One thing that really bugs TF out of me is the placement of these bars. I'm not talking in relation to where they are overall on the screen but the fact that they are spaced out huge to the point that the chat box has to be altered to be much higher (or thinner) than where I have it in order to not have the magicka bar snip into it. I would love to have the 3 bars (magicka, HP, stam) closer together with much less space between them. Bottom of the screen where they currently are is completely fine by me. I just want them closer together. The only way I've been able to achieve that with my own discovery is scaling the UI but as expected, EVERYTHING gets scaled when I do that. My map, chat box, skill bar, compass....everything gets scaled.
So is there a way to alter the magicka/stam/HP bars on the PC with any kind of mod or ingame settings? The picture is what I'm talking about
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on September 10, 2023 3:34AM