First and foremost, what's up Dames and Bros! Big fan of Elder Scrolls in general and playing ESO on the XB1 has not disappointed (thank gawd)! Been playing as much as possible since XB1 release, and I'm loving my lvl 24 High Elf/Templar. I've obviously been trying to make my Templar the best in the Dominion, and the topic of whether I would be a Werewolf/Vampire came up. As i looked into the skills, factored in the pros and cons, I decided Vampire was the way to go! So I looked up how to turn, the moon transitions, the locations to get bitten, everything I needed in all of 15 minutes.
That was at 5pm EST yesterday.
By 6:30pm, I was infected with Vampirism.
Now on to the topic:
Every forum, board, site I go on to look up information on how to be better in the game i find this:
"Need bite, will pay"
"Selling bites for X amount"
"Please help, need bite ASAP"
Even in game, while I was waiting at the spawn there were the same difficulties that everyone talked about:
"OMG, they're killing the mobs"
"Did it spawn here, or at the other location"
"I don't want to wait, I've been waiting for y amount of hours"
And I'm here to tell you this:
Trust me I wasn't "Lucky", the mobs that spawned were still killed by those guild people trying to capitalize on selling bites, and I still had to then figure out and complete the quest (lvl 39ish) myself.
But you know what? I APPLIED MYSELF. I did the research, and I PLAYED THE GAME! Why waste your gold (or even irl cash which i heard offers for ) on something you can earn literally just like i did? Funny enough the Vamp skill line actually levels ridiculously slow if gained early because its meant to be a lvl 40+ skill line (WW can level super fast in comparison but the skills don't fit my build).
Then on the opposite end, you have the scumbags that ported their characters over with a bunch of guildmates basically taking the fun out of the feature in a game by trying to take advantage of newcomers. What a freakin welcoming community. Instead of helping, instead of guiding (unless apart of the guild of choice), the first option is to take what you can get from everyone. And these people are the "Veteran players" don't make me laugh. I'd rather you guys have stayed on PC if this is all you are good for and let those who decide to apply themselves then assist the other players who do need some help.
But to both of you groups, whether your on the side begging or the side trying to take advantage need to get your sh*t together.
To those looking to apply themselves, create some bonds, play this awesome game, hit me up on XB1, send an invite and lets play or even if you want to ask some questions I'll help out as much as I can. I might not be a "Veteran player" but I promise I'm better than those baskets of douchery trying to take your gold.
My GT is s0ulBrandon (number zero in s0ul)