Is there any point to Axes/Maces?

Ive been using the sword since Ive started the game and never really decided to use a 1 handed axe or mace. I want to know if there is really any difference between an axe, mace and a sword other than attack speed. There seems to be no difference in damage between them at all.
  • Opioid
    There are passive skills in the 2H and dual wield trees that provide different benefits to each weapon type.

    Heavy Weapons in the 2H tree: axe applies an additional bleed, mace ignores some armor, sword does more damage.

    Twin Blade and Blunt in the Dual Wield tree: Basically same as the 2H bonuses, but also additional crit chance with daggers.
  • SexyVette07
    Short answer, no. Axes and maces are inferior to swords and daggers.
  • temjiu
    Short answer, no. Axes and maces are inferior to swords and daggers.

    You may need to explain that, and perhaps provide some math to back it up.

    I like maces...they have a nice chunky sound when they hit.

  • Phranq
    My Axe is my buddy.........
  • Quaesivi
    Not sure about 1H-Shield combination, however Axes are useful for Dual Wielders as they have a 50% chance of causing bleeding effects, which I use for my 2nd bar. Full AoE bar with Whirlwind, if bleeding procs as well (which it does quite frequently), making those public group dungeons a piece of cake, but other than that, no, Swords are indeed better.
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    reason why axes are are not good, is becuse the dot will be reapplied, it should be some sort of dot that has chance on hit becuse i guess right now, its a dot that gets reaplied 24/7 and my question is, in most mmo: reapply system got fixed in wow for this, becuse if they coded it wrong the damage gets reseted and you lose some damage everytime you reapply the dot, and how long is the duration?

    and how long is the dot and how does it scale with the weapon/stats?

    becuse if it would last long i could see it be good to have in one specc axes and main dps stance swords, where axe to bleed dot for 30 sec and then go back to swords and re apply it every 30 sec.

    However ths also creates a min/max dilemma whereby eveyrone will play the same for the dps.

    ive said before that tree:s need to be more active skills, id like to see some active skills in dualwield and 2handers, maybe in even 1hand and shield.

    That allows active skills to use only with specific weapons in the mainhand instead of the passive.

    could be to much to ask for thou.
  • Phranq
    I don't see why swords are better tho... without the passives sword, axe, and mace seem pretty much identical... or are you saying that the passive makes swords better ?
  • ZiRM
    I use an axe with my shield simply because I haven't found a higher stat one handed weapon that beats it. Sword, axe, mace it doesn't matter to me. There are different effects that come with them.
    I used to be a 2 handed sword guy but after trying shield skills I never looked back. I just took down Molag Bal with my axe and shield. 2 handed swords do look cool on the back but they look like they are stepping up to bat when holding them.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • ZoM_Head
    In dual Wielding you can cause bleed and ignore armour.

    My character is running around with a Mace in one hand and an axe in the other. Bleed and ignore armour.

    Problem is, not everything has armour and not everything bleed. Have the best of both worlds this way :)
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • KerinKor
    temjiu wrote: »
    Short answer, no. Axes and maces are inferior to swords and daggers.

    You may need to explain that, and perhaps provide some math to back it up.
    Nah, @Opioid explained it .. sword give bigger damage numbers and clearly SexyVette07 thinks the BIG NUMBERZ are all that matters. ;)

    BTW SexyVette07, why did you pick an SW:TOR NPC for your forum name? Very odd.

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