Has the possibility of "instancing" solo dungeons been discussed ?
As a primarily solo player, I've found that there is literally not one solo dungeon at any given time during gameplay that doesn't have a swarm of players ( uncertain how many are bots ) standing on top of the spawn point for said dungeon boss.
Although I understand some folks are in there to grab the phat loots, and some may legitimately be trying to complete the dungeon.... for the most part, I've been unable to even see the boss spawn much less tackle him in the 3 seconds he's standing before being wiped out by the above mentioned "swarm" of players.
Suffice it to say that getting the "achievement" for completing the area hasn't been a problem as long as I get one cast in before he dies, but getting any loot has been nearly impossible. I'm guessing there is a damage threshold you must surpass to be included on the loot drop.
Not a game / deal breaking situation, nor am I complaining, however, instancing these to the individual player would allow the "little guy" a chance too.
Thank you.
Semper Fi,