Greetings my name is Alaya or
@AlayaEterna1320 my main build is an Argonian MagPlar named Tsiumaya roughly CP900, began playing late 2017 just when the Mirkmire DLC was released, some of my FAAAVE content. Eye say eye instead of I so just needed to clear that, its a spiritual/metaphysical thing, many get all riled up when they see me type, it is intentional.
Eye come to you all today to speak on the potential changes to the combat system in ESO, specifically the so called weaving nerf and the can of worms that is this topic, which will include my feels on the intended DOT time duration increase DPS decrease fundamental as well. So here goes, way back when eye got into this game to play with someone who was in L.A. ( am in Vancouver Canada ) as a way to stay connected long range, eye chose ESO because eye was obsessed with Skyrim and had replayed and modded and replayed many times before this and would eventually do it again, Elder Scrolls rocks and is more of a way of life to a gamer like myself then just some game to play through. The lore and mythology and the entirety of the worlds depth, is an unfathomable perfection and has so many parallels to differing forms of spirituality and culture throughout real life and other conceptual mythologies. Thus it has garnered more then just an occult following and the 10 plus years of Skyrim alone modded and remodded for infinite playthrough variants has proved this without the help of ESO. Enter ESO a game worthy of its own standing unparalleled to other MMO's in its quality and persona and presence in the minds of people world wide, something avid gamers just cant put down and quite happily so, it has earned its legend and its obsessions.
But the mythos of ESO today is not in question, for that rarely if ever gets changed , for there is another aspect of a game which makes it feel like a part of you after years and years of playing your body mind memory response triggers get entrained to the mechanics of a thing making it feel so deeply at home in ones cells after a time. But before eye go on about what you know eym here to go on about let me bring you some context to why eye am going on about it. When eye started ESO eye was full on noob class, a life time gamer yes but a noob to ESO. So eye just let it all be what it was learned at my own pace no need to make anything more then what it was, Tamriel is such a big and active place to get lost in, so there was no need to. Eventually eye reached level 50 and realized about my gear deleveling and the need to reach CP 160 and the minutia surrounding that and that's when things began to garner context as to what really shapes you in a game like ESO. You see unlike a single player game the entire world doesn't revolve around you, story wise yes were all the single chosen one to do all the things but were all that really and so ultimately not that special or unique at all, in fact all kind of boringly the same.
The statistical mechanics reflect this by making it that any change you make has a balance leash applied to it to make it so players cant really be better then other players so its more or less fair, so where does one gain a uniqueness in game from if everyone is running around pretty much at the same power level from level 1 to level 50, because of how gear delevels as you grow. 1 answer is fashion but fashion only makes you stand out not actually be better then anyone else in the game whatsoever, so the thing that really makes you stand out in game is ones appliable skill, muscle memory, training, developmental intuition and so one, like playing Mario, can you or cant you make the jump or not, that is what separates good players from bad players and that is necessary to define SKILL and the value we place upon it. In a game like this where the mechanics are finite and the status are made to have leashes upon them there is very little room to really be better then another player. So for those of us who this matters to, who are not satisfied with the casual gaming aesthetic of playing whenever and deffinatly not getting all of the months log in rewards, seek a little bit more deffinition.
if your life outside of game matters more then life in game then simply accept that your experience in game will reflect that, that there will be vastly better players who love being in this world all the time and they practice day and night to get better at the available minutia to create a skill and power gap so they can stand out from the casual or noob gamer who isn't a life gamer or a person who just loves ESO so much they have to become the best. Those people who may do some free to play for a bit or maybe will do some ESO plus just for a bit until they get bored and move on only sinking feeeew shillings into the overall experience, in difference to the devoted ESO gamer who has purchased all the expansions when they came out for the free bonus pets and cosmetics just to say they did after they caught the live stream on the Bethesda website, months before the content comes out and will happily play ESO plus every month even if they take a break from game for a few moons just because the crowns will keep on stacking. So after al this foreplay it's time for me to just out and say it.
