Fallout online

Is it going to happen?

The only reason I am posting this is because elder scrolls is the only reason fallout is my second greatest title.

What does the rest of my fellow ESO community have to say on the concept of a Fallout online?

Personally it would make my gaming life complete as ESO is as awesome as I could have hoped for (It so nearly could have been another WOW clone).
  • Syntse
    I'm fine with just ESO. Fallout Online would prolly even more break the immersion of lone wanderer in the wastelands as for many immersion has been broken already in ESO.

    Fallout should remain single player IMO.
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  • jeevin
    Fallout is all about the isolation and survival of the fittest in a dangerous, inhospitable environment. Unless they can limit player interactions, I don't think I want Fallout as an mmo. Plus ZOS has it's work cut out fixing ESO ;)
  • Gyudan
    If there is a Fallout Online I'll sub right away and leave ESO.
  • Loneshard
    Yes Please! I would really love!
  • Syntse
    You could try out Nether
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  • PBpsy
    Let's hope not.
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  • Audigy
    bedlom wrote: »
    Is it going to happen?

    The only reason I am posting this is because elder scrolls is the only reason fallout is my second greatest title.

    What does the rest of my fellow ESO community have to say on the concept of a Fallout online?

    Personally it would make my gaming life complete as ESO is as awesome as I could have hoped for (It so nearly could have been another WOW clone).

    I don't think it could work with todays MMO communities. Look at ESO, everything challenging was patched out, zero sandbox elements, not even a "realistic needs & deeds" that demands that you eat, that Vampires cant walk in the Sunlight ...
    Just look at the forum right now, a thread where people demand that Vampires don't look like Vampires anymore, its so depressing with todays players.

    I assume a Fallout Online would be just like every other MMO, not a realistic one however and therefore a waste in my opinion.

    Personally I wish a company would dare to design an MMO which is realistic, where your Char has to eat, where fire burns, too much sunlight makes you dizzy, your clothes can get wet and you a cold, where you have to repair your gear yourself, can break your legs ...

    Fallout and ES can work online, they are perfectly capable of playing in a huge open world but they will never be as realistic as the single player games as MMO players are spoiled and want it as easy as possible while not worrying at all about food, diseases, repairs or even death of your char.
  • Jitterbug
    Yeah if only MMOs didn't have to (or maybe even could) make these vast amounts of money. MMOs cash in millions of dollars, and of course this makes the various parents companies ask their devs to appeal to the widest possible audience. I don't think we'll see an extremely popular franchise, such as Fallout, made into an MMO with the same level of "difficult" gameplay. It would most likely be converted as the Elder Scrolls was converted into ESO. Things has to be easier, more flexible, more accessible.
    I one would like a "harcore" survival MMO (I for one would love to try that out), I think our best bet is one of the more indie-type titles.
    The sheer amount of marketing for ESO alone was staggering. I saw several bus-adds in my one-horse town in a small country in Northern Europe. With a franchise that popular we have to accept the pros and cons of appealing to such a wide audience.
  • nerevarine1138
    They did toy with the idea, and I think it got as far as an early alpha build. But they scrapped it before it could go farther. Presumably, they had good reasons to do so (Elder Scrolls being a better choice for an MMO, mechanics issues, etc.).
  • Nazon_Katts
    Well, ZOS was formed to produce online games. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a drawing board with FO on it already. Though I suspect that it's changing and going to change quite a bit from it's initial conception, as they probably have learned, that the old themepark MMO formula isn't as potent as it used to be.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Ra1ne
    Not sure how much your all aware of, but it 'was' being developed, by interplay..ensue legal issues, as Bethesda then held the current fallout license.

    Interplay's rights to developing and publishing this game have been the subject of a legal dispute between Bethesda Softworks, the current owner of the Fallout franchise, and Interplay. An out-of-court settlement was reached in January 2012, in which Bethesda received full rights to the Fallout online game for two million dollars

    So I'd hazard a guess that it will come at some point, but wouldn't expect it anytime soon.

    Also, IBTL, as the topic isn't ESO related.
  • nerevarine1138
    Ra1ne wrote: »
    Not sure how much your all aware of, but it 'was' being developed, by interplay..ensue legal issues, as Bethesda then held the current fallout license.

    Interplay's rights to developing and publishing this game have been the subject of a legal dispute between Bethesda Softworks, the current owner of the Fallout franchise, and Interplay. An out-of-court settlement was reached in January 2012, in which Bethesda received full rights to the Fallout online game for two million dollars

    So I'd hazard a guess that it will come at some point, but wouldn't expect it anytime soon.

    Also, IBTL, as the topic isn't ESO related.

    Oh, that's totally right. I was fuzzy on the details of why it got cancelled, but that jogged my memory about the legal battle.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Interplay started making a fallout online which is what started that whole court thing. It has now been canned. Bethesda is already doing an MMO and I doubt they will do another for a long long long time.
  • Gedalya
    In B4 thread closed: off-topic.
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  • Chuggernaut
    I just want FO4 already!
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  • ZOS_UlyssesW
    Hello folks! While this is definitely an interesting discussion, it is not related to ESO, and as such we are closing this thread. We ask that all discussions on the forums have a clear topic related to ESO. Thank you for understanding.
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