Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Looking for werewolf bite

Will pay 10k but you must bite me first PSN: ImDaNoob_
  • KllerMonkey132
    My clan gives it out for free by just join us. Here's the clan leaders psn BliTzed_Panda just tell em monkey sent u.
  • Bostonpancake420
    The admins will say this
    Based on all the requests we've seen posted by folks looking for vampire/werewolf bites, we've created individual threads for players on each console server to coordinate these bites. Our hope is that this will make it easier for those interested in acquiring and/or spreading vampirism and lycanthropy to do just that. Please use the thread for your console and server to post what you're looking for or find willing victims. :)

    But you should check this website out it might help:
    Complete Werewolves Guide
  • Bostonpancake420
    Also you should mention which servers you are on just in case you find someone willing
  • ZOS_MaryB
    Closed and redirecting to: Please post bite request in the appropriate megathreads for bites.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Moderation Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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