Buff DW/2H/1h+Shield light attacks

Soul Shriven
Like the title says,
over the duration of a 3min fight staff attacks do an average of 220 dps and 2h does 130 dps. 1handed weapons even less.
I dont understand why melee hits should be less effective than ranged attacks. You have higher risks and have to move more and on top of that deal less damage.
Please do something about it. If you fix that meleeDPS could be more competetive.

Kind regards
  • Richard.A.Ferrellub17_ESO
    I agree. There is inconsistency among the calculations for light/heavy attack damage for ranged vs melee attacks. I will run some tests.
  • Artis
    One of the ways to buff stamina builds, by the way, might be to just make weapon attacks scale even stronger.

    Now it's ridiculous. There's no skills to spam in 2h skill line, for example. So, I use Rally, charge, cleave and then just left click... (last 2 slots is Volcanic Rune and execute, which is useless until an enemy hp reached 25% of max).
    So, if weapon damage was higher, that would be 1. more logical. 2. probably buffed stamina builds a bit.
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