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Scammers Xb1 NA

If it ok may I post the gamertags of scammers to prevent other from wasting their gold on bites...Contribute if you wish
  • SugaComa
    They don't allow naming and shaming here, which is a shame in its self as it would stop others getting ripped off, I've lost 47k on scammers its time zenimax auto teleported people who spend too long at the shrines into a deep dark dungeon.

    And upped the spawn rate or created a questline to become a vamp/werewolf
  • James2914
    Are you on PC and Ebonheart pact by any chance? I can give you a bite for free if is.
  • James2914
    if so*
  • James2914
    oh nevermind XB1, sorry.
  • ReXu_Recon
    What am I supposed to do about it then? I can't just watch lower levels lose money over and over again. :(
  • James2914
    I guess you'll just have to wait for the right time to get it via NPCs if you don't want to risk getting scammed. Or see if you're able to get the bite before handing over the gold. I'm sure there's a page on the forums dedicated to vampire and werewolf bites, you should have a look around on there and see if anyone can do it for you. Other than that, there isn't much else you can do.
  • ReXu_Recon
    It wasn't for me as I can make my gold back but lower levels have more of hard time doing so...
  • Chaos0720
    I'm currently in contact with their customer support about the whole business and how the moderators on the forum don't care or let us do anything to warn each other about scammers.

    I don't know if customer support as any control over what goes on here, but if you voice your opinion about how bad you think the way the mods handle thing on here sucks, you actually get a human response from customer service. So.. fingers crossed. We'll see what happens.
  • LegionIsAll
    Yeah there not going to change that policy it's like that on every forum I've been on so must be for legal reasons
  • LegionIsAll
    I just report and also get group to report. I called the last one out .he sounded scared and left
  • Aett_Thorn
    Chaos0720 wrote: »
    I'm currently in contact with their customer support about the whole business and how the moderators on the forum don't care or let us do anything to warn each other about scammers.

    I don't know if customer support as any control over what goes on here, but if you voice your opinion about how bad you think the way the mods handle thing on here sucks, you actually get a human response from customer service. So.. fingers crossed. We'll see what happens.

    Here's the thing:

    1) We, as players, have no way of knowing if you actually got scammed or if you are just saying that you did in order to get someone in trouble. There's no way for us to be able to verify your story, and so anybody could come on here and say that YOU scammed them instead.

    2) The forum mods likewise have no ability to verify your story. The best thing that they could possibly do is to forward your concern on to the proper place. But wouldn't it be better to do that in the first place?

    3) You have the ability to report players in game. If you are about to give someone a bunch of gold, make sure to get their name first and write it down, in case they scamper off. This way, you can still report them even if you can't find their name in chat. This is the official way to deal with them.
  • Chaos0720
    Aett_Thorn wrote: »
    Chaos0720 wrote: »
    I'm currently in contact with their customer support about the whole business and how the moderators on the forum don't care or let us do anything to warn each other about scammers.

    I don't know if customer support as any control over what goes on here, but if you voice your opinion about how bad you think the way the mods handle thing on here sucks, you actually get a human response from customer service. So.. fingers crossed. We'll see what happens.

    Here's the thing:

    1) We, as players, have no way of knowing if you actually got scammed or if you are just saying that you did in order to get someone in trouble. There's no way for us to be able to verify your story, and so anybody could come on here and say that YOU scammed them instead.

    2) The forum mods likewise have no ability to verify your story. The best thing that they could possibly do is to forward your concern on to the proper place. But wouldn't it be better to do that in the first place?

    3) You have the ability to report players in game. If you are about to give someone a bunch of gold, make sure to get their name first and write it down, in case they scamper off. This way, you can still report them even if you can't find their name in chat. This is the official way to deal with them.

    Here's the thing MR. 5 stars.

    1) I don't care if you believe me or anyone else that gets scammed. The way I see it, is we should be allowed to have a list... just a list, no trash talking, of people that have scammed us. This would allow other forum users to be more cautious, and if they decide to go forward then that's the risk they take.

    2) I don't care if the forum mods can't verify my story. If they cared about this kind of *** happening, they would take more precautions to avoid it. But no. They save face by saying "we don't allow selling on the forums" even though many people have complained about others charging and scamming.

    3) I'm well aware of what I have the ability to do. I didn't ask what I could do. Simply stating what nobody seems to care about. As far as the "official way to deal". You are nothing but another player. You're not a mod. You're not a customer support rep, so you have no authority to tell anyone the "official way to deal" with anything.

