Oh my days, I've tried arenas on fleshed out characters before, but never gotten past the 3rd stage. I'm an elderly player with the reactions of a snail. Today my new shiny, one-bar StamHealer gave it a go at level 36 and ran through the whole thing with only a handful of deaths! Wooo! Happy!
But, questions!
I got a skill point at the end. I've read a couple of guides, none mentioned getting skill points for arenas. Is that a thing? A first completion skill point?
Also, I finished this on normal mode about level 36, and received none of the fancy weapons. A little miffed, the arena took me hours to finish. Do you only have a chance of one dropping, or did I miss a collection/lootable body? If there's only a chance of one dropping, what are the odds or % chance of a weapon dropping? That's a proper duh-duh moment if I walked past a corpse after all that fighting, haha.