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Does the community get better?

Because I've decided to not sub because basically the people in this game are nasty. What's the point of an MMO when you want to avoid everyone? And it's not just me...I hardly saw anyone being social with anyone else...everyone going around like bots. So again, what's the point of having other players except to ruin your game (i.e. when trying to stealth etc.) or immersion?

It was fine in the early access to be honest. A bit of banter in chat, everyone helpful. But going on this weekend it made me sick reading stuff in chat. My theory is the hardcore RPGers were populating servers during early access and then later this weekend we got the moronic average WoW players.

To be honest, I wish this game was single player..would've been much better. I can appreciate all the work gone into it and the lore is pretty amazing. But will never log on again for the pure fact that the average MMO player is a social outcast in my opinion and can't get on with anyone else.

I think this game will flop because it's too much for your average brainless WoW player who Bethesda are trying to lure. You should've dumbed it down for them.

But that's me done...I'll never play an MMO again and after WoW years ago I said I never would and here I am breaking my promise and paying for it by throwing away quite a lot of money for a few days play. Oh well..

I wish everyone else luck.
  • Shimond
    This seems more like a goodbye post than a genuine question. I'll answer it anyway - probably. The "MMO locusts" that rush to cap and get bored and quit (because they completely missed the point of the game) won't last more than a month or two. After that, I'm sure it'll get much better.
  • mutharex
    I use the ignore command, it's even account wide so I automatically ignore all of the alts from that account
  • Bosmerdroid
    Shimond wrote: »
    This seems more like a goodbye post than a genuine question. I'll answer it anyway - probably. The "MMO locusts" that rush to cap and get bored and quit (because they completely missed the point of the game) won't last more than a month or two. After that, I'm sure it'll get much better.

    Yeah I didn't know where to put it. But you're probably right, the locust idiots ravaging everything in their path and being nasty about it..probably them. I'll give it another try in a couple of months..keep my 30 days for then. Pity because they did a fantastic job with the game..I have to admit it's actually worth the sub even though I was against the sub at the start.
  • JD2013
    Look for a guild on Tamriel Foundry. I've been having a ton of banter with my guildies and had random people helping me unexpectedly etc in a tight spot. You can also ignore people. I'm guessing quite a lot of people may drop off after the 30 day first month and that'll help things.
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • lolage
    They ruin zone chat and group up on new players who ask questions. It's really grating and is just a hassle. I've taken to answering the questions and ignoring the trolls, but I wish there were more being done to combat these ***.
  • Bosmerdroid
    lolage wrote: »
    They ruin zone chat and group up on new players who ask questions. It's really grating and is just a hassle. I've taken to answering the questions and ignoring the trolls, but I wish there were more being done to combat these ***.

    Yeah exactly, that's why I just had enough basically. I just logged on to play for an hour or so and asked where the bank was as I never used it before in this place where I was and all I got were snidey and nasty remarks calling me an idiot for not being able to use my map.

    Then I get angry and answer same why they do and I just logged off. Happened yesterday as well. I play these games for enjoyment not to get frustrated or angry so at this point rather play a first-person game.
  • Bosmerdroid
    JD2013 wrote: »
    Look for a guild on Tamriel Foundry. I've been having a ton of banter with my guildies and had random people helping me unexpectedly etc in a tight spot. You can also ignore people. I'm guessing quite a lot of people may drop off after the 30 day first month and that'll help things.

    Thanks I might do that.
  • RubyTigress
    Look, if we want zone chat to be better, we have to do it.

    Report harrassers and abusers, throw scorn at general jerks and offer help to new players.

    And yes, use the ignore button.

    People are the same in any venue where they feel anonymous. Some will be great. Some will be meh, and some will let out their inner sociopath.

    Understand this, know how much you can tolerate, and what you're willing to do to counter it.

    Then, the community WILL get better.

  • drkeys143
    I can only echo Shimond's comment that things should improve in a month or so. Whilst I fully sympathise with your point of view, I really would urge you not to abandon what is a pretty awesomely promising game experience on account of the numb-nuts populating it right now, I too am sure it will clear up with natural wastage. And of course not everyone is in this category, I have had some positive interactions with other players too
  • RubyTigress
    Also, finding a guild with folks you're compatible with is very helpful. There's a forum here, and as noted above, more info on tamrielfoundry.

    I'm really sorry the experience sucks so badly. We cannot just let it lay there, however, if we want the chat experience to be different.
  • Seraseth
    Strange, my experience has been quite different. Asking a question generally gets you accurate responses from more than one person. There have been times of immature behavior on the zone line, but very little hostility or trolling.

