[Ebonheart][NA] Riders of Bal Fell recruiting all friendly players

Greetings everyone,

My name is Sivarik and it will be my pleasure to meet you.

Riders of Bal Fell is a new guild created specifically for ESO - North American megaserver. We are searching for people looking for a home, not just a guild tag. We intend to be active in all facets of the game.

PvE: We enjoy ridding the fields of beasts, delving deep into caverns and discovering hidden treasure (then again who doesn't). We have people from all over so finding someone to play with shouldn't be a problem.

PvP: We are an Ebonheart Pact guild currently fighting the alliance war on the Skull Crusher campaign. We have a mumble server for PvP and difficult PvE content, but will never require you to speak if you are averse to it.

The Riders will be a friendly place for you to hang your hat. If previous games are any indication we will also be quite competitive.
All (18+ as ESO is rated M) are welcome who are friendly, passionate and willing to fall in battle in support of the Pact.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, we welcome you with open arms and a large bottle of your preferred drink.
If you are interested in the guild, head on over to our forums at http://www.balfell.com. Or just look up Sivarik in game. You don't have to interview with us or fill out an application.

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