Mounts idea

What about if i'm using an Indrik mount, I dont get attacked by wild Indriks
Same could apply to Bears, Canines, Feline mounts etc.

  • TaSheen
    Hmm. I'd think the wild ones would be more prompted to attack because you're "enslaving" one of their kind.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • AcadianPaladin
    Hmm, my elf has never found wild horses to be much of a problem while riding her precious mare. . . well, there was that frisky stallion they encountered once. . . .
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Sleep
    that's interesting
  • vsrs_au
    That just gave me an idea! :)

    When you use a mount of a given species, you unlock a skill line (let's just put in in a new section of the Skills window titled "Beasts"), which allows you to, among other things, tame beasts of the same species, which then gives you a small daily "harvest" of some kind from that beast.

    I know: it will never happen, but I can dream, can't I ?
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Bears are solitary and territorial. They should come after you more aggressively for trespassing.
  • Wow
    Mounts idea?

    More camels
    I'm a Godot Engine and GameMaker enthusiast from the most populated island on earth, Java, Indonesia. Coffee is my staple fuel, and durian is my favourite fruit. I'm currently building a Visual Novel.
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