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NB Archer noob needs tips - Xb1

TLDR - I suck and want to get better.

Had the game about 3 weeks now, NB Bosmer Archer. I am 110 cp. Pumped all the points into Stam and I use food to keep hp up near 20k. Happy with the build and not wanting to change it, just want to improve the way I play.

I don't think I am playing it to full potential. Often in dungeons I will have level 20 characters kite a boss when I die (that we attack together) until I get back and help burn him unless they did it in the mean time.

What healing skills do people use for this type of character to improve survivability? I am going to craft up a vampires kiss set when I hit 160 which should help, and I have unlocked all the dw, shadow, siphoning and ass skills (hehe), but have yet to utilise them All my skills on the bar are the bow skills. Thinking of using backup weap dw.

I am up to Molag Bal in main quest, haven't started it yet, will prob do today. But in the lead up where I had to defend the ritual sites in harvest heart quest; the one with 3 waves of attackers, my 110 ass was saved (after dying repeatedly, and definitely not throwing my controller, having a temper tantrum, and waving my fist at the screen) by a low level char coming to help. I still managed to die though.

I am starting to block more, rolls are great but they eat my stamina. With more cp, can I be a rolling stamina machine?

Best Answer

  • Delimber
    PC NA here. CP 600+. I'm not the be all end all for any build or skills, just to be clear lol.

    If you can try to go pvp and help take / defend keeps to get yourself vigor. My stam blade gets a 12k heal from it over 5 seconds. (18k ish hp)

    All my Attribute points are in stam and my crafted gear is all stam (Hundings Rage). Running with a monster set also but if you don't want to do any pledges until you're higher level look at 5 piece hundings and 3-4 night mothers (crafted one) if damage is your goal.

    I say the crafted ones as I can't even begin to guess what the best dropped gear is anymore lol

    If you haven't started crafting potions start. Bugloss, Columbine and Mountain Flower is a health, magic and stam tri pot and when you are maxed out on alchemy it regens for 8k health, 7k mag and stam. Wormwood, Dragon thorn and blessed thistle will give a boost to weapon damage and regen 7k stam and increase stam regen 20% for 47 seconds. (might boost critical too, can't remember)

    Swallow soul might be the only heal you have for now along with pots. You might be able to make to Molag Bal with just that. Try different sets to see what you like. But don't worry about having a hard time with that final fight. I don't want to give away too much, but you'll do just fine.

    Unless something has been changed since I1 Tam came out lol
    Solo PvP and PvE most of the time.
    CP 2300+
    Answer ✓
  • estrong20b14_ESO
    I hope you get some good answers. I could use them too.

    My Sorcerer is stuck on the Molag Bal quest. I couldn't do it, but a friend offered to help, so I will do that soon.
    You can search for the quest and get lots of advice.
  • Cavarka
    Kind of looking forward to a challenge. Don't want a nerf. Read everything I could find on the fight. Going to be rolling and blocking and saving Stam by using normal attacks. Putting aside a fair chunk of the day to get it done. Just have to keep my rage in check :)
  • Cavarka
    Delimber wrote: »
    PC NA here. CP 600+. I'm not the be all end all for any build or skills, just to be clear lol.

    If you can try to go pvp and help take / defend keeps to get yourself vigor. My stam blade gets a 12k heal from it over 5 seconds. (18k ish hp)

    All my Attribute points are in stam and my crafted gear is all stam (Hundings Rage). Running with a monster set also but if you don't want to do any pledges until you're higher level look at 5 piece hundings and 3-4 night mothers (crafted one) if damage is your goal.

    I say the crafted ones as I can't even begin to guess what the best dropped gear is anymore lol

    If you haven't started crafting potions start. Bugloss, Columbine and Mountain Flower is a health, magic and stam tri pot and when you are maxed out on alchemy it regens for 8k health, 7k mag and stam. Wormwood, Dragon thorn and blessed thistle will give a boost to weapon damage and regen 7k stam and increase stam regen 20% for 47 seconds. (might boost critical too, can't remember)

    Swallow soul might be the only heal you have for now along with pots. You might be able to make to Molag Bal with just that. Try different sets to see what you like. But don't worry about having a hard time with that final fight. I don't want to give away too much, but you'll do just fine.

    Unless something has been changed since I1 Tam came out lol

    LEGEND. Yup, first run got MB :) Was a good lesson on how to play the build.