WEAVING when eye began this game it was far from my care about it zone, when my character was beginning my cp160 plus climb it was on my radar but eye denied its existence as a [snip] aspect of the game, kind of hated on it actually. Was fine just linkin skills up into cool combos and started standing out in dungeon content as a DPS when eye could to what some others couldn't, it was innocently happy times thinking eye was great and standing out. Then eye entered a guild and began to see how players who took the time actually really stood out from other players by paying such deeeep attention to the timing of such a simple act as the light attack. Up to this point eye still though it was stupid and from CP 160 to roughly CP 500 it was stupid and unnecessary to me and thought about it in all kinds of dismissive ways and this sustained for about 3.5 ish years of my ESO life span, from 2017 to mid 2021. Then one day it happened eye had picked up ESO again from a small break to begin playing with my possy of friends , the one from L.A. and my partner here whom eye live with for x mas of 2021 and made a new character to get into some of the Skyrim content of ESO and decide eye was simply ready to form new play patterns and it began.
WEAVING, at first it was awkward as fuuuuck and seemed like it had no place in my life, my body was rejecting it, but eye knew if eye just let go my bodies old training eye would be able to embrace this as a smooth part of me. After playing this long and knowing that eyd put in prolly another 5 years of this rpg majesty, it was time to make this a simple as blinking, by just attempting it during all of my pve content playing and finding harmony with it during that time. Now mid 2022 eye can't imagine playing this game without it. Myself and my partner take soloing very seriously and push ourselves to do the hardest ass content alone or just with each other and without the extra boost of weaving this simply would not be possible in any was shape or form. Mario skills, dodging AEOS and detailing mechanics only goes so far until you hit DPS cap mechanics where u need to deal so much damage in so much time and as a solo player or just a duo in vet dungeon content without weaving this would simply not be possible and that content would be locked away from us unless we played with many players, which isn't our style, we have our reasons, its just who we are. This combines with the proposed DOT changes will severely decrease the DPS output per second and this bodes very badly for us being able to play the game in the way we love so much and to be able to take down those hard ass bosses with huge DPS caps.
Eye get inclusion and the need for it, myself and my partner are Transgender , by no means are we the epic alpha male gamer types who seems to occupy the idea of the folks who know how to weave on the milla second and solo the vet content of the game, no we are delicate , aware and gender sensitive and truly understand the narrative of being able to have access and to be included with out having to fit the preconceived status quo, of the reality that was created before we got in the picture and finding our space for needs within it. So eye take to heart the value of attempting to create that access and availability to all players. This only gives rise to how much eye value the work that eye have put in to master the skills and mechanic of the game in its current state to grant a form of access only to the best and most devoted and while eye seek for their to be inclusion and equality in the accessibility of game content for all players, there NEEEEEDS to be a power gap that defines the truly devoted players who will go the distance in bring them selves through metta builds and epic levels of training. It's us who put the most cash into this game because we love it, 5 years and 5 years coming, by catering to the idea of casual and noob players wont increase profits it will alienate the devotees and those who love this game over any other and is saying to them that all of their hard work means nothing at all. That hard work is all we have to define ourselves by and if you change the weaving and dot mechanics this will disintegrate so much of what makes this game amazing to us currently and all that muscle memory training. Please zos don't do it, by all of our prayers to the divines don't do it, please stop these changes in their tracks and just leave ESO exactly where it is in this state.
A final thought, a reason weaving just makes sense, once u know a basic rotation, without weaving, you just rotate from front to back bar casting the relevant skills accounting for cooldown and then heavy attacking when your low on resources and repeat, theirs really no relevant use for the light attack at all in the game whatsoever besides to weave it in, it would be almost pointless to light attack when you can use a skill or heavy attack resources back into your pools, so if you take out weaving u pretty much take out the need for light attacking at all and will ultimately unstabilize one of the most basic functions of the game and its relevance, please just leave things as they are please, eye have never felt the need to post something on any game ever in my entire life but for some reason this is worth everything to me, please don't do it, just leave things as they are.
Argonian MagPlar
Blseeing and be well
[edited for profanity bypass]