Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

New player First time MMORPG

So Hi! just want to introduce myself to this community, cause according to this video i watched, that is a smart move when starting on a MMORPG, so hi :)

I found this game through a video on Youtube, got the game and made a character. So my name in game is Talos Rain. I started three days ago, im currently level 7 Nord Nightblade plaing for the Ebonheart pact. One part of the reason i made this post is because i want to join a guild, in game with other players to talk( well text with.) Im a bit of a loner IRL and im trying out different ways to let that go a bit. This is one of them.

The second reason is to get som input on how i can become a better player in this game, so to the players out there that love to share, please drop som letters down here. Or something like that, i dont know.
Anyways Hi im Talos, hope i bump into you in game, or through a reply/message here.

See ya
~Do onto others more than you do for yourself~
  • cjhhickman39
    Hello and welcome one thing that's helpful for getting better responses is to leave what platform are you using and what server you're on at the bottom you'll see a thread for guild recruitment it's a good place to look for guilds
  • Aliasukjern
    Hi and thanks!

    Like this?

    Talos Rain Nord Nightblade
    PC EU Server
    ~Do onto others more than you do for yourself~
  • davey1107

    Your post footer works...but you can go into your profile and make it a signature, so that it automatically posts on every message. Do that by clicking on your name/account at the top, then "edit profile" then "signature." You don't have to include anything you don't want to, but your game user ID, server and a list of character(s) is helpful. The characters because you might make a post about using bow, then if we see you're a Templar there might be alternate suggestions or tips or whatever.

    So, to help you with your questions:

    1. Being more social in ESO

    - Join a couple of guilds, like you mention. There is a guild recruitment thread section in these forums. You can post your info and what you're looking for, or you can read up on who's recruiting and ask for an invite. You can belong to up to five guilds. I recommend joining a few, and then when you play turning on the on-screen text chat. This is a good way to see what's going on. Guilds in this game come and go - don't feel obligated to remain in a guild if it isn't what you're looking for, or if members drop off. Drop and join new guilds as time goes on...if you keep three active guilds on your roster, you'll learn a lot and meet a lot of people.
    - Pvp is the most social aspect of the game. You will meet people and learn TONS by running pvp. You need to level a bit, obviously, but don't feel you have to wait to pvp. Even as a level 12 it can be fun. Find a busy campaign, go into it during peak hours and put out a text "total newbie lfg". You'll likely get an invite. Using a mic is more social...most groups voice chat. But if you don't want to use a mic, just let them know by text chat. The first several months I pvp'd I didn't use my mic...I'd listen to the others jabber and follow directions, lol.
    - As you learn the game, don't be afraid to put out zone chats asking for help or advice, or just asking for someone to run with you. There is endless solo content...you won't run out for a loooooong time...but there are plenty of places that are great for groups. If you're feeling social, throw up a text chat "I want to run Craglorn delves, but I'm too low level. Anyone else need them?" Again...playing in a group is easier with voice chat, but not necessary. Just specify in your text you don't have a mic if you don't want to do voice.

    2. Learning to play better

    - ESO is a massive game with dozens of different "games within the game." There's fighting and question, obviously, then pvp, 4-person pve, the crafting game, selling and making money, fishing, exploration, character building, etc, etc, etc. The best way to learn to play is to get out there and be fearless, lol. When you run into a mechanic or aspect of the game that seems interesting, read up about it online. Sites like ESO Academy and Tamriel Foundry cover just about everything, then there are hundreds of fan sites and YouTube channels.
    - Right now as a level 7 your focus should be on learning the basics - equipping your gear, slotting abilities on your bar, how to use them and the basic terminology. Play your starter zone (bleakrock isle)...or all three start zones if you want. Then pick up the main story quest in your main city (Hogrunn in Davon's Watch is near the enchanters shop. He has an eye patch and quest marker. He'll set you off on the pact storyline).
    - Look stuff up. Maybe this goes without saying...but a lot of players never bother to learn how stuff works. If you see weird numbers or stats on your character sheet or gear and wonder what they mean, look them up. There's a loooooooot to learn, but if you take the time to look up or ask about confusing aspects of the game, by April you'll be on here explaining how 1300 increased spell resistance is nowhere near as powerful as 187 magic regen with the Meridia's Wrath set because the nirnhoned trait negates the reverse skeever arcane flow. Except you won't, because that whole sentence was ESO-esque babble, lol.

  • Nestor
    I spam threads with the following for folks new to the game. So, I will do the same for you: (Click the Spoiler Tags)

    First leveling character? Forget about Builds right now. No need, your handicapped anyway by the game so you are way more powerful than you need to be. Instead take advantage of this buff to properly level your character so you can be deadly when it matters later on when you are not buffed by the level scaling. In other words, you can create a rotation that makes you think your all that and a biscuit because of the scaling buffs, then get a rude awakening come Champ Ranks when you are on your own.

    In other words, right now if your wearing any gear, the mobs will die.

