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Best way to get back into the game?

So I played at release, and leveled a DK and Sorc to 50, but quit around the time of that first pve expansion zone with all the trials. Looking at maybe getting back into ESO because I've always loved Cyrodiil and the constant 24/7 persistent pvp zone, as it's the closest thing to DAOC RvR that I've played. I tried just starting back up with my sorc, but honestly I felt completely lost.

Thinking about starting a new NB and learning the game again. My biggest questions before doing that though are:

Will I be so far behind in CP that I'll always be fodder in Cyrodiil? I think right now I have like 23 points to spend in each of the CP trees, so not much.

What is the best way to get geared up for Cyrodiil? I think this is my biggest question mark, as I have no idea what the best way for a solo player to gear up these days would be.

What is the best NB spec these days for leveling/pvp?

  • davey1107
    Welcome back. I'll try to touch on your questions.

    1. Class: my main is a stam nightblade, and I think they're way fun. But they are squishy, and can be tough to master. Don't hesitate to play one, but be aware that you might die a lot in pvp, lol. Right now is a good time to level a character because the witch festival item offers 100% extra XP. Stack this with psijic, and you can level pretty fast. Create a character and go grind a public dungeon with some people for a couple of hours. You can get to fifty in maybe 6 hours of hard play with XP boosts. For NB builds, check out sypher's Nightblades online. This is a great starting point if you're unfamiliar with the NB skills.

    2. You'll be handicapped as a champion 75ish character. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't play whatever content you like. There are "catch up" mechanisms that will help you earn CPs pretty quick. First, it takes less XP the less cps you have, so you'll be earning them pretty fast (especially with the witches festival buff, on your vets). Second, once per day you get "enlightenment." This is basically a huge chunk of XP (about 350k) that is earned at 8x speed. You can stack up to twelve days worth of enlightenment. This helps lower cp players like you catch up. You can see your accounts enlightenment status on the character sheet for any vet.

    3. To "get into shape" for pvp, try some of the new pve content. This will help you practice, level skills and earn some CPs. Try normal maelstrom arena, or play through the public dungeons. Also, group up and play some undaunted dailies - people will be grinding these like mad for a while because of all the new gear.

    4. Gear. Like I said, sypher's builds are a great starting point. If gearing your NB, don't start with ridiculously spendy or hard to get gear. Figure out your play style and niche first. Hundings rage is a craft set that works as a great base set for a stamblade. Guilds are full of players who can make this for you. For a second set, if you're using a bow in pvp then marksman is very cheap to buy in guild stores, and a fun set for stamblades. If not using a bow, vipers sting is great. But fifty stam sets just started dropping at c160...so there are probably a lot of good options.

    5 leveling gear. If you try to get a new character up quickly, have someone make you some junk gear, all training trait. For a stamblade, get five pieces Hundings Rage and four night silence in training. You'll need two sets to get to fifty...one like level 10, then a replacement at level 26-30. You can wear these all the way to fifty.

    Hope that helps. If you have other questions, reply using @ me so I see it, and I'll respond.
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