clarify the reason. Anything else is just speculation. Can be New Wolrd or else. Leave it at that.

    "ZOS staff already clarified the vast majority of players queue for deathmatch and like deathmatch" - I don't know the source or remember they saying it's the VAST majority and I also doubt it. What is vast for you anyways? For me it's at least 70-80% But it doesn't matter, i don't really care what is the distribution, or hate deathmatch players or any. I just don't like how ZoS handles the things about bgs (and a lot of other things). Ignoring the minority and giving zero feedback, information on the topic as usual for more then a month now. It's not even about fixing bugs, it might look outrageos having 999+ms in Cyro while they are fixing butterflies. There are easy and hard to fix bugs. It's more about giving some insight or feedback that "yeah we are aware of the problem" or "it is not a problem so no fix"

    About people ignoring mechanics.. While it happened frequently it wasn't an all match all people thing in my experience. Certainly not a VAST majority. The reason it got attention is the fact that it's annoying and unfair. To say it with your words, the forum is biased in this regard since the ones doing it or don't care as much about it aren't whining on the forums just play but the ones pissed off do. So it looks like everyone is outraged and it happens all the time.

    "The recent letter posted by ZOS talking about next year sounds like they're also not going to be adding any more new content to PVP next year. So I'd say just delete objective modes at that point" - I have no clue how the two things are related for you, it just looks like you are still desperately trying to delete these modes any given chance. They aren't adding any new content? Then delete the already exisitng one. Like what?
    Also while I'm sure that you are right about no pvp content for 2022, wait till january annoucement at the very least since this letter is next to nothing in that regard, not a great source to suspect anything other than some strory/pve stuff.

    "[snip] The PVP community is honestly thriving. There's a difference between quantity of interest from people who do their dailies and quality of players who are competitive and make pvp challenging" - yeah i agree, folks doing dailies might be the majority but queue once/day each. While dedicated pvp players are less in numbers but play way more. On the other hand pvp is the worst it has been tbh. Tons of bugs and performance issues, as always but got worse. The popularity is average also, not thriving either. Cp cyro is unplayable, i see way less people than a few years ago, IC is empty most of the time, and well, bgs are as usual. Better than last patch sure, far fram thriving.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on December 12, 2021 3:47PM
  • xylena_lazarow
    I came back last patch to try BGs but again quickly lost interest due to the slow, stale, heal/tank/stall meta where matches go to timer with the winning side having 315 points, with "enemy stole the kill" every time someone actually dies. The hordes of targetable pets and DCon spam certainly did not help. I miss the random Chaosball/CTR queue.
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    I'm just queueing of it's a endeavor.

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • Amottica
    Amottica wrote: »
    As the rest of my comment that was edited out, Zenimax sees the decline in interest due to only having DM available. That is from an official statement. Granted, it could be due to multiple reasons but none of us has real data to confirm otherwise.

    ZOS's data is suspect anyway until they make the queue like the dungeon finder specific interface: no default, pick the modes you want.

    Considering the DM only queue tested the true interest in the DM matches it would seem very appropriate for that purpose.
  • LordRukia
    I am done as well. Considering ff14 , since that game has no good pvp either but it's all popular now and devs are engaging with players. Idk why they want to force us into dm, but it's all I've got for a month straight every day and I just want to play some obj matches. That's fine, I hope pvp dies in response and they learn their lesson. I can't even be bothered to do daily bg anymore. Cyrodiil dead, BG dead, funneling the rest of their players into PvE exactly as planned because they aren't competent or willing enough to fix the lag. I know , you know it, everybody knows it . Sad and pointless move by these devs. PvE isn't bad in eso but its pretty formulaic and gets boring, you needs pvp as well and now pvp is in the exact same state that I consider PvE to be in, repetitive and same all the time
  • _adhyffbjjjf12
    i quit a couple weeks ago and switched over to GW2, and tbh its night and day for PVP (ESO still rules for PVE). Many GW2 BG maps, mix of DM and objectives and queue pops in seconds. WVW is insane, 50v50v50 often, no lag, aoe everywhere and even blobs are killable. And no bloody animation cancelling nonsense.

    Still utterly pissed off at ZOS as I have still over half a year of sub left.
  • nightstrike
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    As the rest of my comment that was edited out, Zenimax sees the decline in interest due to only having DM available. That is from an official statement. Granted, it could be due to multiple reasons but none of us has real data to confirm otherwise.

    ZOS's data is suspect anyway until they make the queue like the dungeon finder specific interface: no default, pick the modes you want.

    Considering the DM only queue tested the true interest in the DM matches it would seem very appropriate for that purpose.

    There's nontrivial confirmation bias in their testing and eventual "solution".
    Warning: This signature is tiny!
  • Casul
    i quit a couple weeks ago and switched over to GW2, and tbh its night and day for PVP (ESO still rules for PVE). Many GW2 BG maps, mix of DM and objectives and queue pops in seconds. WVW is insane, 50v50v50 often, no lag, aoe everywhere and even blobs are killable. And no bloody animation cancelling nonsense.

    Still utterly pissed off at ZOS as I have still over half a year of sub left.

    I am also giving GW2 a shot, so far its refreshing haven't gone into PvP yet. Maybe it will be the ESO killer for me. IDK, I will probably hop on during event so I can get my house but my play time is limited recently as I just don't have a desire to play laggy PvP or DM only BGs.
    PvP needs more love.
  • ZOS_Volpe

    As this thread has derailed with bashing and insulting commentary, we've decided to close it down. Please be sure to keep our Community Rules in mind when posting on our forums.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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