Just some food for thought for all the awesome modders out there. I have no idea if either of these would be possible, but...
Bow Power Indicator:
Basically a little slider that shows how much force you'll be shooting an arrow with, for the bow's L-Click attack.
It may just be that I'm not good at it, but I feel like the existing methods of gauging this are not consistent - those methods being 1) watching the bowstring get pulled back, 2) listening for the sound of the string stretching 3) simply holding the key down for a certain amount of time.
The largest culprit appears to be other actions delaying the string pull - if I use an ability and then hold L-Click to draw an arrow, the draw doesn't start until the animation for the previous ability is completely done. On the other hand, I've had several times where the animation for the pull starts up; but then when that indicates that the arrow is ready to be fired at full force, I release it and it hits with minimal impact, as though L-click was only tapped, and not held.
So, a little bar that says YOUR BOW PULL IS HERE - something like this:
WWWWW80 / 100
0% l- - - - - - - - O - -l 100%
...without regard to where the animation is at or anything - but where the game actually thinks the bow is pulled to - would be fantastic!
This would probably be useful for the L-Click attack on other weapons as well, but so far Bow is the only one I've used that actually won't attack until you release the click; swords and staves and such will charge to 100% and immediately fire, then immediately charge AGAIN to 100% and fire, and they'll continue doing that until you release the button. Bows just charge to 100%... and stay at 100%... until you release; then they fire.
Remove Camera Offset
Currently when we zoom out, the camera drifts out to the right, placing our character on the left side of the screen. Call me old-school, but I'd really like if it just stayed centered... I find the offset disorienting.
I've had a few times already where I park my toon next to a doorway or something in a decently populated area; then get distracted by something IRL and turn my head for a sec, in which time someone else parked their character exactly in the bottom center of my screen; then I return my attention to the game and don't realize that the toon in the center of the screen isn't mine, and I press W to run forward, then wonder why *my* character isn't moving, and why *that other guy* just ran into the wall next to the doorframe like an idiot... and then "Oh." /facepalm
So, anyway a mod to fix that would be really awesome!!
I hope these are doable! I know the restrictions on what can and cannot be modified are far more tight in ESO than in previous ES games, but you modders ROCK, so thank you for your hard work either way! ^_^
- Hal