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Optimum PVE setup for stamina builds

I've been doing a lot of PVE recently, and my damage is surprisingly high considering I wouldn't call it an optimised PVE build in any sense. I'm still using impen, and I use swords instead of daggers. My crit is only around 48%.
I've asked around and received quite a few different replies in terms of what would help me pump out even more DPS. Before I start farming or crafting, I'd like to get some more opinions.

Currently I have a few pieces of these sets, which looked pretty interesting



And this is what I'm using right now



I'm reluctant to let go of RM, but if I could get more DPS with other sets then who am I to argue? =D

So what do you guys think of the first two, or would TBS be even better paired with one of them?


Edited by Alucardo on November 5, 2016 1:19PM
  • Milvan
    Hello comrade.

    First of all, what exacly is surprisingly high for you? I know you are not a new players, but just want to know how much dps you are pulling out with this gear set. Your gear is fine btw, I'm pretty sure that you can hit a solid 20k dps with that without much effort.

    I'm currently using TBS, Selene and vipers (armor all divines, dual wield viper daggers all sharpened and maelstorm bow infused). I can easily pull out 30k dps from most of boss fights and even more if the party is keep warhorn up. These sets are very accesible and don't really require much time farming. Free damage from viper and selene is awesome but I have a problem with really long fights because of the lack of sustain.

    I'm a huge TBS fan, but it's a crit based build and to get your full potential you need to have very coordinated group that keeps warhorn up most of the time. I'm aiming to change the viper and selene for VO and Maelstorm dw weapons soon'ish.
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    Gryphons guild - @Milvan,
  • Fudly_budly
    I dunno but I'm playing around with a combo build of Night Mother/ Veiled Heritance and Red Mountain because I very rarely have a group to heal/buff me. I run Shadow mundus. With food I'm normally 28k stamina. Using vigor to heal, I can normally take down dungeon/delve bosses solo. Just saying... there are options... experiment.
    Rule #1: RL trumps gaming.
    Rule #2: True immersion is RL.
    Rule #3: RL lag is wonderful.
    Rule #4: People matter. Pixels do not.
  • Asmael
    5x TBS
    2x Kra'gh
    3x VO or Alkosh
    1x Maelstrom Bow
    2x Maelstrom daggers (or mixed dagger/axe)

    Toothrow is absolute trash, Viper's Sting & Red Mountain are decent when your base DPS isn't that great.

    Alternative options without maelstrom weapons:

    (with VO / Alkosh weapons)
    5x TBS
    2x Kra'gh
    5x VO / Alkosh

    (without VO / Alkosh weapons)
    5x Night Mother Gaze (or Hundings if someone is already running it)
    2x Kra'gh
    5x VO / Alkosh

    Velidreth is a decent AoE option instead of Kra'gh. Leviathan might be an option but I'd still favor TBS.
    • 7 Medium
    • Thief & Shadow Mundus
    • Health / Stam food
    • Sharpened weapons
    • Divines armor
    • Weapon damage glyph
    • Khajiit, Redguard best picks for damage
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