Woodworking Chests – Additional Bank Storage for Crafting Materials

Imagine the Woodworking Profession can now craft various chests for additional bank storage for crafting ingredients and materials. The beauty of these chests is they are character specific, not account specific. For example, character "Sam" equips an Alchemist Chest while character "Bob" equips a Clothing Trunk, much like a personal safety deposit box. Each character may equip only one (1) profession specific chest. This inventory will never be co-mingled with other characters. As you can see below, each profession will have their respective chest. For example, the Blacksmithing Toolbox can only store blacksmithing crafting materials. To craft these chests via Woodworking will take a significant amount of resources and can be traded on the open market (another source of revenue). Here is the list of profession specific chests and their tiers (maple to nightwood)...

Alchemist Chest
Maple - Can hold 10 alchemy crafting materials.
Oak - Can hold 15 alchemy crafting materials.
Beech - Can hold 20 alchemy crafting materials.
Hickory - Can hold 25 alchemy crafting materials.
Yew - Can hold 30 alchemy crafting materials.
Birch - Can hold 35 alchemy crafting materials.
Ash - Can hold 40 alchemy crafting materials.
Mahogany - Can hold 45 alchemy crafting materials.
Nightwood - Can hold 50 alchemy crafting materials.

The other professions will have similar chests, such as...

Clothing Trunk
Enchanting Coffer
Provisioning Icebox
Blacksmithing Toolbox
Woodworking Strongbox

Thoughts/Opinions? B)
Edited by Roneth on April 28, 2014 2:35AM
  • Salsadoom
    So you can increase storage by 300? (because you know there is already a maxed woodworker somewhere) That seems....alot (technically it increases space by 294)
  • Roneth
    Salsadoom wrote: »
    So you can increase storage by 300? (because you know there is already a maxed woodworker somewhere) That seems....alot (technically it increases space by 294)

    You can only have one profession specific chest per character, increasing storage by 50.

  • Salsadoom
    Ah you see the way I read it was one of each profession.
  • LadyLothi
    I like the idea, but it would give woodworkers a bit of an edge over other professions. Everyone would depend on a woodworker for getting such a chest, while the other professions wouldn't have something similar.

    But all in all, I think that idea has potential.
    "It's easy, a child of five could do it. Unfortunately, we don't have a child of five, so I have to walk YOU through it." Abnur Tharn <3
  • kyuven
    Since woodworkers can only make 6 different types of items right now, whereas clothiers and smiths have over a dozen, with alchemists and provisioners getting repeat business...yeah i can see it as a viable thing for them.
    However I would also like to add Enchants for them to increase capacity more, just so the poor enchanters have more to do
  • Roneth
    LadyLothi wrote: »
    I like the idea, but it would give woodworkers a bit of an edge over other professions. Everyone would depend on a woodworker for getting such a chest, while the other professions wouldn't have something similar.

    But all in all, I think that idea has potential.

    This would give woodworkers another potential revenue source.

  • Roneth
    kyuven wrote: »
    Since woodworkers can only make 6 different types of items right now, whereas clothiers and smiths have over a dozen, with alchemists and provisioners getting repeat business...yeah i can see it as a viable thing for them.
    However I would also like to add Enchants for them to increase capacity more, just so the poor enchanters have more to do

    Why not make it so Enchanters can craft jewelry?

  • Chalybos
    Clothiers could make gunnysacks out of leather. Blacksmiths could make strongboxes. No need to limit it to just one class.
    Add in one bank slot specifically for a single storage container. Put it in for a $5,000 gold fee, or some such, and allow for storage of one particular kind of material, whether it be foodstuffs, runes, or alchemy ingredients.

    The problem though, lies with the "give an inch, they'll demand a mile" MMORPG mentality. Once they were to implement something as major as that, then there would be cries of "But why not make it two, or three, or six kinds of containers?!?!!?" Easier not to do it. And less grief on their part.
  • huntgod_ESO
    Whether its a good idea or not, it doesn't flow into the current system. If you want something that might be adopted, it needs to work with the existing system, by either modifying the existing storage method, ie. adding some non shared space to bank, or just increasing the space.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
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