What could Zenimax do to better accommodate the Role-Player community?

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Personally I am not someone who plays out story arcs, waiting turns and such, but I do like to get into character when playing activities or just as I’m exploring and encountering other players.

Problem is that the chances I’ll run into another RP player in the world to be very slim. Really the only way to RP is with a guild. Otherwise there’s not much room to RP.

I really enjoy the world, lore, and writing more in ESO compared to WoW. However, in my opinion, I think Blizzard really nailed the role-play aspect of the game. Dedicated servers for role-play made the world much more immersive because everyone in the world participated.

It’s like when attending D&D or a Fantasy Renaissance Fair, when everyone you encounter acts in character it makes the experience all the more engaging.

With that said; I don’t exactly know what Zenimax could do to better support the Role-Playing community but I think as an entry in the Elder Scrolls franchise, games about role playing a character, more could be done.

What do you think would improve the current state of role play?
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