    If you're gonna hop on just to kiss ass, then be prepared for those of us who want something to be done about it.

    An entire thread got deleted because "evidence" of the lack of care from the mods about these incidents was given in that thread. I find that very pathetic. Like I said... I'm communicating with customer service because I let them know how much I think the customer support around here sucks.

    We have two options: Just mozy on and let things go, bending over for every "authority" figure in life. Or we can fight for the change we want to see. Authority is being abused on here because even things that aren't breaking the code of conduct are being removed because they don't want people to know about the lackluster assistance some of us have received.

    I choose to fight for what I believe in and you don't need to come on here defending thier actions. Trust me, they defend each other just fine when they delete and edit things they don't want people seeing.
  • Chaos0720
    Yeah there not going to change that policy it's like that on every forum I've been on so must be for legal reasons

    It's not the policy I have a problem with. It's that every post that I have seen about someone warning about a scammer, there has been not trash talking or talking down on said person. Now yes I'm sure they will argue that calling someone a scammer is shaming, but if you call a duck a duck, is there really an issue? No. They remove these comments because they aren't "constructive". Well I'm pretty sure that warning other players about people that have screwed them over is constructive.

    If Sally got screwed over by Carpet Depot because they charged her installation fees after she signed a contract for free installation and she decided to tell people, would you not want to know about? How is this any different?

    The people that are scamming shamed themselves, so the people trying to help each other out are not being rude. I'm just tired of the runarounds we get and "evidence" of scammers and mods not caring being edited or deleted.

    Granted, nothing may arise from my contact of customer support, but like I said in my other comment. I choose to fight for what I believe in. Nothing would ever change if nobody stood up against authority to get changes made.
  • mbaker540
    The best way to avoid being scammed is to not trade someone gold without getting an item in the same trade. If you're trust trading someone for a bite, service, or good and not getting the item up front it is your own fault.

    I know this is ESO, but Jagex the makers of Runescape have a great guide to not getting scammed and I think it works in every game.

    Moral of the story is that you're getting scammed because you are making an unwise trade.

    Answer this:

    Would you give the sketchy dude in front of the gas station $100 and tell him to come right back in an hour?
    Xbox One ~ Aldmeri Dominion
  • mbaker540
    I think I know what's going on here.

    Naming and shaming is banned on every other games forums. The fact that you think I'm victim shaming you and that you compared it to a girl being *** disturbs me greatly. They are two completely different things. I am asking you to make wiser choices.

    If you think you are the first person to be scammed you're wrong. If you think this is the first game that has had people scamming people you are wrong.

    My advice to anyone who has been scammed is to accept your loss of an in game currency that has zero affect on your real life, and report the person if possible. If you are on consoles you can also report the player to Microsoft and Sony.

    I am a vampire on NA XB1 and I stand at the alter sometimes reminding people that trust trading is dangerous and I call out the scammers. I give bites for free.

    Even though I do this people still make the choice to trust a stranger.

    Moral of the story is that your a victim of making an unwise choice and you want to come on a forum and complain about how you lost 47000 gold which you can make back I a few days. Instead of learning from your mistakes you want to be combative and blame everyone else for your problems.

    If I were to take your approach it's your fault that I'm a disabled veteran and its your fault I got a deployed. Why didn't you do anything about OIF or OEF?

    Grow up and play the game. Also, don't trust trade strangers.

    That is all.
    Edited by mbaker540 on July 6, 2015 4:31PM
    Xbox One ~ Aldmeri Dominion
  • Chaos0720
    mbaker540 wrote: »
    I think I know what's going on here.

    Naming and shaming is banned on every other games forums. The fact that you think I'm victim shaming you and that you compared it to a girl being *** disturbs me greatly. They are two completely different things. I am asking you to make wiser choices.

    If you think you are the first person to be scammed you're wrong. If you think this is the first game that has had people scamming people you are wrong.

    My advice to anyone who has been scammed is to accept your loss of an in game currency that has zero affect on your real life, and report the person if possible. If you are on consoles you can also report the player to Microsoft and Sony.

    I am a vampire on NA XB1 and I stand at the alter sometimes reminding people that trust trading is dangerous and I call out the scammers. I give bites for free.

    Even though I do this people still make the choice to trust a stranger.

