[The Ebonheart Pact] | NA | 300+ Members | Website + TS | SEEKING ALLIANCE WABBAJACK


We are [The Ebonheart Pact], located on the North American server and campaining in Wabbajack. We focus on PvE, Trading and Crafting, but mostly PvP. We are more of a "home guild" with many users being active in teamspeak just to chat during the time they spend in the game, we also use this to coordinate our events.

We are currently accepting guild applications, website registration and teamspeak access are recommended, but not required. Expect a comfortable environment.

Obviously we fight for the Pact, we do scheduled PvP and with 300+ members this usually goes well.

What we're looking for is another guild on NA Wabbajack that we can co-ordinate guild runs with each other. This mutual agreement will benefit both guilds and provide a lot more opportunities for our members.

Send me a message, comment, or contact me in-game @Vorpedagel.

- Vorp
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