    Though I will agree that in the world, there is very little interaction. Did an anchor event earlier today with 5 other people who happened to be there, and not a single word or emote even when the event finished.
  • Lalai
    My best bet for MMO community has been to find a guild on the forums and turn off zone/general chat. Typically during launch of an MMO I'll have zone chat on, but whisper people with answers to their questions. Depends entirely on how bad zone chat is at the time, but yeah, definitely browse forums, or Tamriel Foundry to try and find a community that fits you, as a poster above me suggested.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • JD2013
    JD2013 wrote: »
    Look for a guild on Tamriel Foundry. I've been having a ton of banter with my guildies and had random people helping me unexpectedly etc in a tight spot. You can also ignore people. I'm guessing quite a lot of people may drop off after the 30 day first month and that'll help things.

    Thanks I might do that.

    Very welcome. And if you're on EU servers and are Daggerfall, do feel free to say hello! Whisper me if you want my character name or ID to find me, dude. :smiley:
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • Firestar_
    Joining a guild is the easiest way to gain a better community and turn off zone chat. My GLs have been booting people left and right for being rude towards other players, so it's nice to know that there's a filter happening.

    At the 30 or 60 day mark, it would be okay to turn zone back on and see how it goes. Right now, you just have a game populated with "game hoppers" that just jump from game to game. They get bored easily and move on to the "next best thing".

    When that happens though, you're left with people that are there because they enjoy the game. Mostly. Sadly, I've seen a lot of disrespect on the forums too, so hopefully those players too are just game hoppers and we'll be left with a decent community that likes the game for what it is. :)
    Firestar - Imperial Templar - Ebonheart Pact
    Reasons-For-War - Argonian Dragonknight - Ebonheart Pact
    Pearl Winterstone - Orc Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact
    Jerro - Dunmer Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Metella
    I have to say (I've mainly been in DC, I dunno if certain factions might be more popular with certain types or if I've just been lucky) I haven't seen anything that bad in the zone chat, mostly people asking questions and answering without teasing/insults which I was a bit worried about (I've never played an MMO before but have watched friends do it and everyone seemed to be HORRID).

    That said, I usually have it set to just show guild chat and things said directly to me, I think I got lucky with my guild, I just happened to see the GM promoting in zone chat and liked the sound of it, and everyone seems really nice, I haven't 'met up' with anyone in game or anything, but there's a good flow of chat that's friendly and helpful, people are putting the odd spare thing in the guild bank and not being greedy and just clearing everything out at once (I put in a few food items my crafting character made, and some spare recipes, and picked up an alchemy ingredient which I'm struggling to find many of in the world - really hoping to have better luck with that soon!) I imagine there are lots of similar guilds, and the forums /site mentioned above are probably a more reliable way of finding them!
  • Enteum
    To be honest. I don't think it's that bad. Most people I have met in game has been nice and helpful. Maybe I'm just not paying attention to all this "nasty"...
    Asira Avalis - Mage
  • DLaren
    Those players will be gone in two months when Wildstar comes out. Then, only the real Elder Scrolls fans will inhabit the world.

    Stick it out...it'll be worth the wait.
    Emperors fall, but Nations are forever...For King, and Covenant...
  • JohnD212
    Sadly I agree. The few times I've reached out or even tried to sell something I was called names and swore at. I play lots of MMOs but this is the first where I felt the community was so nasty right out of the gate. I'm hoping when the first 30 days are over and those level junkies that don't read quests...only do RVR and PVP leave...things might be a little better. If not, I won't be staying around for this type of abuse.
  • JD2013
    JohnD212 wrote: »
    Sadly I agree. The few times I've reached out or even tried to sell something I was called names and swore at. I play lots of MMOs but this is the first where I felt the community was so nasty right out of the gate. I'm hoping when the first 30 days are over and those level junkies that don't read quests...only do RVR and PVP leave...things might be a little better. If not, I won't be staying around for this type of abuse.

    May I ask what faction you are in, please? I don't pay great attention to the chat as I'm usually too engrossed in the quests or world but when I have looked at chat I've not noticed nastiness.

    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • Seraseth

    I'm in DC as well, same experience, people are generally helpful and polite. Haven't played my other alts yet so haven't seen the other factions.
  • Gohlar
    Shimond wrote: »
    This seems more like a goodbye post than a genuine question. I'll answer it anyway - probably. The "MMO locusts" that rush to cap and get bored and quit (because they completely missed the point of the game) won't last more than a month or two. After that, I'm sure it'll get much better.

    Completely disagree. I've found that here people like yourself are the source of a lot more toxic behavior. I mean look at your post, it's so presumptuous.

    To the OP, the community is strange. A lot of good people, but a lot like the one I quoted are who very nasty to anyone what doesn't want to play a game exactly like they do. It's kind insane really.
  • ZOS_SandraF
    We understand and respect that sometimes people will leave The Elder Scrolls Online community. Bosmerdroid, we thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we wish you the very best. We're closing this thread now per our Code of Conduct policy on quitting/goodbye threads.
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