Playing for 5 years now... all of a sudden the whole screen turned a "greyish" color (no matter which zone) AND.. my FPS just started to run up to over 200 on my 60 FPS Screen. Ii has NEVER went above 60 FPS, NEVER...when I saw it pass 200 I logged out. All other functions on the PC are NORMAL and look NORMAL its only on the ESO game. I am using my "backup" GeForce 1660TI because my GeForce 3090 is still in its box after having to replace it during the New World 3090 Card Eating Event. Again, in 5 years my 4k/60fps monitor with this 1660TI card has NEVER been above 60fps. I know there are no guarantees but is this a situation to where my card could be damaged or bricked? Sorry if its a dumb question, but I am a bit gun shy after bricking my 3090. Thanks for any suggestions/help.