    1. Have one class skill on your bar at all times, swapping them out once the skill reaches Morph stage. Worry about your Morphs later.
    2. Have one weapon skill on your bar at all times, again until Morph stage
    3. Wear a mix of all 3 armor types so they all level about equally
    4. From L1 to L20, invest in attack skills and actives
    5. From L20 to L35 start investing in Passives and Support Skills
    6. From L35 to L50 start investing in Morphs (but only if all your class skills are at the Morph Stage), Passives and Crafting Skills
    7 From CP10 to CP160 try out dropped sets to see which ones fit your playstyle, don't worry about traits right now, fill in passives and actives you may have missed
    8. Grind on Dolmens to level your Fighters Guild, or find the Lore Books to level Mages Guild
    9. Do some stealing to level Legerdemain, best source for money in the game
    10. Decon every piece of gear you get that you are not going to use immediately to level equipment crafting, no need to invest skills points until Champ Ranks.

    Combat and Gear
    Combat in this game comes down to Skill Rotations, with Light or Heavy Attacks interspersed. So, it's more like 1,2,3,4,1,2,3 dead. Pick your skill rotations so that one skill will set up or buff another skill. For example, use a skill that Snares, then a skill that gives Damage over Time to an area so the snared mobs spend longer in pain, then use a spam damage skill. This is just one example.

    Once you learn a good rotation, then you can weave in light or heavy attacks between the skills to extend the resource pool you play from. So it's more like 1, LMB, 2, LMB,3, LMB, 4, LMB, 1 Dead. Then once you learn how to weave attacks, then you can start animation canceling to up your DPS.

    So, attacks are not just a spam of the Left Mouse Button, but an application of your skills and weapon attacks.

    You add in Blocking (reduce damage), Bashing (interrupting a caster or heavy attack wind up), Dodge Rolling (double click on a WASD key to avoid damage and get out of red quickly). Throw in some terrain advantage, and your basically a Mobile, Agile and Hostile wrecking machine.

    As for Gear, well, while leveling, gear does not matter as long as you have something. It does not have to be best in slot, or even all that good. Also, we have lots of dropped set pieces so if you spend any time in a zone, you will more than likely pick up a set or two to wear. Each zone has a Magic, a Stamina and a Health or Tank set. Since everything scales, you can use this gear longer than you would think from the levels. It is only once you reach CP160 that you really want to worry about the gear, and by then you will have a good idea of what to use and where to farm for it.

    Until then, the most important thing with gear is to wear a mix of it (light/medium/heavy) so they all level up somewhat equally. Also, have one skill from each of the 3 class skill lines on your bar at all times, and at least one weapon skill. For the 5th, it can be another weapon or attack skill or a support skill or some skill you want to level.

    General Game Advice
    If you need Gold, engage the Legerdemain System and Steal and Fence. There are many areas that are rich in things to steal with few to no NPCs around so the risk is next to 0.

    Gear, with Enchants that help your character is important. Not meaning you need the best set, you just need something. And, don't forget Jewelry, either normal stuff, or something that is part of a set. Just have something in all your slots. Note, while leveling, try to wear a mix of armor weights so they all level up. Food can help, Blue for early levels, Purple for higher ones.

    Have a Class Skill and a Weapon skill on your bar at all times so you can get those leveled. Mix in a 5th skill to level up and use along the way. Once you get a skill to Morph stage, you may want to slot another one and get that to Morph rather than build the previous one all the way up. Save maxing your skills for later.

    World Bosses are not designed to be solo'd. Wait for other players to show up, or send out a Zone chat that such and such World Boss is up, people will show up, as they are farming dropped set items.

    Join a good guild, sometimes you can find one by running with a random player, sometimes from zone chat, sometimes from a thread on the boards here. You can always drop a guild, so don't worry about doing that. There is no black list unless you are a complete tool, and while there is still no list, word will get around if you just dump on everyone all the time. But, try a guild, then leave for whatever reason? No worries there.

    Delve Bosses you can solo, if your gear is decent (not the best, just decent) and you have some skills in your rotation. Its all about skills in the game, sometimes weaved in with Light or Heavy Attacks, sometimes just skill rotations. The rotation you use needs to make sense to you and your build, so it will be different for everyone. However, some skills will buff the next skill you use, or next set of skills you use, so maybe use that first. Some skills are Damage over Time, so apply those early, but don't spam them until you need to apply it again. Some skills are cheap cost damage dealers, so spam those, but not so quickly you use up your resources. Weaving in Light or Heavy Attacks, with or without animation canceling, can help.

    Finally, combat in this game requires you to be Mobile, Agile and Hostile. Move around, attack from advantage. Learn to Block, Dodge Roll, Interrupt (Bash), Stay out of Red etc, and you can soon take very little damage while in combat, at least most of the time.
    Good Luck.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Nestor
    davey1107 wrote: »
    ...............by April you'll be on here explaining how 1300 increased spell resistance is nowhere near as powerful as 187 magic regen with the Meridia's Wrath set because the nirnhoned trait negates the reverse skeever arcane flow. Except you won't, because that whole sentence was ESO-esque babble, lol.


    That's some funny stuff right there.

    Edited by Nestor on January 23, 2017 11:50PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Aliasukjern
    Thank you @davey1107 for your post and tips. This helps more than you think. Being a complete noob to the game i really appreciate this.

    Also thank you @Nestor for the links. :) There is allot of things i will learn from them.

    ~Do onto others more than you do for yourself~
  • Easily_Lost
    The only thing I can add is this one piece of advice: Above all else HAVE FUN.
    Edited by Easily_Lost on January 24, 2017 1:44PM
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
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