Of course they will not remove your characters or account... they want you to resubscribe. Deleting all your stuff pretty much makes many people not want to resubscribe. Anything they can do to try to get you back... its not like it takes that much storage space to worry about your characters.
Say someone runs into financial dire straits, and may decide to forego monthly payment for a period - or just want to take a break. Will accounts be "mothballed", or will one have to register again from scratch?
Make sure you dowloaded the right server.Say someone runs into financial dire straits, and may decide to forego monthly payment for a period - or just want to take a break. Will accounts be "mothballed", or will one have to register again from scratch?
i am an old player, few months after game launch i complete all dungeons then get bored, deactivate my acc.
yesterday i want to activate my account. i complete my new subscription download game and logged in game.
my account name and password was same.
but i cant see my characters.
that was a bad feeling. i create a ticket. hope i can get my character, bank, guild bank, inventory back.
I've played FFXI since April 2005 and several times have simply stopped paying then months/years later picked my characters up again simply by starting paying.some games use to do that deactivate accounts if you didnt stay active IE Final Fantasy 11 (thats 11 not 14) .... NO games now adays because its not a good business practice
normally it must stay up to 2-3 years
On what are you basing these apparent assertions of fact?They cant delete your characters if you take a more than a year off.