    Moral of the story is that your a victim of making an unwise choice and you want to come on a forum and complain about how you lost 47000 gold which you can make back I a few days. Instead of learning from your mistakes you want to be combative and blame everyone else for your problems.

    If I were to take your approach it's your fault that I'm a disabled veteran and its your fault I got a deployed. Why didn't you do anything about OIF or OEF?

    Grow up and play the game. Also, don't trust trade strangers.

    That is all.

    Here we go... I'm a disabled vet so listen to everything I say... give me a break.

    Oh and your whole bit of that it's not allowed every where else... while that may be true.. every where the moderators actually do something about those who are scamming on the forums... whereas on here... those people just get protected.

    But no... *** like you will get praised by the mods because you agree that it's not their problem and *** like me will get silenced because we stood up for what we believe in.

    Tell me something... why don't you grow up and stop posting *** that is irrelevant to the topic and not helpful in any way?

    Oh and by your logic, it's not my fault your a disabled veteran. By your logic it's your own fault. Nobody forced you to sign up for the arms forces. You did that all on your own.

    Sounds fair to say right?

    No. It doesn't and that's my point. You signed up knowing the risks of what could happened, but you wanted to do it anyways. That doesn't make it your fault that some *** ended up hurting you. It's that person's fault. But no, by your logic it's your fault. You knew the risk and still chose to continue. Use your brain a little because all you did was prove my point.
    Edited by Chaos0720 on July 6, 2015 4:57PM
  • LegionIsAll
    Same way in all forums of the game for any type of game period. They are not gonna take the chance of a kid scamming some people and someone says they do on the forums . That kid receives enough hate mail to end his troubled life and they are popped with a lawsuit. Crappy world that we have to worry about that yes but you can't blame the companies that try to avoid it for that . Enough people reports them an poof no more scammer. Report, tell all friends report and tell game chat to report him
  • Chaos0720
    Same way in all forums of the game for any type of game period. They are not gonna take the chance of a kid scamming some people and someone says they do on the forums . That kid receives enough hate mail to end his troubled life and they are popped with a lawsuit. Crappy world that we have to worry about that yes but you can't blame the companies that try to avoid it for that . Enough people reports them an poof no more scammer. Report, tell all friends report and tell game chat to report him

    You said it perfectly. Crappy world we live in. Criminals get protected. Victims get blames. And our freedom of speech ends in anyplace that somebody shows ownership by way of payment.

    And I guess to answer my question, what I need to do is kill myself and have my family sue zenimax because people and the mods on here hurt my feelings? ... I wish I could be that sad, but I can't. If I kill myself it won't be over a bunch of anonymous irrelevant people on the internet.

    Sad though, that the only way my opinion would matter is if I killed myself... smh
    Edited by Chaos0720 on July 6, 2015 4:59PM
  • LegionIsAll
    What I'm saying is if you name and shame a kid then he kills himself because of the ridicule then zenimax can be held liable for allowing it to happen. CYA cover your ass. That's what they are doing. Lowering their chances of getting sued . People are getting banned pretty quickly from being reported . If that system is working then no reason to be able to say it on forums .
  • Chaos0720
    What I'm saying is if you name and shame a kid then he kills himself because of the ridicule then zenimax can be held liable for allowing it to happen. CYA cover your ass. That's what they are doing. Lowering their chances of getting sued . People are getting banned pretty quickly from being reported . If that system is working then no reason to be able to say it on forums .

    "IF" is the key word. I normally could give two cares less. The only reason why I've been so opinionated on the forums is because I've seen the same guy post multiple times within a week that he had a bite ready and then people posted that he scammed them (luckily I refused to pay 25k for a bite so I didn't get scammed by him)... but the post gets edited and he was back to do it again.

    The other problem I have is the forum threads for the bites are supposed to be free bites... the moderators have stated this an edited posts millions of times... so people are posting that they have free bites in the forum, then demanding payment in game. And the mods answer to that is "welp they can change their mind in game and theres nothing we can do". You can't tell me that isn't bull ***. These people that are "changing their mind in game" had no desire to ever give away the bite for free as they had posted.
  • mbaker540
    Chaos0720 wrote: »
    Same way in all forums of the game for any type of game period. They are not gonna take the chance of a kid scamming some people and someone says they do on the forums . That kid receives enough hate mail to end his troubled life and they are popped with a lawsuit. Crappy world that we have to worry about that yes but you can't blame the companies that try to avoid it for that . Enough people reports them an poof no more scammer. Report, tell all friends report and tell game chat to report him

    You said it perfectly. Crappy world we live in. Criminals get protected. Victims get blames. And our freedom of speech ends in anyplace that somebody shows ownership by way of payment.

