Hey hey
I am a collector of rare (mainly furnishing) items and have some questions about some of these. There are several very rare items i am trying to obtain and im not sure of the drop location. Tried to reach out to the Support Team but they insisted they cant give any information or forward my request to the developers since they will not respond to tickets...
So hopefully any of the developers may comment on my post here or probably someone does know something about those items:
Vvardenfell rare plants:
I already received some of those rare plants and as far as i know, they can drop from clothing/alchemy nodes on Vvardenfell aswell as from shroom beetles (havent got one from over 1500 beetles so far). Is that true? Also, is there some kind of "checklist", so if i got a plant once, youll not get that one again till you found them all? Or do the chances to find one you already got get reduced? Because ive found both the Lava and Swamp Pitcher Cluster aswell as both Shoots so far but havent gotten anything doubled. Also are there any other drop locations?
Then there is that mythic mushroom, the "Mushroom, Polyp Stinkhorn". This one seems to drop from the Vvardenfell plants too but im not sure, can anyone confirm that aswell? Probably any hints on the drop chances?
Alinor Table Runners (Coiled, Verdant, Cloth of Silver):
Next, there are these 3 Alinor Table Runners which should drop from pickpocketing clothier artisans on Sommerset accoriding to a collectors edition book i got some screenshots provided. Is this the only drop location of those or do they also drop from other artisans? Until a few days ago i believed they would not drop at all since none of these have been found (or atleast sold/listed on TTC) in the past 5.5y since the Sommerset DLC came out, but then one was sold so they must do drop. Is that also true? Can anyone give some information about the drop rates of those hella rare table runners too?
Refined Paintings (e.q. Painting of Tree, Refined):
I've read these paintings can very rarely be obtained from masters treasure chests or lockboxes on Sommerset but i doubt thats the correct drop location, is it? On Eso Fashion they are also stated as "looted". But im not sure if they even drop at all, the internet has very low information on those. Any comment to those would be much appreciated.
Velothi Panels (Vulcano, Geysir, Waterfall):
I've read some information, that these 3 Velothi panels would generally drop from ressource nodes but that isn't true too with a very high chance? I believe they are crown-store only furnishings right?
Collected Wanted Poster:
I've only found a single drop location of that item and it says the poster would drop from pickpocketing guards. Is this true? I know the item exists in the game files since Update 13 Homestead but i've never seen it ingame. Wasn't that one released?
Beside those very few last missing rare drop items i collected them all so i really gotta know if and where those are obtainable

Also then i found out, there are some furnishing plans which got removed from the game for whatever reason. Two examples are the "Redguard Lamp, Oil" and the "Shelf, Poison". I'm not sure if those plants were even available for the players to be crafted at a point or not. Were they in the game in the very early days of its launch? If yes, can those items still be crafted by the players which may have learned those and do the crafted items may still be in the game?
If you've made it till here you're almost done!

Just one last question:
I know that there are some items from furnished houses which came with it unbound (e.q. Alinor Pergola, Purple Wisteria in the Alinor Crest Townhouse) in the early days after the Homestead Update. Was that intended or was it a bug?
I'm really hopeing anyone (especially looking at you devs) can answer me those questions and bring some light into the dark. I would not really like to spend hours and hours of my lifetime trying to farm for an item which in fact does not even drop.
Thank you very much in advance and cheers
-Elder, Furnishing Collector by heart
Rare Item Collector by heart
Painting Gallery, containing every single painting, U44 (Doomchar Plateau): /script JumpToSpecificHouse('
Clockwork Planetarium (Coldharbour Surreal Estate): /script JumpToSpecificHouse('
@ElderOfTamriel', 47)
Magetower with Library (Amayalake Lodge): /script JumpToSpecificHouse('
@ElderOfTamriel', 43)