I was pretty much done with ESO anyway, as I've moved on to the paltry end-game offering of Summerset, but the latest crown store releases have just sapped any will I had to put a penny more into this game.
Limited time events where you can earn half a set in legitimate play, yet have to buy the matching weapons to complete them? A return to the Midyear Madness with no new rewards for players who already unlocked the laurels and with an entire outfit on sale for 1200 crowns?
The crown store has gone too far. When we have events that have had content blatantly cut from them to pad the crown store in yet another artificially time gated 'sale' then it just shows that ESO is stepping closer and closer to SWTOR's level of microtransaction madness.
Zenimax - your focus on ripping out in-game rewards and shoving them into your crown store has resulted in a game that lacks a reason to be played. The content is brief, the end game content is shallow, repetitive and unrewarding and the game hasn't had an inspired addition to it that even slightly alters gameplay since Dark Brotherhood, and even then all that did was allow you to earn money more easily by murdering NPCs faster for fenced goods.
I paid my sub to play a game that gives me rewards for actually playing the game, actual tangible in-game rewards that aren't daily login crates. I now realize that all I've been paying for is to pay you even more money to purchase what should have been in game rewards all along. GG.