    And I guess to answer my question, what I need to do is kill myself and have my family sue zenimax because people and the mods on here hurt my feelings? ... I wish I could be that sad, but I can't. If I kill myself it won't be over a bunch of anonymous irrelevant people on the internet.

    Sad though, that the only way my opinion would matter is if I killed myself... smh

    That is not the point I've been trying to make. Also, I'm just trying to point out that you are blaming everyone else for your problem. I am not a fan of Zeni because I think there is a lot they can fix and they are not. Like I said and I'll repeat myself.

    Don't trust trade with people you don't know. Yeah you got scammed and yes it is crappy. I don't disagree with you, but instead of crying on the forums go play the game. Wipe the tears off of your face and learn from your mistakes. I'm done in this thread for now because it is full of young kids who don't want to learn and need someone to hold their hands. I'll post a guide later on how to not get scammed and post a link in here for you.

    Edited by mbaker540 on July 6, 2015 5:21PM
    Xbox One ~ Aldmeri Dominion
  • Chaos0720
    mbaker540 wrote: »
    Chaos0720 wrote: »
    Same way in all forums of the game for any type of game period. They are not gonna take the chance of a kid scamming some people and someone says they do on the forums . That kid receives enough hate mail to end his troubled life and they are popped with a lawsuit. Crappy world that we have to worry about that yes but you can't blame the companies that try to avoid it for that . Enough people reports them an poof no more scammer. Report, tell all friends report and tell game chat to report him

    You said it perfectly. Crappy world we live in. Criminals get protected. Victims get blames. And our freedom of speech ends in anyplace that somebody shows ownership by way of payment.

    And I guess to answer my question, what I need to do is kill myself and have my family sue zenimax because people and the mods on here hurt my feelings? ... I wish I could be that sad, but I can't. If I kill myself it won't be over a bunch of anonymous irrelevant people on the internet.

    Sad though, that the only way my opinion would matter is if I killed myself... smh

    That is not the point I've been trying to make. Also, I'm just trying to point out that you are blaming everyone else for your problem. I am not a fan of Zeni because I think there is a lot they can fix and they are not. Like I said and I'll repeat myself.

    Don't trust trade with people you don't know. Yeah you got scammed and yes it is crappy. I don't disagree with you, but instead of crying on the forums go play the game. Wipe the tears off of your face and learn from your mistakes. I'm done in this thread for now because it is full of young kids who don't want to learn and need someone to hold their hands. I'll post a guide later on how to not get scammed and post a link in here for you.

    And you still make your assumptions. A) I did get scammed, but I'm working with customer support and they are resolving it. B) I don't need a guide. I have the werewolf and a few friends that promised me a vamp bite when they get it leveled.

    "...instead of crying on the forums go play the game." I could use that argument to EVERY SINGLE THREAD on here. Why have the forums? It's 20% helpful *** and 80% people "crying" about they're problems. You're continued arragance and being a *** doesn't help. If you truly are a disabled vet then I feel bad for anyone that knows you... "young kids who don't want to learn and need someone to hold their hand". Why do you continue to act like such a POS? Honestly. First off I'm 23. Second off, being upset and voicing my opinion is not "needing someone to hold my hand". I don't know if you're aware, but... and albeit limited in the forums... where I'm from, I have a right to free speech and that includes the right to voice my opinion about something I disagree with. Other than counterarguing ignorant jerks like you, nowhere in the forums have I been disruptive when voicing my opinion. I've not once singled out any single player or moderator. I know the rules and I follow them. And unless something changes, I'm allowed to post whatever I want, just as anyone else, as long as I'm following the rules.
    Edited by Chaos0720 on July 6, 2015 5:31PM
  • mbaker540
    Xbox One ~ Aldmeri Dominion
  • BalekFekete
    *plops down a "Don't feed the trolls" sign and walks out*

    "Beer is proof that God love us and wants us to be happy." -- Benjamin Franklin
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hi, all. We are going to go ahead and close this thread. In order to maintain a safe environment on the forums, we do not allow naming and shaming, nor do we allow posts designed to encourage others to name and shame. That said, if you'd like to report a player, we welcome you to do so in game so that the appropriate team can investigate.
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