Can't see NPCs

Soul Shriven
I don't know if someone else has the same issues but I have some problem loading the NPCs or players around me. I have lowered the requierements to almost low and nothing seems to help. I didn't have such issues while I was testing the BETA. Please, someone give some advice.
  • ZOS_LenaicR
    Hi @instinctdotarwb17_ESO,

    We would like to invite you to try a /reloadui InGame by typing it in your chat commands.
    If the problem still occurs, please, close the game and try to repair your client.

    Feel free to come back if you need more help.
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    Staff Post
  • InstinctDota
    Soul Shriven
    Just now I have repaired the client and have changed some requirements in-game and it seems to work.
  • corsairseporthis_ESO
    I have this exact problem. I'll repair my game, but we'll see if it happens again.
  • Kyrionnola
    Reload UI does fix it, for about 2 minutes. It's gotten so bad I can't even see monsters that are attacking me. Unplayable in this state and nothing seems to help.
  • Dodas
    happened to me again today. As you said /reloadui and relogin fix it for only 2 minutes
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