Vampire or Warewolf!!

I'll pay 2000gold for a bite!!
PSN: Dark_Akatsukii
  • elcubanlion
    ebonheart ps4 will pay 4k for a vampire bite
    psn elcubanlion
  • Dark_Akatsukki
    Bruhh I became warewolf ^0^ Hmu ... 2k gold for a bite
    Edited by Dark_Akatsukki on June 13, 2015 4:15PM
  • ZOS_UlyssesW
    Greetings everyone.
    We are closing this thread because we do not allow trading or buy/sell threads on our forums.

    That said, there is currently an active thread here where players are giving out free bites. We encourage you to head to that thread if you want help becoming a Vampire or a Werewolf. Thank you for your understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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