Should Deconstruction be tied to skill level?

I am trying to leave this as unbiased as possible, so I just left it as unbiased as possible.

My reasoning behind this is that I made an alt specifically to level my crafting and only level him to get the skill points I need to plug into crafting. Overall, it works well, just getting skyshards and the occasional level from exploring.

This works out really well, except for deconning equipment OTHER PEOPLE make. I get...nothing from them. 20 staves and 0 wood and maybe the crating material used to create them (i.e. bone, flint, corundum...). My skills are inline with being able to decon these..after all, I can CREATE them, so why is deconning tied to my character level and not my SKILL level?

I vote YES! Because its not like I am gaining skill points when I rank up in crafting, so why should I get items on return for deconning equipment that I can USE?
Edited by casselna_ESO on April 30, 2014 1:22PM

Should Deconstruction be tied to skill level? 36 votes

Opioidcasselna_ESOVeshalHalkeJade_Knightblazerb14_ESOMithoronBerylflemmingrohdb16_ESOTarwinAbeilleMephaneWoogawomanHangtoothJanzixNox_AeternaKanarPicoliniCats525CellessRodario 20 votes
danzy_ESOdaniel_ESO16Malediktuspulversoppajeisenhauerub17_ESOTetujinAlexDoughertyErilAqSadisticSaviorseanolangraveyard88 11 votes
Other (please explain)
JadakinCepezaDetolinIthugShimizu 5 votes
  • Shimizu
    Other (please explain)
    I'm not really clear on what the poll is asking. I also deconstruct on alts and haven't noticed this phenomenon, but I haven't really been paying a great deal of attention (throw loot in bank, crusherAlt crushes, xp goes up). Are you saying that your alt, because they can't wear the equipment they can craft, is getting some sort of penalty on deconstructing equipment they can craft, but it was in fact crafted by other people? If that's the case then I agree it doesn't seem right, but I think a clearer explanation may be needed w/ examples & levels.
  • casselna_ESO
    I refer ONLY to items I get on decon. EXP is not affected in anyway. If I decon something level 34, I get almost 2k decon exp.

    This only affected player made and traded gear. If I am having a decon party with player XXX, I make several level 24 bows, and so does he (and let's assume we are both level 16), if we decon each other's things, all we seem to reap in are the style components and no actual material what-so-ever.
  • Opioid
    I feel that it's too easy to level certain crafting skills through deconstruction alone. Ideally, I think the ability to deconstruct should be tied to the material level you have invested points into. i.e. if you only have the initial point for Metalworking I, you are limited to deconstructing iron and equivalent level items; with Metalworking IV you would be able to deconstruct everything up to and including Dwarven Iron and equivalent level items, etc.

    It will give people a reason to actually invest points into crafting skills to be able to deconstruct higher level items instead of just getting free levels.
    Edited by Opioid on April 30, 2014 3:01PM
  • Abeille
    I thought it was a good plan to send everything my four characters could find to my Orsimer so she could deconstruct it all (she is my gear crafter), but her crafting levels quickly surpassed her own level (and she is my second highest leveled character), and now I have this problem too.
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • danzy_ESO
    It's annoying that the leveling leans so much on deconstruction. One should get better experience constructing as well rather than the minuscule exp points we get for it now.
  • casselna_ESO
    danzy_ESO wrote: »
    It's annoying that the leveling leans so much on deconstruction. One should get better experience constructing as well rather than the minuscule exp points we get for it now.

    Instead of no, I think this should go under other...but very well. This isn't in reference to EXP, but in the items reaped from decon from player made items.

  • Cepeza
    Other (please explain)
    I voted other.

    I'm not sure I got it right here, but "deconstruction"... wait since your issue is with lack of mats from deconstruct stuff made by other people... so that, should be tied to the quality and level of a specific item to deconstruct. Like you can't just pull a diamond outta pile of puh, even if you are a crafting genius.
  • Catches_the_Sun
    I'm not sure what this poll is asking either. Anybody can deconstruct anything, but the items you receive from that deconstruction is dependent on your passive points in extraction. I have 3/3 metal extraction and receive a great amount of materials from deconstruction. For example, let's say I deconstruct a green VR1 Barbaric chest piece with the divines trait on it. In deconstruction, most of the time I will get back some calcinium ingots for the tier, a honing stone for the quality , a copper piece for the style, and a sapphire for the trait. I don't get all of them every time, but do get good components more often than not. If you don't have points in extraction, you won't get near as much back. This is how it is supposed to work, and it works well
    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • Shimizu
    Other (please explain)
    I've voted other because I am still not really convinced that the terminology is well defined here.

    I agree that deconstructing equipment should be tied to the character's skill level and the relative level of the piece of equipment in question, and that the character level should be completely irrelevant.

    Level 10 blacksmith decons level 10 item = get stuff
    Level 20 blacksmith decons level 20 item = get stuff
    Level 10 blacksmith decons level 20 item = ?
    Level 20 blacksmith decons level 10 item = ?

    In that I'm not really convinced if there should be a reduction in materials received if you're too much higher than the item (you get an xp penalty for being higher) or if a materials received penalty for being lower (ie, you're not as skilled at doing this so you mess it up or somesuch.).

    However at the end of the day we are talking about deconstruction, which is essentially "breaking stuff." No matter how inept you are, smashing 20 wooden staffs to bits should yield at least a FEW pieces of usable wood, no?
  • AlexDougherty
    No, the problem is that for certain crafting skills, deconstruction is the only way to advance it anywhere like fast enough. If it is tied to our level in that craft then we are in real trouble when we can't deconstruct enough to level up enough to create the gear we need.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Passion rules reason
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
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    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • casselna_ESO
    I cannot edit the original post, but it does not apply to EXP gained from decon, only on the items you decon from other players.

    If you are level 16 and decon something level 24 (made by another player) you get nothing in return. Several players who voted no said that they think its crap you don't get items back based on skill level?

    I shouldn't have to be level 50 to be able to get stuff back from level 50 items, but my SKILL should be able to make level 50 stuff in order to decon it and extract items.

    That is my point
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I agree , makes sense that a good blacksmith can get more materials out of an armor , than an amazing warrior , even if the blacksmith cant fight.

    That is the point of the skill lines really , indicate what you are good doing.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Kanar
    People really need to read the posts and understand the issue before voting or commenting.

    This deconstruction issue is really annoying, because if you have a low character level crafter deconstructing a high level item, he gets no materials from it. This is ridiculous because his crafting level could be 50 and he wouldn't get anything. On the other hand, if your level 50 non crafter with 1st level crafting deconstructs the item then he gets materials. Basically if you have a crafting only char who does not get character levels, then you will never get materials from deconstruction (only traits, styles and tempers).

    Just more idiotic design decisions of the devs that I doubt will ever get fixed.
  • ErilAq
    I voted no, since you are still gaining the exp points for it, but not gaining mats. If you weren't gaining experience levels for it, then I'd say it was an issue. Since Swapping player made gear doesn't really have any negatives other than being unable to receive mats (and to be honest, mats are easy to find in the world) it's fine as is. Now if you were level 34 or something, I would definitely consider it a problem.

    for clarity sake: if you're too low to gather the resources yourself, you shouldn't recieve them, but exp gain from it is fine.
    Edited by ErilAq on April 30, 2014 6:32PM
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
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