    Thanks for all the tips, will be starting pledges over the next week or 2 to start getting keys. Gtons of mats for crafting, so should have it up near 50 soon as well which is good.
    Edited by Cavarka on November 21, 2016 4:08PM
  • Curtdogg47
    Vigor is really important to your build. I actually run a bow/2h build for rally. Rally grants 20% damage bonus and a small heal. However if you cast rally a second time before its time runs out you get a very large heal.

    Also in the CP Tree invest a lot of points into hardy and elemental defender. As they both reduce damage to you.

    I personally feel for me that damage reductions help me more than boosting my physical resistance in the CP trees.

    You are just going to have to play around with things until you find what works for you.

  • mad0ni0n
    Cavarka wrote: »

    LEGEND. Yup, first run got MB :) Was a good lesson on how to play the build.

    Thanks for all the tips, will be starting pledges over the next week or 2 to start getting keys. Gtons of mats for crafting, so should have it up near 50 soon as well which is good.

    You said you were thinking about using dual wield on your second bar, I think that's a really good idea. You can get excellent damage from dw skills. And for healing you should definitely unlock vigor, it's the best stamina heal in the game.

    If you start doing pledges before cp160 save the keys because if you use them before that you'll get monster shoulders that are at your level not cp160 and so they will be useless.
  • Milvan
    First of all, even tho we love archery and how badass it looks, be advised that its not dps viable thing. Bow is shoyuld be your back bar and its complementary to your main dps bar: dual wield. I have no idea how you playing but since you stated "archer" on the op I thought it was important to bring this up. THE REASON WHY BOW ISN"T VIABLE AS PVE DPS MAIN BAR: it lacks a spammable damage ability.

    Concerning the survivability, 20k health is far from enough (most top dps runs with 17k~19k). The key to improve survivability is to mind the battle. DPS usually suffer from the "tunnel vision" they forget about everything else and just mind their rotation. Try to focus on the fight, roll dodge when incoming projectiles are inbound, whenever you grab the agro on something bring it up to the tank, stay on heal and stay away from the red puddles. Vigor helps if you are playing with a squish healer.
    “Kings of the land and the sky we are; proud gryphons.” Stalker stands, the epitome of pride. Naked and muscular, his wings widen and his feet dig in as if he alone holds down the earth and supports the heavens, keeping the two ever separate.”
    Gryphons guild - @Milvan,
  • Cavarka
    I know what you mean about the tunnel vision. I Play the Archer as main because I enjoy it, I am going to take it as far as I can, if I push my stamina out I can get a bit done. I am starting to be able to solo anchors now, so getting better slowly.

    I play in first person, but I am finding for some fights I need to change to 3rd person. 3rd person is so much better for environmental awareness, but I lose so much immersion. I am fighting a permanent change to 3rd person, but I can see it would be useful.
  • mad0ni0n
    Cavarka wrote: »
    I know what you mean about the tunnel vision. I Play the Archer as main because I enjoy it, I am going to take it as far as I can, if I push my stamina out I can get a bit done. I am starting to be able to solo anchors now, so getting better slowly.

    I play in first person, but I am finding for some fights I need to change to 3rd person. 3rd person is so much better for environmental awareness, but I lose so much immersion. I am fighting a permanent change to 3rd person, but I can see it would be useful.

    If you can make bow work then great, for solo play there's no problem but in groups you might have a difficult time.

    Yeah, again first person is fine for the normal solo part of the game but when you do group content like dungeons it's much more important to know what's going on around you at all times. I used to play in first person but I don't anymore, I agree though I think the game looks better/more immersive in first person.
  • Schattenspiel
    Cavarka wrote: »
    I know what you mean about the tunnel vision. I Play the Archer as main because I enjoy it, I am going to take it as far as I can, if I push my stamina out I can get a bit done. I am starting to be able to solo anchors now, so getting better slowly.

    I play in first person, but I am finding for some fights I need to change to 3rd person. 3rd person is so much better for environmental awareness, but I lose so much immersion. I am fighting a permanent change to 3rd person, but I can see it would be useful.

    I agree with you and @mad0ni0n about immersion. The trouble with first person is that we don't have the right sounds, smells, and feel that would help us stay aware of our surroundings, nor does first person include peripheral vision.
  • Cavarka
    Yup, I have made the switch to 3rd person. I will always remember my time in first person fondly. Survivability increased straight away. Still getting used to the aiming, it is a little different, but I am not to far in so it will be fine. Makes quite a large difference.
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