I am getting disconnected from the server consistently. The game doesnt crash, I just get booted. It boots me to login screen
and sometimes I try to log in and it says I'm already logged in. I have to exit game, launcher, and even steam. Ive tried repairing the game, changing routers, and Ive tried playing on a different internet connection. My firewall has everything eso bethesda zeni steam exempted.
And its still happening.
Im at the end of my rope, I cant event get through a single dungeon, and I just got disconnected three times in a row with less than 5min in between.
Thank you for your response. The most common cause of being kicked to the login screen while wayshrining or traveling in game is due to a variable/dynamic IP.
Playing The Elder Scrolls Online on a variable IP is not recommended. As your IP changes, which may be every few minutes or so, the game typically either times out or kicks you back to login the next time you hit a load screen, whether that be logging in a character or changing zones.
Dynamic IP addresses are nothing to be worried about, and they're quite normal. Usually, when using wireless internet, your router will only be able to connect a set number of devices to the internet at any time (let's say 5). To do this, it will assign an IP address to each of those devices.
Now, if one of those devices isn't around, and a sixth person comes to use your network, your router will dynamically shift around the IP address so that this new visitor can use one of the 5 possible addresses that isn't currently being used.
Additionally, whenever your router refreshes itself, there is a chance that it will randomly assign you a different address from last time.
Some Internet Service Providers will sometimes assign Dynamic IP addresses to their customers, and it might ultimately be necessary to contact your provider to get them to assign a Static IP to you.
In order to avoid this happening in the future, you can assign a Static IP to your computer. This essentially means that you tell your router to always give your computer the same address, and not to let anyone else use it, even if you're away for a while..
Due to variations between hardware, we are unable to provide step by step directions for setting a static IP for your PC, but in most cases it should be possible to do so through your router's options. Please consult your router's documentation for more information or contact your ISP for further assistance.
For mobile tethered and Wifi Hotspot connections, often setting a static IP is not an option, and we recommend contacting your carrier for more information on what options are available.
Danke für Ihr Interesse und Ihre fortwährende Unterstützung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Das Elder Scrolls Online-Team
I don't understand much of this, so don't ask me to explain why -- but I had the same problem and turning a VPN connection on solved it. Or I just got lucky when I did it.
MilkPrince wrote: »I don't understand much of this, so don't ask me to explain why -- but I had the same problem and turning a VPN connection on solved it. Or I just got lucky when I did it.
This fixed it for me. I shouldnt need a VPN to play the game, but thats the only thing that helps. Thank you!